The Angband Ladder: Fizzle, RohanKnight Possessor by <>

  [ToME 2.2.0 Character Dump]

 Name  : Fizzle                 Age                 21       Str:     16     17
 Sex   : Male                   Height              56       INT:      9       
 Race  : RohanKnight Hermit     Weight              77       WIS:     20       
 Class : Possessor              Social Class         1       DEX:     11       
 Body  : Player                                              CON:     14       
 God   : Nobody                                              Chr:     19     19
 + To Melee Hit           8 Level             17    Max Hit Points       157   
 + To Melee Damage       12 Experience      7853    Cur Hit Points       157   
 + To Ranged Hit         21 Max Exp         7853    Max SP (Mana)         45   
 + To Ranged Damage       0 Exp to Adv.     8120    Cur SP (Mana)         45   
   AC                 20+17 Gold           17452                               
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Excellent    Perception  : Fair         Blows/Round:  1         
 Bows/Throw  : Superb       Searching   : Good         Shots/Round:  2         
 Saving Throw: Fair         Disarming   : Good         Mel.dmg/Rnd:  3d3+12    
 Stealth     : Bad          Magic Device: Excellent    Infra-Vision: 30 feet   
                                                       Tactic:       confident 
                                                       Explor:       normal    
                         (Character Background)                                
          You are one of several children of a Serf.  You have dark            
          brown eyes, straight black hair, and a dark complexion.              

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Cth monsters:         OFF
 Z-like monsters:      OFF
 Joke monsters:        OFF
 Maximize mode:        OFF
 Preserve Mode:        ON
 Autoscum:             ON
 Small Levels:         ON
 Arena Levels:         ON
 Always unusual rooms: OFF
 Persistent Dungeons:  OFF

 Recall Depth:
        Barrow-Downs: Level 10 (500')

 Your body is a Player.
 You are currently in the town of Bree.
 You have defeated 2373 enemies.
 You saved 2 princesses.

 You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 It is currently the 47th Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You have been adventuring for 4 days.

        Add Int   : ..1.............            
        Add Wis   : 2...............            
        Add Stea. : ..1.............            
        Add Tun.. : ..............3.            
        Add Speed : ...............+            
        Slay Evil : +...............            
        Sust Str  : ................            
        Sust Int  : ................            
        Sust Wis  : ................            
        Sust Dex  : ................            
        Sust Con  : ................            
        Sust Chr  : ..........+.....            
        Invisible : ...+............            
        Mul life  : ................            
        Sens Fire : ................            
        Reflect   : ................            
        Free Act  : ................            
        Hold Life : ................            
        Res Acid  : ..........+.....            
        Res Elec  : ................            
        Res Fire  : ......+.........            
        Res Cold  : ..+.............            
        Res Pois  : ................            
        Res Fear  : +.+.............            
        Res Lite  : ................            
        Res Dark  : ................            
        Res Blind : ..+.............            
        Res Conf  : ................            
        Res Sound : ..........+.....            
        Res Shard : ..+.............            
        Res Neth  : ................            
        Res Nexus : ...........+....            
        Res Chaos : ................            
        Res Disen : ................            
        Levitate  : ...........+....            
        Digestion : +...............            
        Blessed   : +...............            
        Cursed    : ..+.............            
        Evil.ESP  : +...............            

 Corruption list:
Demon Breath:
  Provides fire breath
  But gives a small chance to spoil potions when you quaff them

Random teleportation:
  Randomly teleports you around

Skills (points left: 0)
 - Combat                                        15.100 [0.600]
	  . Weaponmastery                               12.200 [0.800]
	  . Archery                                     06.200 [0.400]
 - Sneakiness                                    01.070 [0.700]
	  . Stealth                                     01.000 [0.700]
	  . Disarming                                   01.500 [0.500]
 - Magic                                         06.420 [0.600]
	  . Magic-Device                                11.000 [1.000]
 - Spirituality                                  01.000 [0.500]
	  . Prayer                                      00.000 [0.500]
	  . Music                                       00.000 [0.300]
 - Monster-lore                                  03.420 [1.100]
	  . Corpse-preservation                         10.000 [0.900]
	  . Possession                                  10.600 [0.800]

