Sil 1.0.1
Is it possible to wield a bastard sword, spear, trident, etc... deliberately with one hand and the left hand empty? Been considering a critical-seeking build and wondered if subtlety would work with those. -
I am/was definitely getting a bonus from focussed attacks even with a single turn of '5' before a blow.Leave a comment:
Has anyone else even been able to duplicate this issue?Leave a comment:
Admittedly, alpha/beta-testing Sil, I've been around people who are very knowledgeable about the game, and have been able to ask questions and receive hints and tips, but the shorter game-time of Sil makes it much more approachable for me, as I don't have vast quantities of time to spend.Leave a comment:
Regarding diggers, all characters can have a Mattock by 100 ft if they want one. They are difficulty 3 to forge, so even a human with zero grace can get one for 1,100 experience at that point. For a Feanorian it is 0 experience, but you may choose to use the free ability and free forge uses on other things -- that is their choice. A mattock of normal weight only requires strength 2 to use, and you can make lighter ones too.Leave a comment:
Certainly luck helps (like finding a _Revelations when you are forge hunting), but Sil seems balanced enough that you don't need to be lucky.Leave a comment:
I don't think that's true. True would be you have to have luck to get exactly what you want. This is more about making the best of the cards you are dealt.Leave a comment:
Digging +0 (most weapons) => can't dig through anything
Digging +1 (shovels) => rubble
Digging +2 (mattocks) => rubble & quartz
Digging +3 (enchanted mattocks) => rubble, quartz, granite & secret doors
If you are not strong enough to wield your digging item, you get a -1 penalty to your Digging score.
All digging is deterministic (no chance) and takes a single turn. Rubble gets turned into floor, secret doors get turned into broken doors, everything else gets turned into rubble.
I think this is a much more intuitive system than V, with no characters hacking down granite walls with daggers etc. It occurs faster than is realistic, but that is true for many things in the game (e.g. resting, studying from spellbooks in V, smithing etc).Leave a comment:
Digging +1 (shovels) => rubble
Digging +2 (mattocks) => rubble & quartz
Digging +3 (enchanted mattocks) => rubble, quartz, granite & secret doors
If you are not strong enough to wield your digging item, you get a -1 penalty to your Digging score.
All digging is deterministic (no chance) and takes a single turn. Rubble gets turned into floor, secret doors get turned into broken doors, everything else gets turned into rubble.
I think this is a much more intuitive system than V, with no characters hacking down granite walls with daggers etc. It occurs faster than is realistic, but that is true for many things in the game (e.g. resting, studying from spellbooks in V, smithing etc).Leave a comment:
I had one character who could dig through granite - that might have been with my +4 mattock though and a whole stack of strength. Other characters have failed to break through secret doors with a mattock!Leave a comment:
Apparently you need a digging tool, otherwise digging is 100% futile.Leave a comment:
How does digging work? It seems like none of my characters could dig into walls.Leave a comment:
Firstly, great game... Really the best I've played in a long time, of this genre - very well done, the feel/setting, the tactics - all great
I've probably just learned the normal "newbie tricks" such as Evasion I find to be the most powerful in the game - pump early. Then a bit more Melee so you can hit more, then Song of Slaying, and by that stage you probably need some Will tricks.
I'm sure there are alternate ways to play though, but for now, I'll perservere, oh... and I do really hate any creature of darkness (releases spores - mushroom patch? and shadow bat).
Thanks for the fun and challenging game.Leave a comment:
Interestingly only one of the playtesters (other than me) had played Angband before and in that case only for an hour or so. This was actually very useful for me when it came to breaking some of the Angband taboos. So I think it is entirely possible to start with Sil, and presumably despite being harder in some sense, it would take less time for most people to reach their first winner.Leave a comment:
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