The Angband Ladder: Melehta4Pineh, High-Elf Ranger by Thraalbeast
[Angband 4.0beta Character Dump] Name Melehta4PinehAge 129 Self RB CB EB Best Race High-Elf Height 6'6" STR: 10 +1 +0 +0 11 Class Ranger Weight 11st 9lb INT: 13 +3 +2 -3 15 Title Tracker Turns used: WIS: 18/35 -1 -2 -3 16 HP -12/180 Game 173311 DEX: 16 +3 +1 +0 18/20 SP 14/27 Standard 17605 CON: 11 +1 -1 +3 14 Resting 1471 Level 24 Armor [39,+59] Saving Throw 74% Cur Exp 24331 Stealth Superb Max Exp 24331 Melee 1d4,+10 Disarming 54% Adv Exp 28750 To-hit 46,-4 Magic Devices 69 Blows 1.3/turn Perception 1 in 45 Gold 2463 Searching 2% Burden 118.7 lbs Shoot to-dam +6 Infravision 60 ft Speed Normal To-hit 68,-12 Max Depth 1750' (L35) Shots 2/turn You are Melehta Pinehtar, the mighty bugslayer. Go forth and conquer. And don't forget to complain about how everything will be ruined forever. rAcid:+.......+.... Nexus:............. rElec:+.......+.... Nethr:............. rFire:+.......+.... Chaos:............. rCold:+.......+.... Disen:........+.... rPois:......+...... pFear:.........+... rLite:............+ pBlnd:............. rDark:............. pConf:............. Sound:............. pStun:............. Shard:............. HLife:............. Regen:+............ Stea.:+.......+.... ESP:............. Sear.:.........+... Invis:+........+..+ Infra:....+.......+ FrAct:+........+++. Tunn.:............. Feath:+............ Speed:...+......... S.Dig:............. Blows:............. ImpHP:............. Shots:............. Fear:...+......... Might:............. Aggrv:.........+... Light:.....+....... [Last Messages] > Gravity warps around you. > You feel yourself moving slower! > You have been stunned. > You are surrounded by a white light. > Your Arrow (1d4) (+0,+0) hit the Gravity hound. > You have 39 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) (a). > The Arrow breaks. > The Gravity hound snarls with pain. > The Gravity hound breathes gravity. > Low hitpoint warning! > *** LOW HITPOINT WARNING! *** > Gravity warps around you. > The Gravity hound breathes gravity. > You die. > Gravity warps around you. Killed by a Gravity hound. [Character Equipment] a) a Dagger (Defender) (1d4) (+12,+7) [+7] <+3> Found lying on the floor at 900 feet (level 18) +3 stealth. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, frost. Cannot be harmed by acid. Sustains constitution. Feather Falling. Speeds regeneration. Prevents paralysis. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Combat info: 1.3 blows/round. With +7 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.6 blows With +0 STR and +2 DEX you would get 1.6 blows Average damage/round: 16.7. b) a Long Bow (x3) (+4,+6) {!d} Dropped by a Mage at 1250 feet (level 25) c) a Ring of Constitution <+3> Found lying on the floor of a cavern at 1350 feet (level 27) +3 constitution. Sustains constitution. d) a Ring of Escaping <+4> Dropped by an Apprentice at 1250 feet (level 25) +4 speed. Makes you afraid of melee, and worse at shooting and casting spells. e) an Amulet of Infravision <+2> Dropped by a Kobold at 1000 feet (level 20) +2 infravision. f) a Lantern (12020 turns) <+2> Found lying on the floor at 350 feet (level 7) Cannot be harmed by fire. Radius 2 light. g) Green Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [20,+10] Found lying on the floor of a cavern at 1350 feet (level 27) Provides resistance to poison gas. h) a Cloak [1,+3] {!d, ignore} Found lying on the floor at 250 feet (level 5) i) a Leather Shield of Elvenkind [8,+6] <+1> Dropped by Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman at 1300 feet (level 26) +1 stealth. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, frost, disenchantment. Cannot be harmed by acid. j) the Iron Helm of Gorlim (+8,+8) [7,+10] <-3, -5> Dropped by Lagduf, the Snaga at 1000 feet (level 20) -3 intelligence. -3 wisdom. -5 searching skill. Provides protection from fear. Cannot be harmed by acid. Prevents paralysis. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Aggravates creatures nearby. k) a Set of Leather Gloves of Free Action [1,+3] Found lying on the floor at 50 feet (level 1) Prevents paralysis. l) a Pair of Leather Boots of Free Action [2,+10] Dropped by Ufthak of Cirith Ungol at 1150 feet (level 23) Prevents paralysis. [Character Inventory] a) a Book of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] b) a Book of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] c) a Book of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] d) 5 Mushrooms of Emergency e) 18 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds f) 3 Potions of Healing {!*} g) 2 Potions of Enlightenment h) 6 Potions of Berserk Strength i) 30 Scrolls of Phase Door j) 4 Scrolls of Teleportation {!*} k) 2 Scrolls of Satisfy Hunger l) a Scroll of Identify m) 5 Scrolls of Word of Recall n) a Rod of Door/Stair Location o) a Rod of Light p) a Staff of *Destruction* (3 charges) {!