Minor nightlies bugs

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  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    Minor nightlies bugs

    As noted in this thread, but I thought I should call them out specifically here:

    1) If your weapon causes earthquakes, and pushes away the enemy you're hitting, then your next blow will hit and kill "it".

    2) Summoning spells (specifically in my observation, summon-hounds from a mystic, summon-angels from Azriel, summon-greater-undead from Morgoth) can turn up nothing. Not always, though; mystics summoned animals with no problem, quylthulgs continued to be a threat, and Sauron summoned the Witch-King with a ringwraith call.

    3) If a randart armor has a to-hit malus, then it is a valid target for scrolls of Repair Item, but nothing happens when the scroll is read (or rather, presumably the item is re-set to its original state, which included the penalty). I wouldn't be surprised if this were also true for weapons with penalties to-hit or to-dam, which could potentially cause Repair Item to undo a lot of enchanting work.

    Also some non-bug peeves:

    1) Satisfy Hunger is ridiculously hard for rogues to cast. Makes zero sense.

    2) The player gets no save against monsters teleporting him away.

    3) Kelek's is utterly worthless to rogues.

    4) Randarts seem to be overly fond of elemental immunities compared to the original set. Compare 15 with an immunity in the original set (not counting the One Ring) to 22 with immunities in my randart set, 2 of which had double immunities.

    5) Boots of speed still seem a bit too common; I'd found two before hitting 2500'.

    6) Potions of Mana likewise were falling out of my ears.

    7) When browsing a spellbook, the only way to cancel out is to hit escape. Usually other keys are also valid.

    8) I found an aggravating randart with a stealth bonus. I hope that stealth bonus didn't affect the artifact's power rating any!
  • d_m
    Angband Devteam member
    • Aug 2008
    • 1516

    Originally posted by Derakon
    As noted in this thread, but I thought I should call them out specifically here:
    Thanks for compiling this list. I'm going to make sure all the bugs are in trac, and maybe open some enhancements also.

    I'm going to fix the earthquakes bug by ending the player's attack when the monster moves. Testing the summoning bug (and fix) will be annoying... I may end up needing to create a debug command to try particular summons.


    • PowerDiver
      • Mar 2008
      • 2782

      Originally posted by Derakon
      Also some non-bug peeves:

      1) Satisfy Hunger is ridiculously hard for rogues to cast. Makes zero sense.

      3) Kelek's is utterly worthless to rogues.
      (1) Satisfy Hunger should be only in the priest books. Problem solved.

      (3) Why should Kelek's be worthwhile to rogues? It could be argued that book 9s should be usable only by pure casters.


      • Derakon
        • Dec 2009
        • 8820

        Originally posted by PowerDiver
        (3) Why should Kelek's be worthwhile to rogues? It could be argued that book 9s should be usable only by pure casters.
        Then why give any of the spells in that book to rogues? Right now they get Bedlam, a damage-free radius-4 confusion ball, which I doubt anyone in the history of the spell has ever made good use of. So basically they get a worthless spell to taunt the player.

        Taking away book 9 from all non-pure casters means that only pure casters get Word of Destruction as a spell. Eh, why not. Everyone can deal.

        Also, regarding my request for a saving throw vs. teleport-away, I guess that that's only really reasonable if we also give a saving throw to monsters when you try to teleport them away. That's a bit of a can of worms though.


        • Magnate
          Angband Devteam member
          • May 2007
          • 4916

          Originally posted by Derakon
          3) If a randart armor has a to-hit malus, then it is a valid target for scrolls of Repair Item, but nothing happens when the scroll is read (or rather, presumably the item is re-set to its original state, which included the penalty). I wouldn't be surprised if this were also true for weapons with penalties to-hit or to-dam, which could potentially cause Repair Item to undo a lot of enchanting work.
          Is this specific to randarts, or does it apply to standart armours as well?
          2) The player gets no save against monsters teleporting him away.
          As you later observed, this has been WAD for a very long time. But giving monsters a save vs TO was one of the many ideas for making the game more challenging - it's been reduced to a bolt to start with ...
          3) Kelek's is utterly worthless to rogues.
          I'm with Eddie on this - half-casters shouldn't expect all the books to be worth carrying. We could take Bedlam away I guess - but then someone will describe a splendid use case for it that we failed to spend enough time testing.
          4) Randarts seem to be overly fond of elemental immunities compared to the original set. Compare 15 with an immunity in the original set (not counting the One Ring) to 22 with immunities in my randart set, 2 of which had double immunities.
          Time to monte carlo this. 50% more is tolerable as an outlier, but it should be about three standard deviations out.
          8) I found an aggravating randart with a stealth bonus. I hope that stealth bonus didn't affect the artifact's power rating any!
          That's interesting - something has broken remove_contradictory() then. Probably a long time ago, but nobody noticed until now. Thanks for the heads-up.
          "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


          • Derakon
            • Dec 2009
            • 8820

            Okay, this one's a bit more serious. If you have a stack of at least two items with charges (in my case, staves of Detect Invisible), and you throw one away (not drop), then the thrown item has as many charges as were in the stack initially. By iterating this you can stick as many charges as you like onto the item.


