The Angband Ladder: Tarn, Dwarf Rogue by fizzix
[Angband 3.3.0 Character Dump] Name Tarn Self RB CB EB Best Sex Female Age 38 STR! 18/100 +2 +2 +14 18/*** Race Dwarf Height 47 INT! 18/100 -3 +1 +6 18/140 Class Rogue Weight 120 WIS! 18/100 +2 -2 +2 18/120 Title ***WINNER*** Social Liked DEX! 18/100 -2 +3 +11 18/*** HP 938/1073 Maximize Y CON! 18/100 +2 +1 +9 18/*** SP 104/207 CHR! 18/100 -3 -1 +7 18/130 Level 50 Armor [53,+154] Saving Throw 96% Cur Exp 7526138 Fight (+29,+23) Stealth Heroic Max Exp 7526138 Melee (+37,+42) Fighting Legendary Adv Exp ******** Shoot (+44,+16) Shooting Legendary MaxDepth 5000' (L100) Blows 5.0/turn Disarming 100% Game Turns 751096 Shots 1/turn Magic Device 99 Standard Turns 109588 Infra 110 ft Perception 1 in 1 Resting Turns 23544 Speed 21 Searching 69% Gold 11082673 Burden 318.3 lbs You are one of two children of a Dwarven Thief. You are a credit to the family. You have dark brown eyes, wavy black hair, a three foot beard, and a dark complexion. rAcid:...+..+...... Nexus:...++..+..... rElec:+.....+.+.... Nethr:......+...... rFire:+.....+...... Chaos:...+......... rCold:......++*.... Disen:..........+.. rPois:....+........ Feath:..........+.. rLite:......+.+.... pFear:........+.... rDark:..........+.. pBlnd:...+..+.....+ Sound:............. pConf:..........+.. Shard:......+.+.... pStun:.+........... Light:+......+..... Tunn.:............+ Regen:............. Speed:..+.+..+...+. ESP:+..+.+....... Blows:............. Invis:+............ Shots:............. FrAct:.+......++... Might:.+........... HLife:......+...... S.Dig:.......+..... Stea.:....+.++..... ImpHP:............. Sear.:....+........ Fear:............. Infra:....+.......+ Aggrv:............. [Last Messages] > You see a Sling (x2). > You have the Sling of Hyaruin (x2) {special} (s). > In your pack: the Sling of Hyaruin (x5) (+12,+17) [+24] <+3> (s). > Note: Hyaruin (morgoth) > You see a Rapier (1d6). > You have a Rapier (1d6) {squelch} (r). > You drop a Rapier (1d6) {squelch} (r). > You have no more Rapiers (1d6) {squelch} (r). > You see a Staff of Power (4 charges). > You no longer feel heroic. > You see a Mighty Hammer (3d9). > You have the Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (3d9) {special} (s). > You see a Massive Iron Crown [0]. > You have the Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0] {special, cursed} (q). > You see a Book of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks]. Killed by Ripe Old Age. [Character Equipment] a) the Ball-and-Chain 'Barandi' (10d4) (+8,+19) [+12] <+2> (charging) Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97). +2 wisdom. *Slays* dragons, undead. Branded with weak lightning. Provides resistance to lightning, fire. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Sustains wisdom. Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things. When aimed, it drains up to 250 hit points of life from a target creature. Takes 372 to 456 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 94.6% Combat info: 5.0 blows/round. Average damage/round: 495.5 vs. creatures not resistant to electricity, 908 vs. dragons, 908 vs. undead, and 358 vs. others. Radius 1 light. b) a Long Bow of Lothlórien (x4) (+15,+16) <+4, +1> Found in a chest from 2900 feet (level 58). +4 dexterity. +1 shooting power. Provides protection from stunning. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. Prevents paralysis. c) a Ring of Speed <+13> Found lying on the floor in a pit at 4750 feet (level 95). +13 speed. d) the Ring of Sarion <+4> Dropped by a Great Wyrm of Thunder at 4400 feet (level 88). +4 intelligence, charisma. Provides resistance to acid, nexus, chaos. Provides protection from blindness. