iVanilla - no selling, ranged trap det, spell balances etc.
Wow this is one weirdo bug ... can't melee attack on a troll mage. Haven't tried to pinpoint source of why not, attached a savefile. Considering I haven't done anything to melee except include Magnate's fracblows, hmm. =PAttached FilesComment
If you rename your own PLAYER -savefile as PLAYER.old game destroys it when you stop trying this one. Apparently .old is something game uses.Comment
Leave a note on the ticket if it matches, I thought it might have something to do with fractional blows (maybe a single blow takes more than 100 energy?), but haven't done any real checks.
Washington Marijuana DispensariesLast edited by Taha; August 14, 2011, 14:53.Comment
With an additional 2 strength and 0 dex you would get 1.0 blows
With an additional 0 strength and 9 dex you would get 1.0 blows
So he has less than one blow. If I give it +2 RoSTR it can use that dagger.
BTW STR is written strength, but dexterity is abbreviated to dex. IMO both should be abbreviated to capital STR and DEX.Comment
Switching to a whip (or fists) from the default mace allows combat for my dwarf priest, so this is definitely the issue. Tak said there was a fix in the code already, just hasn't been built yet.
Weed trackerLast edited by Taha; August 14, 2011, 14:53.Comment
Since Angband has now officially switchted to git, you can always try the most über of debugging commands: git bisect. It will help you pinpoint exactly when some behaviror was introduced (intentionally or not) in very few iterations of answering "yes, this behavas as i excpect" or "no, bad bad bad!"
EDIT: As a special bonus, if the behavior was unintentional you've just given the maintainers the exact moment at which things went wrong.Comment
It has been fixed - I'm not sure if it made it into last night's nightly, but it will definitely be in tonight's.
Sorry again."Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The BeatlesComment
Here you go:
The 3.1.2 based download.Mind you there are a couple of quirks:
LoS works on dark grids (havent fixed that in this version)
No_selling gold drops in town level are too largeComment