iVanilla - no selling, ranged trap det, spell balances etc.
Last edited by fizzix; October 16, 2010, 19:35.Comment
Game crashes at home. (inventory on second page) Save file attached
It might have something to do with display. The second page will need to start at 0 again at the top. otherwise you will run out of room.Attached FilesComment
Hmmh figured there might be problems with the display, thought it would just be funky and have to up/down to pick items. Never got it to crash on me though.
Bit strange though, since I'm pretty sure I've had way more items in inventory than that and it has worked.Last edited by ewert; October 17, 2010, 22:19.Comment
Okay it would appear changing the stock_size at load.c and store.c isn't enough, having stock_size set to 254 in init1.c removes this crash ... Weird that didn't get this crash before, am pretty sure I tested with this new version too, but I guess not enough.Comment
Made some changes in init1.c, load.c and store.c, check if it works okay now.
Note the display will be funky, since unlike before the new home/store display system does not work based on items displayed, but every item has it's own "letter" no matter if it is not displayed in current screen ...Comment
Made some changes in init1.c, load.c and store.c, check if it works okay now.
Note the display will be funky, since unlike before the new home/store display system does not work based on items displayed, but every item has it's own "letter" no matter if it is not displayed in current screen ...Comment
Beware the new version it is totally untested AND ... trap detection spells are GONE! =P
Yes, say hello to short range LoS searching. Wear those rings of searching before venturing out, oh and turn on searching ...
Will need to fix teleport and summon traps to be not so lethal in end-game. But both 100% searching and 100% trap avoidance is possible in endgame too ... unless you are blind/confused, mwahahahahahahahaa (oh wait, avoidance isn't hindered by that, need to fix that).Comment
Seems the -speed part of searching isn't working for some reason, will have to check that.
Guess could change perception into being the trap avoidance "skill".
Though I am thinking could use the perception skill as the "ESP" thing that one thread discussed...Comment
Currently iVanilla has fractional blows from Magnate and vault/pit changes from fizzix. Also retuned pseudo id (the earlier one was horribly slow for all but warriors really, thank god for calculators and (1-chance)^bignumberhere to check probabilities =P). Also gold drops were changed too, so no-selling is really viable (couple of runs at stat gain levels tend to give enough for a BM stat potion if there happens to be one for sale).
I'm sort of running out of the big ideas ... next will probably mess with class balance bit more, go through the different skills and probably nix the ranger (giving rogues more spells, warriors more archery). The warrior will thus end really powerful fighter, and as paladin IMHO has awesomesauce spellset, I think will make rogues have a good spellset too ...Comment
Currently iVanilla has fractional blows from Magnate and vault/pit changes from fizzix. Also retuned pseudo id (the earlier one was horribly slow for all but warriors really, thank god for calculators and (1-chance)^bignumberhere to check probabilities =P). Also gold drops were changed too, so no-selling is really viable (couple of runs at stat gain levels tend to give enough for a BM stat potion if there happens to be one for sale).
LV and MV frequency is too low relative to pits/nests. This is partly to do with the difficulty of fitting these vaults in. The way these are generated is kind of funky. It rolls a random number and if it's low enough it attempts a vault. If the vault fails because it intersects another room, it will attempt a pit, which is about half the size. This is one of the reasons why nearly every level after a certain depth has either a pit or a nest. It also skews the frequency of pits vs nests because pits get all the vaults that don't fit. There needs to be some more fudging with the frequencies, although I'd really like the montecarlo sim available before I mess with it more.Comment
Initial testing seems to indicate that item rewards in jelly nests, zoos and graveyards are insufficient. Probably should bump these to averaging 10, 50 and 80 items apiece. up from 3, 10 and 30.
LV and MV frequency is too low relative to pits/nests. This is partly to do with the difficulty of fitting these vaults in. The way these are generated is kind of funky. It rolls a random number and if it's low enough it attempts a vault. If the vault fails because it intersects another room, it will attempt a pit, which is about half the size. This is one of the reasons why nearly every level after a certain depth has either a pit or a nest. It also skews the frequency of pits vs nests because pits get all the vaults that don't fit. There needs to be some more fudging with the frequencies, although I'd really like the montecarlo sim available before I mess with it more.There were a couple of items "postsquelch" in there, nothing awesomesauce true. Honestly atleast that jelly pit was not worth the hassle, but was interested in clearing it.
Lost my earlier ranger to a boredom-death (whirlpool vault or maelstrom or whatever it is called), "oh wtf, seems that dracolich/lisk whatever decided to enter LoS while was just taptaptapping some lower monsters" ... But it WAS a vault. And I actually cleared (well about 90%, then hit a trapdoor while trying to disarm it by movement instead of by spell! lol!) a GV with the char already once. So atleast those vaults are definitely more and happily frequent.
As an aside ... yet again the disparity of standart vs. randart games raises it's head, the ranger was standart and had seen only few arts, this warrior is randart and is swimming in arts, especially weapons ... prolly have 20+ already seen, and am not dlvl40.Comment
Pits should be reduced in size, IMO. 95 monsters in one shot basically means that either the monsters are weak enough that you can steady-state them (e.g. holding down a direction key), or they're strong enough that the only plausible way to take them out is to kite off one or two, kill them, kite off a few more, repeat. Which makes for very tedious gameplay.
I suggest having three pit sizes: 3x3, 5x5, and 6x8. That last might still be too big, for that matter. But it'd be an improvement over the current system. The only downside is that graveyards and zoos are slightly less "must avoid this sector at all costs".Comment