The Angband Ladder: Aroit, Half-Ogre Warrior by <>

  [ToME 2.2.5 Character Dump]

 Name  : Aroit                  Age                 42       STR:     26       
 Sex   : Male                   Height              79       INT:      8       
 Race  : Half-Ogre              Weight             327       WIS:     12       
 Class : Warrior                Social Class         3       DEX:     20       
 Body  : Player                                              CON:     23       
 God   : Nobody                                              CHR:      7       
 + To Melee Hit          23 Level             26    Max Hit Points       342   
 + To Melee Damage       25 Experience     31365    Cur Hit Points        -2   
 + To Ranged Hit         14 Max Exp        31365    Max SP (Mana)         24   
 + To Ranged Damage      16 Exp to Adv.    32500    Cur SP (Mana)         24   
   AC                 34+41 Gold            3027                               
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Legendary[17]Perception  : Fair         Blows/Round:  5         
 Bows/Throw  : Superb       Searching   : Fair         Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Poor         Disarming   : Fair         Mel.dmg/Rnd:  5d4+125   
 Stealth     : Bad          Magic Device: Fair         Infra-Vision: 30 feet   
                                                       Tactic:       normal    
                                                       Explor:       normal    
                         (Character Background)                                
          Your father was an Ogre, but it is unacknowledged.  You are          
          the adopted child of a Serf.  You are a well liked child.            
          You have dark brown eyes, straight brown hair, and a very            
          dark complexion.                                                     

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Cth monsters:         OFF
 Z-like monsters:      OFF
 Joke monsters:        OFF
 Maximize mode:        ON
 Preserve Mode:        ON
 Autoscum:             ON
 Small Levels:         ON
 Arena Levels:         ON
 Always unusual rooms: OFF
 Persistent Dungeons:  OFF

 Recall Depth:
        Barrow-Downs: Level 10 (500')
        Maze: Level 33 (1650')
        Orc Cave: Level 14 (700')
        The Old Forest: Level 15 (750')

 Your body was a Player.
 You have defeated 1608 enemies.
 You saved a young hobbit from an horrible fate.
 You saved 8 princesses.

 You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You ended your adventure the 49th Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 Your adventure lasted 6 days.

     Your Attributes:
You are dead, killed by Wilderness in the town of Bree.
You can set explosive runes.
Your eyes are sensitive to infrared light.
You can see invisible creatures.
You levitate just over the ground.
You have free action.
You can sense the presence of orcs.
You can sense the presence of trolls.
You can sense the presence of giants.
You are unlucky.
You are resistant to acid.
You are resistant to lightning.
You are resistant to darkness.
You are resistant to blasts of shards.
You are resistant to nexus attacks.
You are completely fearless.
Your strength is sustained.
Your wisdom is sustained.
Your strength is affected by your equipment.
Your wisdom is affected by your equipment.
Your dexterity is affected by your equipment.
Your constitution is affected by your equipment.
Your digging ability is affected by your equipment.
Your weapon is especially deadly against orcs.
Your weapon is especially deadly against trolls.
Your weapon is especially deadly against giants.

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                        31.736 [0.800]
          - Weaponmastery                        31.384 [0.850]
                   . Sword-mastery               12.400 [0.400]
                   . Axe-mastery                 00.000 [0.400]
                   . Hafted-mastery              00.000 [0.400]
                   . Polearm-mastery             00.000 [0.400]
          . Archery                              07.000 [0.600]
          . Antimagic                            00.000 [0.550]
 - Sneakiness                                    15.400 [0.900]
          . Disarming                            10.000 [0.900]
 - Magic                                         02.605 [0.300]
          . Magic-Device                         06.750 [1.150]
 - Spirituality                                  01.000 [0.400]
          . Prayer                               00.000 [0.500]
 . Monster-lore                                  02.500 [0.500]

 * Extra Max Blow(1)
 * Extra Max Blow(2)
 * Spread blows

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Dagger of Westernesse (1d4) (+7,+8) (+1)
    It increases your strength, 
    dexterity and constitution by 1.  It is especially deadly against
    orcs.  It is especially deadly against trolls.  It is especially
    deadly against giants.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It allows
    you to see invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the presence of 
    orcs, trolls and giants.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 12 of Orc Cave.
d) a Long Bow of Power (x3) (+10,+16) {cursed}
e) a Ring of Fear Resistance
    It makes you
    completely fearless.  
f) a Ring of Invisibility
k) an Amulet of Lightning Resistance {cursed}
m) an Everburning Torch of Brightness
    It provides light (radius 4) forever.  It cannot
    be harmed by fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
n) Chain Mail (-2 to accuracy) [14,+6]
o) a Wolf Pelt of Protection [1,+16]
    It provides resistance to shards.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
p) a Small Metal Shield of Resist Acid [3,+5]
s) an Iron Helm of Wisdom [5,+6] (+1)
    It increases your wisdom by 1.  It
    sustains your wisdom.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
u) a Set of Cesti [5,+4]
x) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Stability [6,+2]
    It provides resistance to nexus.  It
    allows you to levitate.  
    You bought it from the Footwear Shop.
z) (nothing)
{) (nothing)
|) a Pick of Digging (+1,+8) (+4)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 6 Rations of Food
b) 2 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
c) 2 Scrolls of Word of Recall
d) 11 Scrolls of Identify
e) 2 Scrolls of Recharging
f) a Wand of Manathrust[2|16] (11 charges)
g) a Wand of Firewall[5|8] (0 charges)
h) a Wand of Confuse[1|20] (5 charges)
i) a Staff of Teleportation[1|20] (5 charges)
j) a Staff of Recovery[4|16] (7 charges)
k) a Staff of Reveal Ways[1|25] (9 charges)
l) a Staff of Sense Monsters[1|15] (3 charges)
m) a Staff of Sense Monsters[1|16] (15 charges)
n) a Staff of Sense Monsters[1|15] (13 charges)
o) a Ring of Fire Resistance
    It provides resistance to fire.  
    It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    You bought it from the Magic shop.
p) an Amulet of Infravision (+2)
q) a Jewel Encrusted Crown [0,+0]
r) a Metal Cap [3,+0]
s) (nothing)
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Home Inventory - Bree ]

a) a Mushroom of Poison
b) a Potion of Corruption
c) a Potion of Neutralise Poison
d) a Potion of Boldness
e) a Potion of Resist Cold
f) a Potion of Heroism
g) a Potion of Berserk Strength
h) a Potion of Cure Light Wounds
i) a Potion of Restore Wisdom
j) a Potion of Restore Dexterity
k) a Scroll of Trap Creation
l) 5 Scrolls of *Identify*
m) a Scroll of Treasure Detection
n) 2 Rod Tips of Nothing (1 Mana to cast)
o) a Rod Tip of Recall (80 Mana to cast)
p) a Rod Tip of Illumination (8 Mana to cast)
q) a Rod Tip of Light (15 Mana to cast)
r) a Wand of Disperse Magic[1|5] (6 charges)
s) a Wand of Confuse[2|20] (5 charges)
t) a Ring of Slow Digestion
u) a Ring of Cold Resistance
v) a Feanorian Lamp
w) a Parchment - Khuzdul - The Hidden Tongue of the Dwarves

Posted on 17.1.2004 04:30
Last updated on 17.1.2004 06:29

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14457. on the Ladder (of 19127)
2506. on the ToME Ladder (of 3160)
18. for this player (


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