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Sustains constitution. Grants telepathy. e) an Amulet of Trickery <+4, +2, +6> Dropped by a Barbazu at 4500 feet (level 90). +4 dexterity. +2 stealth, speed. +6 infravision. +30% to searching. Provides resistance to poison, nexus. Sustains dexterity. f) the Arkenstone of Turuinur (charging) Dropped by a Dracolisk at 4250 feet (level 85). Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Grants telepathy. When activated, it maps the entire level and detects nearby objects, traps, doors, and stairs. Takes 193 to 380 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 93.5% Radius 3 light. g) the Red Dragon Scale Mail of Armen (-2) [24,+26] <+5> Found lying on the floor at 3650 feet (level 73). +5 strength, stealth. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, light, shards, nether. Provides protection from blindness. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Sustains strength. Sustains your life force. h) the Elven Cloak of Alembramo (+1,+3) [6,+41] <+2> Dropped by a Young black dragon at 4200 feet (level 84). +2 strength, intelligence, dexterity, stealth, speed. Provides resistance to cold, nexus. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Sustains intelligence. Slows your metabolism. When aimed, it creates a large frost ball with damage 200. Takes 402 to 494 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 95.6% Radius 1 light. i) the Large Metal Shield of Mothad [12,+24] <+3> Dropped by Smaug the Golden at 4500 feet (level 90). +3 constitution, charisma. Provides immunity to cold. Provides resistance to lightning, light, shards. Provides protection from fear. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Sustains charisma. Prevents paralysis. When aimed, it creates an acid bolt with damage 10d8. Takes 186 to 205 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 96.4% j) an Iron Crown of Might [0,+14] <+3, +1, +2> {!k} Dropped by a Great Storm Wyrm at 4000 feet (level 80). +3 strength. +1 dexterity. +2 constitution. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Sustains strength, dexterity, constitution. Prevents paralysis. k) the Set of Gauntlets of Elost [3,+8] <+4> Dropped by a Gelugon at 4300 feet (level 86). +4 strength, constitution. Provides resistance to dark, disenchantment. Provides protection from confusion. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Feather Falling. l) a Pair of Mithril Shod Boots of Speed [8,+14] <+9> {!k} Found lying on the floor in a pit at 4750 feet (level 95). +9 speed. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. [Character Quiver] n) 11 Mithril Bolts of Holy Might (3d5) (+16,+18) Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97). Slays evil creatures, undead, demons. Cannot be harmed by acid, fire. o) (nothing) p) (nothing) q) (nothing) r) (nothing) s) (nothing) t) (nothing) u) (nothing) v) (nothing) w) (nothing) [Character Inventory] a) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Magic for Beginners] {@m1@b1@G1 !k} b) 3 Books of Magic Spells [Conjurings and Tricks] {@m2@b2@G2 !k} c) 3 Books of Magic Spells [Incantations and Illusions] {@m3@b3@G3 !k} d) 4 Books of Magic Spells [Sorcery and Evocations] {@m4@b4@G4 !k} e) 2 Books of Magic Spells [Resistances of Scarabtarices] {@m5@b5@G5} Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. f) a Book of Magic Spells [Mordenkainen's Escapes] {@m7@b7@G7} Dropped by a Hill orc at 2550 feet (level 51). Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. g) a Book of Magic Spells [Tenser's Transformations] {@m8@b8@G8} Dropped by Saruman of Many Colours at 4000 feet (level 80). Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. h) 4 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds i) a Potion of *Healing* {!*} It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect. j) 4 Potions of Life {!*} It can be thrown at creatures with damaging effect. k) 22 Potions of Restore Mana l) 8 Scrolls of Phase Door {@r1} m) 3 Scrolls of *Destruction* {!*} n) 7 Rods of Teleport Other (1 charging) {@z7} o) a Staff of Banishment (0 charges) {!k} p) the Ring 'Moria' <+5> Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97). +5 strength, intelligence, dexterity, constitution, charisma. Provides resistance to lightning, fire, cold, light, nexus, disenchantment. Provides protection from fear, confusion. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Speeds regeneration. Sustains your life force. When aimed, it fires a magical arrow with damage 150. Takes 342 to 418 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 88.9% Radius 1 light. q) the Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [0,+0] <+125> {cursed} Dropped by Morgoth, Lord of Darkness at 5000 feet (level 100). Permanently cursed. +125 strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma, infravision. Provides resistance to acid, lightning, fire, cold, poison, light, dark, nexus, nether. Provides protection from fear, confusion. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Radius 1 light. r) the Metal Cap of Duindin [3,+19] <+2> Dropped by a Nightcrawler at 4300 feet (level 86). +2 strength, intelligence, wisdom, constitution, charisma. Provides immunity to lightning. Provides resistance to fire, dark, chaos. Provides protection from blindness. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Feather Falling. When activated, it restores all your stats. Takes 467 to 627 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 96.4% s) the Executioner's Sword of Hangion (5d5) (+9,+11) [+3] <+4> Dropped by an Ancient red dragon at 4250 feet (level 85). +4 intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma. *Slays* dragons. Provides immunity to acid. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Blessed by the gods. Prevents paralysis. Sustains your life force. When activated, it inscribes a glyph of warding beneath you, which monsters cannot move onto. Takes 623 to 912 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 94.6% Combat info: 5.0 blows/round. Average damage/round: 611 vs. dragons, and 266 vs. others. t) the Mighty Hammer 'Grond' (9d9) (+5,+25) [+10] Dropped by Morgoth, Lord of Darkness at 5000 feet (level 100). Slays animals, evil creatures, orcs, trolls. *Slays* dragons, demons, undead. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Grants telepathy. Grants the ability to see invisible things. Aggravates creatures nearby. Combat info: 4.3 blows/round. Average damage/round: 900.1 vs. animals, 900.1 vs. evil creatures, 1210.4 vs. orcs, 1210.4 vs. trolls, 1831.4 vs. dragons, 1831.4 vs. demons, 1831.4 vs. undead, and 589.3 vs. others. Sometimes creates earthquakes on impact. u) the Sling of Hyaruin (x5) (+12,+17) [+24] <+3> Dropped by Morgoth, Lord of Darkness at 5000 feet (level 100). +3 intelligence, dexterity, infravision, shooting power. Provides resistance to light. