Sil 1.0.1
There is an option "Protect this dump from being overwritten in the future"Leave a comment:
Does anyone know why Scatha's two characters of the same name (Felagund) overwrote each other on the ladder, but will_asher's (Flounder) didn't? What is the rule for when it overwrites? I note that all four characters were of the same Race/House.Leave a comment:
Done! (Appended it to Race actually, or should I use it in place of Class?)Leave a comment:
Done! (Appended it to Race actually, or should I use it in place of Class?)Leave a comment:
Thanks, great to have it sorted by this number. Two further requests, if they're not too tricky to implement:
- Although the 'score' is used to sort the ladder, could the column be made invisible? (I know you said you did this for 'level'.) It's just a function of some other public information, and its prominence suggests more meaning than it has.
- You may have missed this buried in half's post: "If you can print the House of the character after the Race, just as you would print the Class in other variants, that would be great."Leave a comment:
Okay great! The Ladder is now sorted by this number. I decided against hand-fixing 1.0.0 dumps, they are just few and will be soon forgotten anyway as everyone jumps to 1.0.1Leave a comment:
Yes. If the <more> prompts were regularly distributed, it wouldn't be a problem, but sometimes there are none, sometimes two, usually one. While I never died due to it, I did have quite a few missteps.
Since there is a messages subwindow, any particular messages that may have been overlooked in the topbar are still accessible.Leave a comment:
It feels like an Ironman Angband, with a First Age Theme. Of all variants, I think Sil is the most fun of all time. The game may look easy at first glance, but it has a very steep learning curve that hits hard and fast. Its difficulty is at another level. It reinforces strategic thinking when approaching certain monsters at a certain level, especially after having lost many characters, from being overconfident. Also, adding a screenshot section for the death char dump is a nice addition.
My two cents,
HugoTheGreat2011Leave a comment:
I just tried Sil and I like it a lot. It feels dangerous....Leave a comment:
I'd like to have it - I've already lost at least 3 characters to button mashing, when I wasn't expecting a (more) to pop up.Leave a comment:
I'd forgotten about this. It is much less of a problem in Sil, as players and monsters only get one attack per round each in most cases (monsters with two attacks do one of them 2/3 of the time and the other one 1/3 of the time). Is it still a big problem? I'd like to help my players, but I'm resistant to adding too many options, so could all people who want this speak now and I'll see if it is worth it.Leave a comment:
Oh, hey, thanks, rebooting did fix it! I guess the game or Windows or something was trying to use a cached version of the font (I'd been using it in Sil 1.0.0) but since the file had been deleted and replaced somehow it got stuck in limbo?Leave a comment:
On Windows, both 16x25 fonts work for me -- but I did have a problem with some previous version updates where some fonts stopped working. Restarting my computer seemed to fix the problem, which didn't recur. Does this work for you?Leave a comment:
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