Post your last instadeath

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  • ChrysFox
    • Aug 2014
    • 11

    Originally posted by Derakon

    For future references, my top purchases for a mage would be a Scroll of Phase Door and a Wand of Magic Missile. It's amazing how much these two items improve your ability to survive and kill things as a low-level mage, especially when you're level 1. Mana is sharply limited!
    Not enough money to buy a wand - I only had 73 gold, I think.
    Had the scroll - didn't have time to read it. I wasted a step backing up, and got killed in 2 moves. Oh well, my mistake.
    Next time : do something 1st, run later. At least that way I'll die trying


    • Derakon
      • Dec 2009
      • 8820

      Originally posted by ChrysFox
      Not enough money to buy a wand - I only had 73 gold, I think.
      What did you spend your money on? Mages don't really benefit from having armor or weapons; really what they should buy is the first book and some consumables. And a torch and some food, of course. I guess if you don't want to have to return to town early you'd buy the second book, but my guess is that a wand would improve your survival odds more than having Conjuring & Tricks would.


      • ChrysFox
        • Aug 2014
        • 11

        Originally posted by Derakon
        What did you spend your money on? ...
        Food, book 1, a torch, a couple of ?PhaseDoor, a pocketfull of curing potions (which I never had time to quaff, and, I think, a pair of sandals and a cloak I don't think I made poor choices - I think I just had the poor luck to encounter one of Maggot's Dogs instead of a nice easy icky-thing or 2.
        Ah, well - excrement occurs <lol>


        • Therem Harth
          • Jan 2008
          • 856

          T2 Dark-elf alchemist, level 7 with a (+7, +7) acidic mace and Ironman rooms. Wandering around a vault on Barrow-downs L1, clearing out the usual low-level critters with only slight difficulty.

          I find an everburning torch on the floor, but I don't have enough Light essences to make it a Fearlessness ego. Hmm, I can drain various scrolls for those. Maybe I'll find more scrolls in the center of the vault.

          Waltz up towards the entrance to the inner part, squish a cave spider and some other critters, and suddenly there is a green 'M' next to me... Whoops.

          (Speed kills.)


          • Timo Pietilä
            • Apr 2007
            • 3964

            Originally posted by ChrysFox
            Brand new HE mage, fresh from the roller. Gathered a few supplies, wandered down the stairs, very cautiously crept down a rather long hallway -- and came face to face with Grip at the corner. <sigh>
            Here's a tip to avoid Maggots dogs: if you hear door breaking at the first two levels, at least one of them is probably around.

            No other early monster breaks doors.


            • Thraalbee
              • Sep 2010
              • 692

              Poschengband. A promising High-Mage with quite unusually good finds at this level - early speed rings, Ringil, very good cloak ... - (
              I was showing off for my 7 year old daughter, throwing rockets on some bad guys in Arena. Yesterday she enjoyed an intense fight in a huge wilderness castle full of paladins and ultra elite paladins etc. Anyway, here we are. Me and a spectral tyrannosaurus. Eat this! And this! And ... oops. One breath was all it took. Last thoughts "oh, so they breath Nexus too"


              • Lord Tom
                • Nov 2009
                • 73

                And I used to say to myself 'what's the big deal everyone seems to make about Time Hounds...'

                Was on a promising run in Vanilla with standard artifacts, making the final dive for the endgame. Incidentally, the Trident of Wrath kicks ass for a mage, and I was lucky to find speed boots at around 2500'.

                Entering the level I didn't detect any down staircases, so after scooping up Isildur I figured 'I'm hasted to +20 with nearly full hp (>300), I'll just teleport.' Yep?

                Nope. 13 Time Hounds in an open room, 3 breaths and done.


                • mushroom patch
                  • Oct 2014
                  • 298

                  You teleported for no particular reason?



                  • Lord Tom
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 73

                    Originally posted by mushroom patch
                    You teleported for no particular reason?