 One of your companion(s) has been killed.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a War Hammer of *Slay Evil* (3d3) (+7,+6) (+2)
        It can be wielded two-handed.  It increases your wisdom by 2.  It
    fights against evil with holy fury.  It makes you completely fearless.
    It allows you to sense the presence of evil beings.  It slows your
    metabolism.  It has been blessed by the gods.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 9 of Barrow-Downs.
d) The Sling of Farmer Maggot (x2) (+20,+0) (+2) {100% off}
e) The Ring 'Hadhros' (-1) {cursed}
    decreases your intelligence and stealth by 1.  It makes you completely
    fearless.  It provides resistance to cold, blindness and shards.  It
    is cursed.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 9 of Barrow-Downs.
f) an Indestructible Ring of Invisibility
k) (nothing)
m) a Brass Lantern (with 1538 turns of light)
n) Rhino Hide Armour of Resist Fire (-1) [8,+7]
o) a Fur Cloak [3,+4]
p) (nothing)
s) an Iron Helm [5,+5]
u) The Set of Gauntlets of Ibuntar [2,+1]
    sustains your charisma.  It provides resistance to acid and sound.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman on level 6 of
x) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Stability [2,+2]
    It provides resistance to nexus.  It allows you to
    You found it lying on the ground on level 3 of Barrow-Downs.
z) (nothing)
{) 26 Iron Shots (1d4) (+6,+5)
|) a Dwarven Shovel (1d3) (+6,+6) (+3)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Rune [Knowledge]
b) The Deck of Wild Magic {tele level}
    It can be
    activated for teleport level.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 1 of Barrow-Downs.
c) 10 Mushrooms of Cure Serious Wounds {100% off}
d) 12 Rations of Food
e) 7 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
f) 10 Scrolls of Phase Door
g) 9 Scrolls of Teleportation
h) 2 Scrolls of Word of Recall {50% off}
i) a Wand of Manathrust[2|15] (10 charges)
j) a Staff of Globe of Light[1|10] of Plenty (15 charges)
k) a Staff of Globe of Light[1|10]
l) a Staff of Teleportation[1|20] (9 charges)
m) Soft Studded Leather [5] {good}
n) Hard Studded Leather [7]
o) Hard Studded Leather [7]
p) a Small Leather Shield [2] {average}
q) a Hard Leather Cap [2] {average}
r) a Small Sword (1d6) {good}
s) a Sabre (1d7)
t) The Rounded Pebble 'Travak' (3d6) (+8,+5) {@w0}
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Home Inventory - Bree ]

a) The Jester's Cap of Insanity
    It can be
    activated for cure fear.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 2 of Barrow-Downs.
b) a Potion of *Healing*
c) 2 Scrolls of Recharging
d) a Staff of Remove Curses[1|15] (10 charges)
e) a Staff of Identify[1|15] {25% off}
f) a Staff of Fiery Shield[1|5] (4 charges)
g) an Indestructible Ring of Dexterity (+3) {90% off}
    increases your dexterity by 3.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
h) a Venomous Spear (1d6) (+1,+5)
i) a Quarterstaff of *Slay Undead* (1d9) (+8,+4) (+2)
j) a Light Crossbow (x3) (+5,+2)
k) 11 Arrows (1d4)
l) 24 Iron Shots of Slay Animal (1d4) (+4,+2)
m) 26 Iron Shots (1d4) (+3,+2)

  [The Mathom-house Inventory - Bree ]

a) The Tome of Collected Weird Magic
    It can be activated for confusion.
    You found it lying on the ground on level 1 of Barrow-Downs.
b) Raal's Tormented Spirits
    It can be
    activated for decreasing Wisdom.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 9 of Barrow-Downs.

Posted on 26.6.2003 12:39

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16844. on the Ladder (of 19127)
2872. on the ToME Ladder (of 3160)
Second best for this player (


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On 26.6.2003 12:40 wrote:
WTF!?! I never noticedIi had autoscum on! I thought I'd been getting a lot of good levels...

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