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Prevents paralysis. When aimed, it creates a large fire ball with damage 200. Takes 402 to 494 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 96.0% v) the Light Crossbow 'Loron' (x6) (+7,+22) <+3> Found lying on the floor in a vault at 4850 feet (level 97). +3 strength, dexterity, charisma, shooting power. Provides resistance to acid, lightning. Cannot be harmed by acid, electricity, fire, cold. Speeds regeneration. When activated, it deals five times your level's damage to all evil creatures that you can see. Takes 372 to 456 turns to recharge at your current speed. Your chance of success is 94.6% ============================================================ CHAR. | TURN | DEPTH |LEVEL| EVENT ============================================================ 1 0' 1 Began the quest to destroy Morgoth. 3344 50' 2 Reached level 2 7150 100' 3 Reached level 3 7768 100' 3 Killed Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog 8790 100' 4 Reached level 4 10587 100' 4 Killed Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog 13784 100' 5 Reached level 5 20170 300' 6 Reached level 6 20705 300' 7 Reached level 7 23160 300' 8 Reached level 8 31077 350' 9 Reached level 9 39894 400' 9 Killed Mughash the Kobold Lord 39894 400' 10 Reached level 10 44188 400' 11 Reached level 11 47104 400' 12 Reached level 12 61523 550' 13 Reached level 13 61551 550' 13 -- Note: Toughness zaps str 71296 550' 13 Killed Orfax, Son of Boldor 71396 550' 14 Reached level 14 73938 550' 14 -- Note: Brawn zaps Chr 79721 600' 15 Reached level 15 85012 600' 15 -- Note: Nimbleness zaps Int (very bad actually) 85022 600' 15 -- Note: zaps it again... 85212 600' 15 -- Note: essentially a warrior for a while... 85838 600' 15 -- Note: Intellect zaps chr 85848 600' 15 -- Note: Intellect zaps chr 95935 600' 16 Reached level 16 99431 600' 16 Killed Wormtongue, Agent of Saruman 102591 650' 17 Reached level 17 117495 650' 17 Killed Grishnákh, the Hill Orc 121724 650' 18 Reached level 18 134058 700' 18 -- Note: contemplation zaps Chr 137625 700' 19 Reached level 19 143692 750' 20 Reached level 20 154849 800' 20 Killed Brodda, the Easterling 163678 850' 19 -- Note: !Chr 172366 900' 20 Reached level 20 174173 900' 20 Killed Sangahyando of Umbar 179570 900' 20 -- Note: only 3 !CCW left... 182178 950' 20 -- Note: finally got off that level of death 182178 950' 20 -- Note: really could've used teleporting ability 182635 950' 21 Reached level 21 194936 950' 21 Killed Shagrat, the Orc Captain 194936 950' 22 Reached level 22 198200 950' 22 -- Note: Brawn zaps Wis 201091 1000' 22 -- Note: -dall (apprentice) 206699 1000' 22 -- Note: 4 !CCW is a very useful find 211078 1000' 22 Killed Sméagol 212941 1000' 22 -- Note: gauntlets of FA from smeagol 216070 1050' 23 Reached level 23 222518 1050' 23 -- Note: Blue DSM (?acq) 222518 1050' 23 -- Note: a good turn of luck after water hounds ruined all my g 224814 1050' 24 Reached level 24 226944 1050' 24 Killed Ulfast, Son of Ulfang 237007 1100' 24 -- Note: _teleport 241297 1100' 25 Reached level 25 242570 1100' 25 Killed Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief 258983 1150' 25 -- Note: _banishment 261271 1200' 25 Killed Gorbag, the Orc Captain 289793 1300' 25 Killed Ufthak of Cirith Ungol 291432 1300' 25 Killed Lagduf, the Snaga 301063 1350' 25 Killed Lugdush, the Uruk 302966 1350' 26 Reached level 26 313852 1500' 26 -- Note: !Int (ground) 320339 1500' 26 -- Note: dagger of venom (large kobold) 333630 1550' 26 Killed Nár, the Dwarf 334467 1550' 27 Reached level 27 349234 1650' 27 -- Note: axe of westernesse 349950 1650' 27 Killed Uglúk, the Uruk 350002 1650' 27 Found the Morning Star of Elithar (LOST) 350033 1650' 27 -- Note: Elithar (has nothing?) 