Post your last instadeath
For reference, at 18/90 CON, you get a bonus 4.5 HP/level. At 18/150, you get 7.5/level, and at 18/200, you get 12.5/level. So with an extra 11 points in CON, and assuming you were level 40, you'd have had 320 more HP, coming close to doubling your total.Comment
Black Reaper Manastormed (Bolt?) me. I had 18/100 stats, (con 18/90 modified) +36 Speed, all resistances + FA,SI,ESP. I had 444 hp at character-level 44 and dungeon-level 95. How Long do other People Play to reach that Level? I had a high-elf and had done a lot of grinding around dungeon Level 40-60. I guess it was the work of around two weeks of playing, i would guess around 70 playing hours.
For deep survival:
1) Don't be greedy, you don't need to fight everything you meet.
2) be aware of your surroundings (ESP, magic mapping etc.)
3) be faster than your opponents (speed +20+ permanent)
4) Have a lot of HP (basically maxed or near-maxed con, at least 18/180)
5) Have method of kill things fast (melee or distance. Distance is better if you can)
6) Have basic four + poison resists, {Free Action or perfect saving throw} and {See_Inv or ESP}.
7) Have protection to non-lethal bad side-effects. Conf, blind, stun. As swap if not possible as standard gear.
That's it. Everything else is luxury you don't need, but is nice to have.
From your list it sounds that "all resists" and +36 speed are the ones you did go wrong. RoCON +6 would probably made a huge difference, and some speed-item replaced with one that gives CON instead. It is a lot easier to survive with 800HP than 400HP.Comment
Code:N:546:Sauron, the Sorcerer T:person C:p I:130:10500:100:192:0 W:99:1:0:50000 B:HIT:UN_BONUS:10d12 B:HIT:UN_BONUS:10d12 B:HIT:UN_POWER:8d12 B:HIT:UN_POWER:8d12 F:UNIQUE | QUESTOR | MALE | EVIL | SMART | REGENERATE F:DROP_4 | DROP_GOOD | DROP_GREAT | ONLY_ITEM F:OPEN_DOOR | MOVE_BODY F:IM_COLD | IM_ELEC | IM_FIRE | IM_POIS | NO_FEAR | NO_CONF F:NO_SLEEP F:FORCE_DEPTH | FORCE_SLEEP S:1_IN_2 S:BLIND | BRAIN_SMASH | CAUSE_4 | SCARE | TELE_LEVEL | TPORT S:BA_DARK | BA_FIRE | [COLOR="Red"][B]BA_MANA[/B][/COLOR] | BA_NETH | BA_WATE S:BO_ICEE | BO_MANA | BO_PLAS S:S_HI_DEMON | S_HI_DRAGON | S_HI_UNDEAD | S_MONSTERS | S_UNIQUE | S_WRAITH friends:100:1d1:Khamûl, the Black Easterling friends:100:1d1:The Witch-King of Angmar D:He is Morgoth's most powerful servant. Mighty in spells and enchantments, he D: created the One Ring. His eyes glow with power and his gaze seeks to destroy D: your soul. He has many servants, and rarely fights without them.
PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!Comment
I should add darkness storms to balrogs in my copy. It's only spell besides manastorm that is truly dangerous.Comment
So, I gave dwarf priest to see if they really are so good... It was low going, and OoD was the main weapon to make damage. So, I encountered some normal monsters on level (I think it was like ranger who summoned some hydra, also there may have been some mage or something out of sight), quite near boder of area I had detected evil. I was on some 250+ hp (max 320), decided to heal after next round... I take some hits, hp 200 to 210, next thing I see is something offscreen breaths shards, you die... looking headstone: yes, you guessed correct, Kavlax.Comment
The imp commands you to return.
You land in molten lava.
You die.
I mean, honestly!
At least FAangband had the common decency to decorate my tombstone with the phrase:
'Killed by landing in molten lava', which is kind of cool. edited by MattB; July 14, 2014, 23:31.Comment
Here's a particularly bad no-win situation I encountered:
In PosChengband, Giants are notorious for throwing large rocks that do big damage.My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on
If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.
As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuosoComment
Here's a particularly bad no-win situation I encountered:
In PosChengband, Giants are notorious for throwing large rocks that do big damage.Comment
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
He teleported _into_ it, and iirc you take longer than normal to recover from teleports in poscheng. Additionally, all scrolls and devices have a failure rate, and giants throw rocks which stun you -- making the odds of you teleporting back out of that pack to be low. I wouldn't call it no-win, but it's definitely a "wow I don't want to do that again" situation
Sounds like teleporting in that crowd is bit like teleporting into big pack of gravity hounds.Comment