Sil 1.0.1

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  • Psi
    Originally posted by half
    Yes, it is nowhere near as bad as aggravation in Angband, and I like the fact that it can be tactically useful. An effective -10 to stealth against unwary monsters (which is most of the non-alert monsters) is still a pretty big deal though.
    Ha! I love this... what I hadn't bargained on was Silent Watchers. They go absolutely bonkers with my aggravation. I'd never "set one off" on previous characters, but I've been knocked out by one this time around. Thankfully nothing was around to take advantage. Does stunning resistance protect against this by the way?

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  • Jungle_Boy
    Originally posted by Jungle_Boy
    I'll test it a little further but i'm pretty certain it happened on both my computers.
    I've tested polearm mastery with several characters now and while they all receive the +1 to attack the only way I can get free attacks on incoming monsters is to use shift-z, z and 5 do not give free attacks.

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  • half
    Originally posted by Psi
    Hmmm... that doesn't sound bad (and could actually help in some circumstances). With an "Elbereth"-smith build that is two free points of smithing on an artifact...
    Yes, it is nowhere near as bad as aggravation in Angband, and I like the fact that it can be tactically useful. An effective -10 to stealth against unwary monsters (which is most of the non-alert monsters) is still a pretty big deal though.

    We costed the difficulty reductions for curses of various sorts as quite small compared to an intuitive costing because the player can pick and choose them to only use the ones that don't hurt much. One thing that wasn't really taken into account was the fact that many of them don't stack, so you can make all of your artefacts grant danger or all of them grant wrath. I think that in the future these negative effects might be made cumulative in some manner. For now though, give it a try!

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  • Jungle_Boy
    Originally posted by half
    That is odd, it certainly works for Scatha and I. Indeed I can't see how this could happen.
    I'll test it a little further but i'm pretty certain it happened on both my computers.

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  • Psi
    Originally posted by half
    It gives unwary monsters a +10 bonus to notice you (but no bonus to sleeping ones), and makes intelligent monsters aggressive when they would normally be confident. This has two effects at the moment (I think!): enemies don't wait at the ends of corridors for you and spies don't hang back on the edge of sight.
    Hmmm... that doesn't sound bad (and could actually help in some circumstances). With an "Elbereth"-smith build that is two free points of smithing on an artifact...

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  • half
    Originally posted by Psi
    I've been meaning to ask - what does "enraging enemies" mean in Sil? Does it just wake them up or do they get any other bonuses?
    It gives unwary monsters a +10 bonus to notice you (but no bonus to sleeping ones), and makes intelligent monsters aggressive when they would normally be confident. This has two effects at the moment (I think!): enemies don't wait at the ends of corridors for you and spies don't hang back on the edge of sight.

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  • Psi
    I've been meaning to ask - what does "enraging enemies" mean in Sil? Does it just wake them up or do they get any other bonuses?

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  • half
    Originally posted by Jungle_Boy
    Polearm mastery seems to work when I press shift-z but not when pressing z or 5 as indicated in the manual.
    That is odd, it certainly works for Scatha and I. Indeed I can't see how this could happen.

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  • half
    Oh, and obviously the work around until 1.0.2 is to make the window at least one line taller...

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  • half
    Originally posted by Scatha
    Aha -- I get this behaviour when the main window is at its minimum vertical size, but not when it's big enough for even more line at the bottom.
    Thanks, I can trigger it myself too using the above method with minimum height windows (24 lines). If anyone has the problem with larger windows, do post here, otherwise I'll try to fix it for this case.

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  • Jungle_Boy
    Polearm mastery seems to work when I press shift-z but not when pressing z or 5 as indicated in the manual.

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  • Scatha
    Originally posted by Jungle_Boy
    I just created a brand new character, ate his lemmas on the first turn to get gorged, hit shift-z and gorged disappeared. Ctr-r makes it reappear. Shift-z makes it disappear again. I've done this in both windows 7 and XP.
    Aha -- I get this behaviour when the main window is at its minimum vertical size, but not when it's big enough for even more line at the bottom.

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  • Jungle_Boy
    Originally posted by half
    I tried and can't get this to happen by resting...
    I just created a brand new character, ate his lemmas on the first turn to get gorged, hit shift-z and gorged disappeared. Ctr-r makes it reappear. Shift-z makes it disappear again. I've done this in both windows 7 and XP.

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  • half
    Originally posted by Psi
    ...and game just crashed. At least I'd saved since Arunruth - doesn't Sil autosave on new level. Am I missing an option somewhere?
    Sil autosaves when you use a staircase (before the new level is generated). Perhaps it should do so more often than that?

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  • half
    Originally posted by Jungle_Boy
    Resting does seem to make it happen.
    I tried and can't get this to happen by resting...

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