361900 1700' 28 Reached level 28 362255 1700' 28 Found the Shovel of Hyarsil (LOST) 369922 1750' 28 -- Note: !Int 371220 1750' 28 Killed Bolg, Son of Azog 376427 1750' 28 -- Note: !Dex 396422 1900' 28 -- Note: !Dex (shade) 397681 1900' 29 Reached level 29 399693 1900' 29 Found the Ethereal Cloak of Nedhwen (LOST) 404930 1950' 29 -- Note: !Wis (law drake) 419435 2000' 30 Reached level 30 419435 2000' 31 Reached level 31 419445 2000' 31 -- Note: !Exp 427177 2050' 31 -- Note: Toughness zaps Wis 442034 2100' 31 -- Note: _speed 443259 2100' 31 Killed Khîm, Son of Mîm 443678 2100' 31 -- Note: yet another MB5 from khim 452126 2200' 31 -- Note: !Aug 456741 2250' 31 -- Note: labyrinth level with !Wis, 2xDex Aug and Healing 456841 2250' 31 -- Note: !got the Aug 457205 2250' 31 -- Note: got dex and wis 458283 2250' 31 -- Note: got all potions but have to ?tl off the level 459123 2300' 31 -- Note: another labyrinth! 459690 2300' 31 -- Note: greater mummy drops shield of resistance 460151 2300' 31 Found the Star 'Ungwe' (LOST) 460171 2300' 31 -- Note: Star (floor) 460528 2300' 31 -- Note: !Aug 460528 2300' 31 -- Note: thank you lice for breeding up the level 462899 2350' 31 Killed Lokkak, the Ogre Chieftain 465781 2350' 31 -- Note: !Str (death knight) 471212 2400' 31 -- Note: !Aug 473092 2400' 31 Found the Studded Leather Armour of Gwarin (LOST) 473093 2400' 31 -- Note: Gwarin (Lich) 473194 2400' 31 -- Note: !Str (required 2 charges of TO to get) 474336 2400' 32 Reached level 32 474346 2400' 32 -- Note: Clevel 32 (can cast haste) 485828 2550' 31 -- Note: Elvenkind mail (ranger chieftan) 487913 2550' 31 Found the Pair of Leather Boots 'Sared' (LOST) 487921 2550' 31 -- Note: Sared (dread) 490214 2550' 31 -- Note: !Str (dread) 490214 2550' 31 -- Note: Str and Dex maxed 492336 2550' 32 Reached level 32 495590 2550' 32 -- Note: !Wis 496101 2550' 32 -- Note: MB7 hill orc 496457 2550' 32 -- Note: !Wis (ancient white) 508575 2600' 32 Found the Long Sword of Ivrindon (LOST) 511347 2600' 32 -- Note: !Con (ethereal drake) 520939 2700' 32 -- Note: !Con (caster pit) 522861 2700' 32 -- Note: Mature black kills _speed 522942 2700' 32 -- Note: !Con (ground) 524540 2750' 32 Killed Ulfang the Black 526408 2750' 33 Reached level 33 526620 2750' 33 -- Note: found new _speed 529988 2800' 33 -- Note: !Dex (ancient red) 530636 2800' 33 Found the Elven Cloak of Mored (LOST) 530637 2800' 33 -- Note: Mored (ground) 539376 2900' 33 Found the Set of Alchemist's Gloves 'Enoring' 540893 2900' 33 -- Note: !Aug (had to chase around a poltergeist.. 540893 2900' 33 -- Note: it picked it up and ran away) 544073 2900' 33 -- Note: lothlorien bow (rstun) chest 544655 2900' 33 -- Note: Enoring (vault) 549694 3000' 33 Killed Uvatha the Horseman 553236 3100' 33 -- Note: !Con (dread) 554175 3100' 33 -- Note: !Aug (chest) 555721 3150' 34 Reached level 34 555841 3150' 34 -- Note: MB8 but not worth it yet 556400 3150' 34 -- Note: !Int (death knight) 556481 3150' 34 -- Note: !Int (chest from death knight) 559804 3150' 34 Killed Adunaphel the Quiet 568654 3200' 34 -- Note: !Wis (ogres) 574654 3250' 34 Killed Ren the Unclean 575374 3250' 34 Killed Bullroarer the Hobbit 576170 3300' 34 -- Note: !Con 576811 3300' 34 Killed Kavlax the Many-Headed 576880 3300' 34 Found the Scythe 'Cireb' 578692 3300' 34 -- Note: Cireb (kavlax) 579468 3300' 34 Killed Uldor the Accursed 579861 3300' 34 -- Note: crown of might (uldor) 580111 3300' 34 -- Note: !Wis (forest wight) 580349 3300' 34 Killed Ji Indur Dawndeath 585933 3400' 34 Killed The Queen Ant 587902 3500' 35 Reached level 35 590864 3550' 35 Found the Morning Star of Gorimroth (LOST) 590864 3550' 35 -- Note: Gorimorth (vault) 590871 3550' 35 -- Note: gorimorth is pretty strong but aggravating. 