Inventory: carrying 323.8 pounds (170% of capacity). Command:                                                         
Android                      ####################################  a) , 26 Mushrooms of Restoring {!E}          2.6 lb
***WINNER***                 # #  ##.%%#   ......'...............  b) ! 15 Flasks of oil                       15.0 lb
LEVEL     50 ############ #########.#############################  c) ! 93 Potions of Speed {!k!q}             37.2 lb
Cst 10746809      ## %# ####     ## # %  %#%### ## ##      ^^^^^^  d) ! a Potion of Resist Cold                 0.4 lb
AU    594919     ## ##S###  #####%# #TT####  ### ## ##     ^^^^^^  e) ! 24 Potions of Heroism {25% off}         9.6 lb
||}=="*[(]]]    ## ## ###^^##%### # #V##  ##^H### ## ##    ######  f) ! 15 Potions of Healing {!k!q}            6.0 lb
STR!: 18/200 #  ## ## # #^^#%   ########%% #^^# # ## ##  ###?|?^!  g) ! 21 Potions of *Healing* {!k!q}          8.4 lb
INT :     13 ##'## ## ###^^##  #Z ###T%#T ##^^### ## ##'##   ####  h) ! 3 Potions of Life {!k!q}                1.2 lb
WIS!:     18     ## ## ### .##%# ## ###TT##  ### ## ##     ###\^?  i) ! 20 Potions of Resistance {!k!q}         8.0 lb
DEX!: 18/140 #### ##d## ### ######% ######  ### ## ## ######  ###  j) - 3 Rods of Recall {!s!d!k!!}             4.5 lb
CON!: 18/***  |{#^^^pp## %%#%       %#  %^^### ##h^^^^#?*    ##^?  k) - 7 Rods of Detection {@z3!s!d!k!!}      10.5 lb
CHR :  18/91  ][#^D%DD## #.#%  % %#%# # #^^### ##hh^^^#}\    ##,?  l) - 6 Rods of Teleport Other {!s!d!k}       9.0 lb
Cur AC   172 #### ##H###### ######% %#####  ### ##h## ######  ###  m) - 10 Rods of Stone to Mud {@z6!s!d!k}    10.0 lb
HP 1234/1234     ##N##I# # ####% #####% ###  ### ##h##   ~ ###=|,  n) ] a Massive Iron Crown [0] {terrible}     2.0 lb
             ##'## ##I#### ##  % %# # %%# ##^^### ## ##'## ~ ####  o) \ a Mighty Hammer (9d9) {special}       100.0 lb
             # ~##p##%# #  #%# ## # #%#   ^#^^# # ## ##  ###!_\\?  p) \ a Dwarven Pick (1d4) {special}         20.0 lb
              ~ ##p##   # %# % #### # ##  ##^^### ## ##    ######  q) } a Light Crossbow (x4) {special}        11.0 lb
               "Z##z# %####%#####%#%#L ####  ### ## ##     ^^^^^^                                                     
             ~,~DE### # # # %...>@# # ## #  ### ## ##h     ^^^^^^#  %%   % #   # ###......#%##%.%  ##      ###   xxxx#
             ######################%######### #####################################.#.%..%%  %% % ##       #     xxxx#
Day288 14:09 .........%%#  #% # s % %  # #                      ## % # %##%.%##%%..%...#.#%##%  # #        #      x!x#
   Angband   #########.## # %#  % %      #                      # %##   .%..#.##.#...%%%#.#  #%  ##        #      xxx#
             %       #.%.%# % #%  % # % ##                     ##  #   %..#.#.%.%..%#%%%  ## %####         #      xxx#
             %###    #...%  %#  #   ##%.#                     ##.%%# %#%..#..#.#....# %% # %  ###          #  ^  xxx##
             ## #    ##### %  ##%  %##.##                     #.. % #%..%.%..#.%....%  %   ##   %  ###     ##    xx## 
             ..####     ####    %%% <####                     #.## %%...%...%...#.%#%% #% %  ######% ###    ##   xx#x 
             %#...#    ##.#%#%%#%# .....#          ############.##.%.%.%%.%.%.%.###% #  #   ## # %     ##    #   x##x 
             .##.######%....#.%.....%%..#          #............#.##..%...#...#%### #%#% ##    %#  %# # #    ##  x#xx 
             ....##   %#....%#...#..##.%##    #%####.#########...%%..%#%%..#%.%%#  ##  %%#  #  #  ##% %%###   #  ##xx 
             .#...##%##.%.%.##.%%.%##.#..#    #......#       #.##..%.%  .....##  %###   #%%# %% %%  ##  # ##  # x#xxx 
             .#.###.#%...%.%.%.%% .#.%.#####  #.##%###########.##..%.%# .#..%  ## # ## % # # # %#%#  ##  % ## # x#xxx 
             %.....#%#.%%##...#.#  %%......## #.%     #      ..###%%.%  # #%#  % ##  #  # %   %    % %%     # ##x#xxx 
             #'#.###..#. ..%.. .#% %..%.#.#.# #.#    ## #########  ###   ##% ####%   %# %# #        ##%  # ##  #x#xxx 
             %..%%..%.%###%#...  % %%%%.#...# #.#    %  ###     ###%# ##   %    %%# %%   #%     #  %% % %#%##  #x#xxx 
             #..#....#.  ##.....   # ####..####'%    #   <#     %%    # %#%% %   # %#%%%  %#     %#         ## #x#xxx 
             ###..#%#...  ####... #% %  ##%.#$!]#*#%%### %#    ## %##    #   %# ## ### # % # #    # ### %    #x###xxx 
                                                                                               Fast(+26)       Lev 100