*} [Character Quiver] a) 40 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) Combat info: Hits targets up to 120 feet away. Average damage/round: 51. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. b) 40 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) Combat info: Hits targets up to 120 feet away. Average damage/round: 51. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. c) 37 Arrows (1d4) (+0,+0) Combat info: Hits targets up to 120 feet away. Average damage/round: 51. 35% chance of breaking upon contact. [Home Inventory] a) 3 Potions of Restore Life Levels b) 2 Potions of Restore Mana c) 2 Potions of Resist Poison d) 9 Scrolls of Satisfy Hunger e) 3 Scrolls of Recharging f) 3 Staves of Identify (4 charges) {@Z1} g) the Lochaber Axe 'Mundwine' (3d8) (+12,+17) Dropped by Ibun, Son of M�m at 1250 feet (level 25) Slays demons, animals, evil creatures. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, frost. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Combat info: You are too weak to use this weapon. 1.0 blow/round. With +0 STR and +0 DEX you would get 1.1 blows Average damage/round: 63.4 vs. demons, 49.3 vs. animals, 49.3 vs. evil creatures, and 35.1 vs. others. h) a Book of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] i) a Book of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] j) a Book of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] k) a Book of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations] l) a Book of Magic Spells [Resistances of Scarabtarices] Cannot be harmed by fire. [Player history] Turn Depth Note 0 0' Began the quest to destroy Morgoth. 286 50' Reached level 2 1694 200' Reached level 3 1987 250' Reached level 4 2094 250' Reached level 5 2668 300' Reached level 6 2828 350' -- Note: short bow x2 (+15,+9) already is nice 2858 350' Reached level 7 3636 400' Reached level 8 4193 450' Reached level 9 4416 500' Reached level 10 4428 500' Reached level 11 4544 500' Reached level 12 4682 500' Reached level 13 4727 500' Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit 5847 550' Reached level 14 7229 850' Reached level 15 8203 900' Reached level 16 10444 1000' Reached level 17 10964 1000' Killed Lagduf, the Snaga 10966 1000' Found the Iron Helm of Gorlim 10983 1000' -- Note: id-by-use on Gorlim... Aggrrrr 11692 1050' Reached level 18 12032 0' -- Note: Broke the curse on 2nd attempt 12131 1100' Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog 12440 1150' Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol 12533 1150' Reached level 19 12793 1150' Reached level 20 13131 1200' Killed Sangahyando of Umbar 13160 1200' Killed Angamaitë of Umbar 13160 1200' Reached level 21 13595 1250' Killed Bolg, Son of Azog 13675 1250' Killed Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai 13675 1250' Reached level 22 13921 1250' Killed Ibun, Son of Mîm 13923 1250' Found the Lochaber Axe 'Mundwine' 14465 1300' Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 15056 1350' -- Note: Nexus swap str and wis ... bleh 15168 1350' Reached level 23 15324 1350' Killed Uglúk, the Uruk 16183 1400' Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord 17124 1500' Reached level 24 [Options] [User interface] Use the roguelike command keyset : yes (rogue_like_commands) Use sound : no (use_sound) Show damage player deals to monsters : no (show_damage) Use old target by default : no (use_old_target) Always pickup items : no (pickup_always) Always pickup items matching inventory : yes (pickup_inven) Show flavors in object descriptions : no (show_flavors) Highlight target with cursor : yes (show_target) Disturb whenever viewable monster moves : yes (disturb_near) Show walls as solid blocks : no (solid_walls) Show walls with shaded background : no (hybrid_walls) Color: Illuminate torchlight in yellow : no (view_yellow_light) Color: Shimmer multi-colored things : yes (animate_flicker) Center map continuously : no (center_player) Color: Show unique monsters in purple : yes (purple_uniques) Automatically clear '-more-' prompts : no (auto_more) Color: Player color indicates % hit points : yes (hp_changes_color) Allow mouse clicks to move the player : no (mouse_movement) Notify on object recharge : no (notify_recharge) [Birth] Randomise the artifacts (except a very few) : no (birth_randarts) Word of Recall has no effect : no (birth_no_recall) Restrict creation of artifacts : no (birth_no_artifacts) Don't stack objects on the floor : no (birth_no_stacking) Lose artifacts when leaving level : no (birth_no_preserve) Don't generate connected stairs : yes (birth_no_stairs) Don't show level feelings : no (birth_no_feelings) Increase gold drops but disable selling : yes (birth_no_selling) Use previous set of randarts : yes (birth_keep_randarts) Start with a kit of useful gear : yes (birth_start_kit) Monsters learn from their mistakes : no (birth_ai_learn) Force player descent : no (birth_force_descend) |
Posted on 26.5.2015 20:29
27. on the Competition No.174 Ladder (of 35)
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