590874 3550' 35 -- Note: can't afford to keep it 594350 3550' 35 Killed Rogrog the Black Troll 595683 3550' 36 Reached level 36 595689 3550' 36 -- Note: !Exp for clevel 36 597753 3550' 36 -- Note: clear golem pit for another !Exp 601874 3650' 36 Found the Red Dragon Scale Mail of Armen 601916 3650' 36 -- Note: Armen (ground) 604565 3700' 36 -- Note: !Con (dread) 604675 3700' 37 Reached level 37 604686 3700' 37 -- Note: !Con (dread, con maxed) 604729 3700' 37 -- Note: !Wis (dread) 608914 3750' 37 Found the Mace of Aerufin (LOST) 608939 3750' 37 -- Note: Aerufin (white dragon pit) 610267 3750' 37 -- Note: !Int (WDP) 613559 3850' 37 -- Note: apparently failed to banish time hounds 613559 3850' 37 -- Note: then lost staff on recharge 613899 3850' 38 Reached level 38 614914 3850' 38 Found the Mace 'Elyarri' (LOST) 614924 3850' 38 -- Note: Elyarri (acolyte) 618922 3950' 38 Killed Harowen the Black Hand 619496 3950' 38 -- Note: !Aug 622794 4000' 38 Killed Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw 624622 4000' 38 Killed Itangast the Fire Drake 624816 4000' 38 Found the Mattock of Eromen (LOST) 624839 4000' 38 -- Note: Eromen (vault) 624886 4000' 38 Found the Hard Leather Cap 'Olwaia' (LOST) 624893 4000' 38 -- Note: olwaia (vault) 625244 4000' 38 Found the Broad Sword of Annardad (LOST) 625254 4000' 38 -- Note: Annardad (vault) 626709 4000' 38 Killed Saruman of Many Colours 626709 4000' 39 Reached level 39 628633 4000' 39 Found the Whip of Minin (LOST) 628633 4000' 39 -- Note: Minin (*Acq from barbazu) 628654 4000' 39 Found the Leather Scale Mail of Ilivil (LOST) 628655 4000' 39 -- Note: Ilivil (*Acq, barbazu) 628903 4000' 39 -- Note: !Exp (barbazu) 629569 4000' 40 Reached level 40 629681 4000' 40 Found the Great Axe 'Oharwar' (LOST) 629697 4000' 40 -- Note: Oharwar (barbazu) 630461 4000' 40 -- Note: !Wis (barbazu, wisdom maxed) 631716 4050' 40 Found the Pick 'Cutumil' (LOST) 631728 4050' 40 -- Note: cutumil (barbazu) 631937 4050' 40 -- Note: !Aug (barbazu, str maxed) 635615 4050' 40 Found the Mithril Chain Mail of Nellacir (LOST) 635623 4050' 40 -- Note: Nellacir (Green dragon pit) 635685 4050' 40 -- Note: !Aug (still haven't maxed chr) 637387 4050' 40 -- Note: +7 RoS 638724 4100' 40 -- Note: all stats maxed 639328 4100' 40 Found the Metal Brigandine Armour of Angon (LOST) 639336 4100' 40 -- Note: Angon (dread) 639723 4100' 41 Reached level 41 640794 4100' 41 Killed Fundin Bluecloak 641114 4100' 41 Killed Ar-Pharazôn the Golden 642686 4100' 41 Found the Leather Shield of Hundelmin (LOST) 642694 4100' 41 -- Note: Hundelmin (gelugon) 643567 4150' 41 Killed Eöl, the Dark Elf 644259 4150' 41 Killed The Lernaean Hydra 644512 4150' 41 Killed Ibun, Son of Mîm 646749 4150' 42 Reached level 42 647580 4150' 42 Found the Flail 'Ereith' (LOST) 647585 4150' 42 -- Note: Ereith (ainu pit) 652581 4200' 42 Found the Main Gauche of Aramor (LOST) 653137 4200' 42 Found the Elven Cloak of Alembramo 655727 4200' 42 Killed Azog, King of the Uruk-Hai 658394 4250' 42 Killed Pazuzu, Lord of Air 658394 4250' 43 Reached level 