The Hengband Screenshots Gallery: Bad Tactics ... by <>

Inventory: carrying 323.8 pounds (170% of capacity). Command:                                                         
Android                      ####################################  a) , 26 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}          2.6 lb
***WINNER***                 # #  ##.%%#   ......'...............  b) ! 15 Flasks of oil                       15.0 lb
LEVEL     50 ############ #########.#############################  c) ! 93 Potions of Speed {!k!q}             37.2 lb
Cst 10746809      ## %# ####     ## # %  %#%### ## ##      ^^^^^^  d) ! a Potion of Resist Cold                 0.4 lb
AU    594919     ## ##S###  #####%# #TT####  ### ## ##     ^^^^^^  e) ! 24 Potions of Heroism {25% off}         9.6 lb
||}=="*[(]]]    ## ## ###^^##%### # #V##  ##^H### ## ##    ######  f) ! 15 Potions of Healing {!k!q}            6.0 lb
STR!: 18/200 #  ## ## # #^^#%   ########%% #^^# # ## ##  ###?|?^!  g) ! 21 Potions of *Healing* {!k!q}          8.4 lb
INT :     13 ##'## ## ###^^##  #Z ###T%#T ##^^### ## ##'##   ####  h) ! 3 Potions of Life {!k!q}                1.2 lb
WIS!:     18     ## ## ### .##%# ## ###TT##  ### ## ##     ###\^?  i) ! 20 Potions of Resistance {!k!q}         8.0 lb
DEX!: 18/140 #### ##d## ### ######% ######  ### ## ## ######  ###  j) - 3 Rods of Recall {!s!d!k!!}             4.5 lb
CON!: 18/***  |{#^^^pp## %%#%       %#  %^^### ##h^^^^#?*    ##^?  k) - 7 Rods of Detection {@z3!s!d!k!!}      10.5 lb
CHR :  18/91  ][#^D%DD## #.#%  % %#%# # #^^### ##hh^^^#}\    ##,?  l) - 6 Rods of Teleport Other {!s!d!k}       9.0 lb
Cur AC   172 #### ##H###### ######% %#####  ### ##h## ######  ###  m) - 10 Rods of Stone to Mud {@z6!s!d!k}    10.0 lb
HP 1234/1234     ##N##I# # ####% #####% ###  ### ##h##   ~ ###=|,  n) ] a Massive Iron Crown [0] {terrible}     2.0 lb
             ##'## ##I#### ##  % %# # %%# ##^^### ## ##'## ~ ####  o) \ a Mighty Hammer (9d9) {special}       100.0 lb
             # ~##p##%# #  #%# ## # #%#   ^#^^# # ## ##  ###!_\\?  p) \ a Dwarven Pick (1d4) {special}         20.0 lb
              ~ ##p##   # %# % #### # ##  ##^^### ## ##    ######  q) } a Light Crossbow (x4) {special}        11.0 lb
               "Z##z# %####%#####%#%#L ####  ### ## ##     ^^^^^^                                                     
             ~,~DE### # # # %...>@# # ## #  ### ## ##h     ^^^^^^#  %%   % #   # ###......#%##%.%  ##      ###   xxxx#
             ######################%######### #####################################.#.%..%%  %% % ##       #     xxxx#
Day288 14:09 .........%%#  #% # s % %  # #                      ## % # %##%.%##%%..%...#.#%##%  # #        #      x!x#
   Angband   #########.## # %#  % %      #                      # %##   .%..#.##.#...%%%#.#  #%  ##        #      xxx#
             %       #.%.%# % #%  % # % ##                     ##  #   %..#.#.%.%..%#%%%  ## %####         #      xxx#
             %###    #...%  %#  #   ##%.#                     ##.%%# %#%..#..#.#....# %% # %  ###          #  ^  xxx##
             ## #    ##### %  ##%  %##.##                     #.. % #%..%.%..#.%....%  %   ##   %  ###     ##    xx## 
             ..####     ####    %%% <####                     #.## %%...%...%...#.%#%% #% %  ######% ###    ##   xx#x 
             %#...#    ##.#%#%%#%# .....#          ############.##.%.%.%%.%.%.%.###% #  #   ## # %     ##    #   x##x 
             .##.######%....#.%.....%%..#          #............#.##..%...#...#%### #%#% ##    %#  %# # #    ##  x#xx 
             ....##   %#....%#...#..##.%##    #%####.#########...%%..%#%%..#%.%%#  ##  %%#  #  #  ##% %%###   #  ##xx 
             .#...##%##.%.%.##.%%.%##.#..#    #......#       #.##..%.%  .....##  %###   #%%# %% %%  ##  # ##  # x#xxx 
             .#.###.#%...%.%.%.%% .#.%.#####  #.##%###########.##..%.%# .#..%  ## # ## % # # # %#%#  ##  % ## # x#xxx 
             %.....#%#.%%##...#.#  %%......## #.%     #      ..###%%.%  # #%#  % ##  #  # %   %    % %%     # ##x#xxx 
             #'#.###..#. ..%.. .#% %..%.#.#.# #.#    ## #########  ###   ##% ####%   %# %# #        ##%  # ##  #x#xxx 
             %..%%..%.%###%#...  % %%%%.#...# #.#    %  ###     ###%# ##   %    %%# %%   #%     #  %% % %#%##  #x#xxx 
             #..#....#.  ##.....   # ####..####'%    #   <#     %%    # %#%% %   # %#%%%  %#     %#         ## #x#xxx 
             ###..#%#...  ####... #% %  ##%.#$!]#*#%%### %#    ## %##    #   %# ## ### # % # #    # ### %    #x###xxx 
                                                                                               Fast(+26)       Lev 100
Bad Tactics ...
A really bad idea on my part ... but I thought fighting the serpent on a level with a big vault would help. Nope. The sucker walked into the vault and refused to be led out. If you know anything about his crushing earthquake criticals, then you know this was a bad move on my part. Since my only stone to mud was in the form of 10 rods, I had to dig to him. Doing so allowed him to regenerate 4 stars (12,000hp) each time!! In the end, I had to play without teleport after all, quaffing *Healing* and Life liberally until he would give me a chance to attack.

Posted on 28.7.2009 23:22

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