Changed recall length & deep descent in effect.c which felt like the wrong place. Like it should be in constants.txt . I'm probably going to feel that way about most numbers by the end, so perhaps it's right. Saw single combat while I was poking around. This looks almost good. Like it needs a save or probability in there. If this was PCBs anti summon amulet there'd be a chance of the summoner getting through.
Having trouble working out how to set slow & haste to 5. I try and trace it through the code and find a bunch of stuff in various files, then it rambles a bit about bitflags & I get lost. A fail there for the day. Tracing how any of the spells and flags work.. not going well so far.
Having trouble working out how to set slow & haste to 5. I try and trace it through the code and find a bunch of stuff in various files, then it rambles a bit about bitflags & I get lost. A fail there for the day. Tracing how any of the spells and flags work.. not going well so far.