43 658410 4250' 43 Found the Beaked Axe of Numion (LOST) 658410 4250' 43 -- Note: Numion (pazuzu) 659336 4250' 43 Killed Scatha the Worm 663437 4250' 43 Found the Battle Axe of Golion (LOST) 663442 4250' 43 -- Note: Golion (red dragon pit) 663445 4250' 43 Found the Executioner's Sword of Hangion 663446 4250' 43 -- Note: Hangion (red dragon pit) 663983 4250' 43 Found the Arkenstone of Turuinur 663987 4250' 43 -- Note: Turuinur (Red dragon pit) 664554 4250' 43 Found the Broad Sword 'Elereth' (LOST) 664560 4250' 43 -- Note: elereth (RDP) 666185 4250' 43 Found the Halberd 'Irend' (LOST) 666193 4250' 43 -- Note: Irend (black reaver) 667766 4250' 44 Reached level 44 667803 4250' 44 Found the Phial of Fardang (LOST) 669322 4250' 44 -- Note: Phial (RDP) 669918 4250' 44 Found the Spear 'Luilot' (LOST) 669922 4250' 44 -- Note: Luilot (RDP) 672543 4300' 44 Found the Amulet of Tumuren (LOST) 672574 4300' 44 -- Note: Tumuren (GIW) 673164 4300' 44 Found the Set of Gauntlets of Elost 673280 4300' 44 -- Note: Elost (gelugon) 673327 4300' 44 Found the Long Sword of Barwe (LOST) 676381 4300' 45 Reached level 45 676534 4300' 45 Killed Feagwath, the Undead Sorcerer 676592 4300' 45 Killed Hoarmurath of Dir 676612 4300' 45 Found the Great Hammer of Belen (LOST) 677530 4300' 45 -- Note: Belen (feagwath) 678049 4300' 45 Killed Khamûl, the Black Easterling 679552 4300' 45 Killed The Witch-King of Angmar 679618 4300' 45 Killed Akhorahil the Blind 679693 4300' 45 Found the Halberd 'Risil' (LOST) 679701 4300' 45 -- Note: Risil (witchking) 680036 4300' 45 Found the Metal Cap of Duindin 680077 4300' 45 -- Note: Duindin (nightcrawler) 683099 4400' 45 Killed Castamir the Usurper 683167 4400' 45 Found the Ring of Sarion 683410 4400' 46 Reached level 46 683717 4400' 46 Found the Necklace of Vilwar (LOST) 683733 4400' 46 -- Note: Vilwar (archlich, graveyard) 688367 4450' 46 Killed The Cat Lord 689862 4500' 46 Killed Qlzqqlzuup, the Emperor Quylthulg 690331 4500' 46 Found the Trident of Barth (LOST) 690331 4500' 46 -- Note: Barth (chest) 691787 4500' 46 -- Note: Trickery (lesser titan) 693796 4500' 46 Killed The Mouth of Sauron 693850 4500' 47 Reached level 47 694026 4500' 47 Killed Smaug the Golden 694040 4500' 47 Found the Large Metal Shield of Mothad 694058 4500' 47 -- Note: Mothad (smaug) 695791 4500' 47 Killed Thuringwethil, the Vampire Messenger 697287 4500' 47 Killed Huan, Wolfhound of the Valar 698708 4550' 47 Found the Iron Crown of Luindi (LOST) 702382 4550' 47 Found the Jewel 'Gwarad' (LOST) 702390 4550' 47 -- Note: Gwarad (demon pit) 702397 4550' 47 Found the Pair of Leather Boots of Sulion (LOST) 702408 4550' 47 -- Note: Sulion (demon pit) 703742 4550' 47 Found the Augmented Chain Mail 'Olweth' (LOST) 703747 4550' 47 -- Note: Olweth (demon pit) 703809 4550' 48 Reached level 48 705440 4550' 48 Killed Maeglin, the Traitor of Gondolin 708535 4600' 48 Killed Baphomet the Minotaur Lord 710071 4650' 48 Killed Bert the Stone Troll 711362 4650' 48 Killed Angamaitë of Umbar 712680 4700' 48 Killed Glaurung, Father of the Dragons 712763 4700' 48 Found the Hard Leather Cap of Valen (LOST) 712780 4700' 48 -- Note: Valen (glaurung) 717450 4750' 48 Found the Halberd of Rantil (LOST) 717472 4750' 48 -- Note: Rantil (graveyard) 717670 4750' 48 Found the Lance 'Narth' (LOST) 717690 4750' 48 -- Note: Narth (graveyard) 720024 4750' 49 Reached level 49 722028 4750' 49 -- Note: +9 BoS (graveyard loot, is an upgrade) 722066 4750' 49 -- Note: +13 RoS also an upgrade 723820 4800' 49 Found the Jewel Encrusted Crown