A long time ago in a forum far away there was a long discussion
about how to implement symmetric line of sight. Perhaps some
day developers will address out of control summoning and people may care.
Should anyone want to implement this in the future,
I have a clean solution. It is easy to understand.
It allows for current dungeon creation to continue
without requiring any modifications to room templates.
Each square is considered to be a 10' x 10'.
Think about breaking it into 25 minis that are 2' x 2' each.
An open square '.' is made up of 25 open minis.
A wall square such as '#' has each outer layer
match the horizontally or vertically adjacent square.
So if the neighbor is open, the minis are open,
and if the neighbor is a wall, the minis are walls.
Diagonally adjacent '#'s as in a pillar room do not affect each other.
So for a pillar situation
If we zoom in on the center '#' above, in the 5x5 view it looks like
When there are two adjacent '#'s as in
If we zoom in on the two '#'s the expanded view is
For a corridor situation
If we zoom in it looks like
Now line of sight can be implemented as center-to-center.
Consider the situation:
I'm writing this assuming you want the @ and e to see each other.
You could do something similar without such visibility,
but then a starting player might step next to an unseen floating eye
at a corridor bend and ruin the game.
In this diagram, '*'s mark the minis that a center to center line would pass through.
There's nothing absolute about 5x5. It makes the diagrams easier. You would want
to decide whether you want sight lines for
If you make the external empty space large enough, they can see each other.
That's the jist conceptually.
In addition, this interpretation allows for an intuitive means for implementing
larger monsters. For example, instead of occupying the center mini, a giant
might occupy the entire inner 3x3 and block more arrow shots at monsters behind
it at slight diagonals. You could also have a special corridor symbol meaning
a narrow corridor a giant could not pass through.
about how to implement symmetric line of sight. Perhaps some
day developers will address out of control summoning and people may care.
Should anyone want to implement this in the future,
I have a clean solution. It is easy to understand.
It allows for current dungeon creation to continue
without requiring any modifications to room templates.
Each square is considered to be a 10' x 10'.
Think about breaking it into 25 minis that are 2' x 2' each.
An open square '.' is made up of 25 open minis.
A wall square such as '#' has each outer layer
match the horizontally or vertically adjacent square.
So if the neighbor is open, the minis are open,
and if the neighbor is a wall, the minis are walls.
Diagonally adjacent '#'s as in a pillar room do not affect each other.
So for a pillar situation
#.# .#. #.#
..... .###. .###. .###. .....
.... .##. ....
.......... .########. .########. .########. ..........
#### ##.. ...# ####
#################### #################### #################### #################### #########........... #########........... #########........... #########........... #########........... .................... .................... ................#### ................#### ................#### ................#### ................#### #################### #################### #################### ####################
Consider the situation:
##e @..
You could do something similar without such visibility,
but then a starting player might step next to an unseen floating eye
at a corridor bend and ruin the game.
#########...... #########...... #########..*p.. #########***... .......***..... .....***....... ...***......... ..@*........... ............... ...............
There's nothing absolute about 5x5. It makes the diagrams easier. You would want
to decide whether you want sight lines for
###p @...
That's the jist conceptually.
In addition, this interpretation allows for an intuitive means for implementing
larger monsters. For example, instead of occupying the center mini, a giant
might occupy the entire inner 3x3 and block more arrow shots at monsters behind
it at slight diagonals. You could also have a special corridor symbol meaning
a narrow corridor a giant could not pass through.