                    Well, no good reason. There were a bunch of aranea's and a greater aranea in the immediate vicinity that I would have had to kill or dodge. But the big motivation was just finding the next down stair more quickly, since none were visible within detection range.

                    Obviously, this didn't work out so well and qualifies as a stupid death...


                    • Timo Pietilä
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 3964

                      Originally posted by Lord Tom

                      And I used to say to myself 'what's the big deal everyone seems to make about Time Hounds...'

                      Was on a promising run in Vanilla with standard artifacts, making the final dive for the endgame. Incidentally, the Trident of Wrath kicks ass for a mage, and I was lucky to find speed boots at around 2500'.

                      Entering the level I didn't detect any down staircases, so after scooping up Isildur I figured 'I'm hasted to +20 with nearly full hp (>300), I'll just teleport.' Yep?

                      Nope. 13 Time Hounds in an open room, 3 breaths and done.
                      You were actually lucky. It could have been two breaths and done. One of the side-effects of time is drain all stats (sustains don't help), and stats that are below 18 get hurt bad. Two hits to CON and you suddenly find yourself a lot more fragile than you used to be.

                      13 Time Hounds in one pack is quite large pack for 3.5 though. You could have had bad luck and got two packs in same place.

                      My new favorite way to get killed is by getting drawn to LoS of some distance-stunner by pack of blink dogs or phase spiders. You can travel quite a distance in a blink of an eye with those, even getting killed by something that wasn't even visible before jumping started.

                      "come hither"
                      "Oh, hello there, pack of plasma hounds"
                      "stunned, heavily stunned, KO"
                      You die -more-


                      • Bogatyr
                        • Feb 2014
                        • 525

                        Originally posted by Timo Pietilä
                        You were actually lucky. It could have been two breaths and done. One of the side-effects of time is drain all stats (sustains don't help), and stats that are below 18 get hurt bad. Two hits to CON and you suddenly find yourself a lot more fragile than you used to be.

                        13 Time Hounds in one pack is quite large pack for 3.5 though. You could have had bad luck and got two packs in same place.

                        My new favorite way to get killed is by getting drawn to LoS of some distance-stunner by pack of blink dogs or phase spiders. You can travel quite a distance in a blink of an eye with those, even getting killed by something that wasn't even visible before jumping started.

                        "come hither"
                        "Oh, hello there, pack of plasma hounds"
                        "stunned, heavily stunned, KO"
                        You die -more-
                        My standard banish list on a level I'm going to spend time on once I find Kelek's is: Z, g, v. G if I don't have good sustains, or I see a yellow or red G or anything with teleport level and I'm working on a nice vault. I'll now add S and C .


                        • Tibarius
                          • Jun 2011
                          • 426

                          bad luck

                          I would say bad luck ... it is worse than my last experience tho. I felt excellent treasures being a melee ranger ad´about clvl 25 with good melee damage. A room full of "u"s showed up. It took quite some while to clean it out ... just to find a unique priest book *smirk*.
                          Blondes are more fun!


                          • ChrysFox
                            • Aug 2014
                            • 11

                            Originally posted by Lord Tom

                            And I used to say to myself 'what's the big deal everyone seems to make about Time Hounds...'
                            Yeah-huh. My last 4 insta-deaths have been to either those blinking bi..hes, or their cousins the Plasma Hounds.
                            Zs are number one on my banish list whenever i score a ?Banishment and spot them on the floor.


                            • Tibarius
                              • Jun 2011
                              • 426

                              black market shopkeeper?

                              Does anyone know the black market shopkeeper? Maybe he's breeding the Zs somewhere in his backyard to make sure the hordes of adventurers visiting his shop always pick up banish and mass banish Equipment
                              Blondes are more fun!


                              • Cold_Heart
                                • Mar 2012
                                • 138

                                Last instadeath:

                                /me doesn't have pstun
                                /me in a greater vault on L50
                                /me without any monster memory
                                /me at full hp (900+)

                                Me: oh, a lonely orange p, let's mow down this clucker like the rest and move on


                                Wait what did just happen?