of Neldan (LOST) 723886 4800' 49 -- Note: Neldan (Black dragon pit) 724102 4800' 49 Found the Broad Sword 'Urthauria' (LOST) 724102 4800' 49 -- Note: Urthauria (mature gold) 725464 4850' 49 -- Note: GV time 725949 4850' 49 Found the Short Bow of Cormengin (LOST) 725970 4850' 49 -- Note: Cormengin (bile demon) 725987 4850' 49 Found the Whip 'Thalas' (LOST) 725987 4850' 49 -- Note: Thalas (GV) 726526 4850' 49 Found the Ball-and-Chain 'Barandi' 726527 4850' 49 -- Note: Barandi (GV) 726529 4850' 49 -- Note: Barandi does 900 damage per round vs dragons and undea 728664 4850' 49 Found the Rapier of Avalacir (LOST) 728667 4850' 49 -- Note: Avalacir (GV) 728994 4850' 49 Found the Light Crossbow of Laden (LOST) 729029 4850' 49 Found the War Hammer of Dambar (LOST) 729032 4850' 49 -- Note: Laden, Dambar (GV) 729697 4850' 49 Killed Ungoliant, the Unlight 730477 4850' 49 Killed Lorgan, Chief of the Easterlings 730808 4850' 49 Found the Cutlass of Naxaras (LOST) 730812 4850' 49 -- Note: Naxars (GV) 730962 4850' 49 Found the Ring 'Moria' 731749 4850' 49 Found the Multi-Hued Dragon Scale Mail of Caragoth (LOST) 731758 4850' 49 -- Note: caragoth (GWoMC) 731760 4850' 49 -- Note: Lost 2 Mass banish and 2 banish so far due to breaths 733676 4850' 49 Killed Draugluin, Sire of All Werewolves 733685 4850' 49 Found the Steel Helm of Curiath (LOST) 733692 4850' 49 -- Note: Curiath (GV) 733864 4850' 49 Found the Light Crossbow 'Loron' 733913 4850' 49 -- Note: Loron (GV) 734985 4850' 49 Killed Polyphemus, the Blind Cyclops 736493 4850' 49 Killed Atlas, the Titan 736810 4850' 49 Killed Gothmog, the High Captain of Balrogs 736810 4850' 50 Reached level 50 737114 4850' 50 Killed Mîm, Betrayer of Turin 737250 4850' 50 Killed Tselakus, the Dreadlord 738255 4900' 50 Killed Cantoras, the Skeletal Lord 738922 4900' 50 Killed Kronos, Lord of the Titans 740575 4900' 50 Killed Gorlim, Betrayer of Barahir 743525 4950' 50 Killed Waldern, King of Water 743548 4950' 50 Killed Quaker, Master of Earth 744681 4950' 50 Killed Sauron, the Sorcerer 744709 4950' 50 Found the Set of Leather Gloves of Larauru (LOST) 744721 4950' 50 -- Note: Larauru (sauron) 746335 4950' 50 Killed Ossë, Herald of Ulmo 747825 4950' 50 Killed Lungorthin, the Balrog of White Fire 751026 5000' 50 Killed Morgoth, Lord of Darkness 751070 5000' 50 Found the Sling of Hyaruin 751073 5000' 50 -- Note: Hyaruin (morgoth) 751085 5000' 50 Found the Mighty Hammer 'Grond' 751091 5000' 50 Found the Massive Iron Crown of Morgoth [Options] Maximise effect of race/class bonuses : yes (birth_maximize) Randomise the artifacts (except a very few) : yes (birth_randarts) Restrict the use of stairs/recall : yes (birth_ironman) Restrict the use of stores/home : no (birth_no_stores) Restrict creation of artifacts : no (birth_no_artifacts) Don't stack objects on the floor : no (birth_no_stacking) Lose artifacts when leaving level : no (birth_no_preserve) Don't generate connected stairs : yes (birth_no_stairs) Don't show level feelings : no (birth_no_feelings) Items always sell for 0 gold : yes (birth_no_selling) Use previous set of randarts : no (birth_keep_randarts) Monsters chase recent locations : yes (birth_ai_smell) Monsters act smarter in groups : yes (birth_ai_packs) Monsters learn from their mistakes : no (birth_ai_learn) Monsters exploit player's weaknesses : no (birth_ai_cheat) Monsters behave more intelligently (broken) : no (birth_ai_smart) |
Posted on 27.9.2011 04:22
4786. on the Ladder (of 19028)
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