            • Magnate
              Angband Devteam member
              • May 2007
              • 4916

              Originally posted by Derakon
              Okay, this one's a bit more serious. If you have a stack of at least two items with charges (in my case, staves of Detect Invisible), and you throw one away (not drop), then the thrown item has as many charges as were in the stack initially. By iterating this you can stick as many charges as you like onto the item.
              Ticket #1387 - thanks.
              "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


              • takkaria
                • Apr 2007
                • 1895

                Originally posted by Derakon
                Okay, this one's a bit more serious. If you have a stack of at least two items with charges (in my case, staves of Detect Invisible), and you throw one away (not drop), then the thrown item has as many charges as were in the stack initially. By iterating this you can stick as many charges as you like onto the item.
                Nice exploit!
                takkaria whispers something about options. -more-


                • Derakon
                  • Dec 2009
                  • 8820

                  I forget, do we have an extant bug report for "massive money drops" yet? I just found 32767 gold pieces' worth of adamantite, which is just a slightly suspicious number. Dropped by a catoblepas at 1750'.


                  • camlost
                    Sangband 1.x Maintainer
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 497

                    Originally posted by Derakon
                    I forget, do we have an extant bug report for "massive money drops" yet? I just found 32767 gold pieces' worth of adamantite, which is just a slightly suspicious number. Dropped by a catoblepas at 1750'.
                    Isn't money stored in longs? That looks like a signed 16 bit maximum, which should be the case for ints (on some systems), right?
                    a chunk of Bronze {These look tastier than they are. !E}
                    3 blank Parchments (Vellum) {No french novels please.}


                    • Nick
                      Vanilla maintainer
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 9353

                      Originally posted by camlost
                      Isn't money stored in longs? That looks like a signed 16 bit maximum, which should be the case for ints (on some systems), right?
                      It is, but it looks like this has hit MAX_PVAL, which is 32767.
                      One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                      In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                      • Magnate
                        Angband Devteam member
                        • May 2007
                        • 4916

                        Originally posted by Derakon
                        I forget, do we have an extant bug report for "massive money drops" yet? I just found 32767 gold pieces' worth of adamantite, which is just a slightly suspicious number. Dropped by a catoblepas at 1750'.
                        Did we ever change Pete Mack's "infinite variance" for gold drops? I thought we did - but if we didn't, this would happen occasionally.
                        "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


                        • d_m
                          Angband Devteam member
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 1516

                          Originally posted by Magnate
                          Did we ever change Pete Mack's "infinite variance" for gold drops? I thought we did - but if we didn't, this would happen occasionally.
                          I changed it to a different algorithm that still had infinite variance, but fixed some other issues.

                          I'm actually OK with something like this happening, and don't consider it a bug, but others are free to overrule me.


                          • PowerDiver
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 2782

                            Originally posted by camlost
                            Isn't money stored in longs? That looks like a signed 16 bit maximum, which should be the case for ints (on some systems), right?
                            Money is only in longs in some places. The value of a drop is currently stored in a single pval.

                            [edit]I assume this is current. I haven't actually looked in a while.
                            Last edited by PowerDiver; April 2, 2011, 19:22.


                            • Derakon
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 8820

                              Whelp, my latest character got killed by not bothering to check my hitpoints between fighting a Great Wyrm of Balance and a Great Wyrm of Chaos. "I didn't hit the low hitpoint warning; how bad could it be?" Bad enough that an unresisted chaos breath did me in. To -4HP. Whoops! Anyway, here's my notes from this character:

                              * First off, the change to display bow damage in terms of damage per round is, I think, a bad one. I'm much more interested in damage per shot with ranged weapons.

                              * Wonder is a bad spell. Not only is it unreliable; it's also expensive and hard to cast. It should be unreliable, reasonably cheap, and dead-easy; then people might actually use it.

                              * Death Drakes are warm blooded. I'd always kinda assumed they were undead too, but they aren't. Seems kinda weird.

                              * Word of Recall needs to be an unlimited resource in the town, like ammo. Returning to town only to discover that there's no scrolls in stock, twice in a row, basically forces you to either townscum or devote a slot in your home to stashing scrolls, just in case. Neither is good.

                              * Protection from Confusion seems to be incredibly rare on randarts. My last three characters have all basically done without confusion resistance all game, because only one or maybe two items had the ability, and they were otherwise unusable. Time to break out the Monte Carlo stats module, I think.

                              * I'm not really sure why we have the divide between rogue Detect Objects and mage/ranger Detect Enchantments, especially since by the time the latter becomes available basically the only interesting items that it doesn't catch are money and chests. Why not just make Detect Objects require much higher levels for mages and rangers than for rogues?

                              * Stair Creation charges you mana before it checks if the tile is valid.

