Post your last instadeath

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  • Timo Pietilä
    • Apr 2007
    • 3964

    Originally posted by ulrichvonbek
    I'm trying to figure out what I should have done differently? I had just killed an Ancient Green, and I had the GDSM on for that. I saw Azriel coming, and I was planning on teleporting him away, but he had other ideas. Would wearing Hithlomir have made a difference? I was at something like -123 after he breathed on me.
    Maybe, maybe not. Worst case (one out of six) you would still be dead with -44 points. Or you would have with +15 or more up to +152 points left in 5/6 cases. I hope you were hasted, because you would not have survived double nether breath even with best case.


    • buzzkill
      • May 2008
      • 2783

      Does this qualify as insta-death??? NPP. I ate an un-ID'd mushroom (of blindness + poison). 50 turns later I was dead.

      I'd like to imagine it was a slow painful death, but until the very end she was unconcerned, certain that it would wear off soon. In retrospect it was probably more like a little numbness in the arm, followed by a massive stroke.

      Deadly poison? Who knew? - Get your 32x32 tiles here. UT32 now compatible Ironband and Quickband 9/6/2012.
      My banding life on Buzzkill's ladder.


      • EpicMan
        • Dec 2009
        • 447

        With rSound no longer having rStun it is merely rStunFromSoundBreaths. High resists are unreliable damage reducers at best. If we are decoupling the status effects from the elemental resistances (which makes more a more intuitive system and that is good IMHO) it makes the high resists all pretty much worthless as they can't be relied on to reduce damage by a meaningful amount.

        Let's just make resistances cut damage to 1/3 regardless of whether it's a low or high or whatever element.


        • Timo Pietilä
          • Apr 2007
          • 3964

          Originally posted by EpicMan
          With rSound no longer having rStun it is merely rStunFromSoundBreaths. High resists are unreliable damage reducers at best. If we are decoupling the status effects from the elemental resistances (which makes more a more intuitive system and that is good IMHO) it makes the high resists all pretty much worthless as they can't be relied on to reduce damage by a meaningful amount.

          Let's just make resistances cut damage to 1/3 regardless of whether it's a low or high or whatever element.
          Only confusion and sound has been affected by this change. Everything else already did only protect from their own source (except chaos which still protects against hallucination against all sources I think).

          I think 1/3 is too much. Having resist would render high element completely harmless then. More like make it fixed 5/6 or 3/4 or so. I'd prefer same insecurity I had before. I never trusted high elements before and used them only to prevent effects. I still would use confusion to prevent confusion and dark & light against blindness if I don't have real blindness resist. Stunning is not that common, plasma, gravity, impact maybe water caused it, so impact to gameplay is quite small.


          • Raxmei
            • Feb 2011
            • 94

            Once again mistook Gorlim for a novice ranger and got double mana bolted.


            • Timo Pietilä
              • Apr 2007
              • 3964

              Originally posted by Raxmei
              Once again mistook Gorlim for a novice ranger and got double mana bolted.
              Gorlim has different color. It should be easy to distinguish from everything else.


              • Raxmei
                • Feb 2011
                • 94

                Blue slate and light slate are similar enough not to be obvious outside a side by side comparison, and least with my eyes and display. Anyway I've customized his color since then because for me it was a recurring problem.


                • ChodTheWacko
                  • Jul 2007
                  • 155

                  I use detect monster pretty frequently, so It was pretty stunning to kill a room of stuff, be at full health, take one step and *boom*

                  Breathed on by Tarrasque.

                  Getting instadeathed down to -1 hit points has to be the most annoying thing ever.

                  - Frank


                  • Timo Pietilä
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 3964

                    Originally posted by ChodTheWacko
                    I use detect monster pretty frequently, so It was pretty stunning to kill a room of stuff, be at full health, take one step and *boom*

                    Breathed on by Tarrasque.

                    Getting instadeathed down to -1 hit points has to be the most annoying thing ever.

                    - Frank
                    I'm not sure. Forgetting to wear FA in CGV fighting Dracolisk after nearly emptied said CGV and almost all of your gear upgraded might count even worse.

                    I think it was Pete who died to "orc leader, the orange "c"". Hilarious to rest of us, must have been rather irritating to him.


                    • Raxmei
                      • Feb 2011
                      • 94

                      Just had my first real instadeath in a long time. Adventuring on dlvl 30-something, turned a corner and got a double poison breath from a basilisk. First breath took me down to 45 hp, next one down to -170.


                      • dos350
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 500

                        i was instakilled by a kobold shaman i couldnt see my first move after entering dlvl 3 on a dwarf priest, just now!

                        Reality hits you -more-



                        • Napsterbater
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 176

                          Not too long ago I hit the button to run down a long passageway, as a rogue, had done dvis right before hand. It was the last button I pressed. The passageway was longer than my detection range and I was instakilled by a hellhound.
                          This thread, it needs more rage. -- Napstopher Walken


                          • Dughfo
                            • Jun 2011
                            • 4

                            Not too long ago I learned in a very surprising way that the Lernean Hydra breaths poison. One minute wandering around, the next, tombstone.


                            • Gockel
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 68

                              the gates of heaven...

                              not a real instadeath but i still pretty nasty.
                              just started another game. warrior. first thing i see is maggot. drops an excellent main gauche (+3+5). perfect start.
                              i "dive". on dlvl 5 (?) i stay a bit because there's supposed to be something worthwhile.
                              i hit a trap door and crash into the ground of dlvl6. ouch...
                              a gang of snagas a few squares north of me. thanks god i'm very soft so i didn't make a sound when hit the ground. snagas are snoring happily. no problem, i'll just find a corridor to fight them one by one. i go south east, but there's only walls. no problem, let's try south west. only walls...
                              damn, a hiccough. snagas woke up. they're pissed. understandably. probably they were dreaming of a dark wet cave, only wake up in a dark wet cave. must be pretty annoying. they're coming uncomfortably close.
                              anyway, no problem, i have 12 scrolls of phase door, so let's just phase out of the room or find the exit.
                              i phase. north east corner. no exit. must be north west then. snagas are here. phase. south wall. blabla. after 4-5 phases i finally make it to the last, north west corner. no exit. damn. a small 8x8 room without exit...
                              still, with a bit of luck i'll find the darn secret door or one of the stupid phase door scrolls could be kind enough to simply get me out of here?
                              i search a bit and phase. search and phase. with my 3rd to last scroll i end up next to the south wall. and *pop*! a DOOR! how beautiful! let's walk out of this madhouse and KILL them snagas one by one!
                              -the door appears to be stuck-
                              and surprisingly enough the last two phases didn't get me out of the room either...


                              • Narvius
                                • Dec 2007
                                • 539

                                The Phoenix breathed me for 400 damage.
                                I had 398 max HP. -.-"
                                If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.

