The Angband Ladder: Star Fore, Ursa Shaman by buzzkill

  [FayAngband 1.0.0 Character Dump]

 Name   Star Fore                              CB  Base  RB  EB  Stat
 Sex    Female       Age             16  STR: (+1)  13   +3  +0   16
 Race   Ursa         Height          95  INT: (-2)   4   -3  +0    1
 Class  Shaman       Weight         252  WIS: (+1)  16   +0  +0   16
 Title  Ghost WarriorStatus           7  DEX: (+1)   7   -2  +0    5
 HP     -2/154                           CON: (+0)  12   +2  +0   14
 SP     3/23         Current Depth   19  CHR: (-1)   5   -2  +0    3
                     Min Depth       19

 Level           18  Armor      [12,+5]  Infra     0 ft  Saving Throw      Good
 Cur Exp       5516                                      Stealth            Bad
 Max Exp       5516  Melee   (+1, 2d14)  Racial Ability  Fighting        Superb
 Adv Exp       6169  Blows       1/turn  None            Shooting          Good
                                                         Throwing          Good
 Gold           523  Shoot         (-2)                  Disarming         Fair
 Burden   121.3/144  Shots       1/turn                  Bypass Trap        Bad
                                                         Magic Device      Fair
 You are one of several cubs of an Ursa Mercenary and    Perception        Poor
 his mate, a Warrior. Your fur is smooth and coloured    Digging           Fair
 dark brown.                                             Alchemy           Fair
                                                         Mapping           Poor

  [Resists & Abilities]

  No  Blind:..............      Regen:..............      Speed:..............
  Free Actn:..............  Telepathy:..............       Mana:..............
  Hold Life:..............  See Invis:..............     Health:..............
    Bravery:..............  Invisible:..............   Spl. Dur:..............
  No Dsease:..............       Luck:..............   Spl. Dam:..............
  No   Stun:..............    Stealth:..............   Spl. Inf:..............
  No Poison:..............   Percptn.:..+...........      Taint:..............
  No    Cut:..............  Infra-vsn:..............    Disrupt:..............
  No   Conf:..............  Tunneling:..............  Drn Items:..............
  S. Digest:..............      Blows:..............  Drn   Exp:..............
  Fthr Fall:...+..........      Shots:..............   Teleport:..............
      Light:.....*........      Might:..............  Aggravate:..............
  Acid :24% +...........+.  Dises:10% ............+.  Nethr:7%  ............+.
  Elec :9%  ............+.  Light:5%  ............+.  Chaos:5%  ............+.
  Fire :14% ............+.  Dark :5%  ............+.
  Cold :48% ........+...+.  Sound:5%  ............+.
  Water:9%  ............+.  Shard:5%  ............+.
  Poisn:10% ............+.  Nexus:3%  ............+.
            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*
            |}== ~( )  ]              |}== ~( )  ]              |}== ~( )  ]

  [Last Messages]

> You hit the Ogre.
> You have slain the Ogre.
> The Pikachu breathes lightning.
> The Drooling ogre writhes in agony.
> It breathes gas.
> The Drider resists a lot.
> The Phase spider resists a lot.
> The Drider resists a lot.
> You are poisoned!
> The Phase spider bites you. <2x>
> The Phase spider misses you.
> Your prayer was left unanswered!
> The Phase spider misses you. <2x>
> The Phase spider bites you.
> You die.

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Backsword of Corrosiveness (+3, 2d14)
   It was dropped by Wormtongue, agent of Saruman on dungeon level 19
b) a Short Bow (+0, x2, 8)
c) a Bronze Ring of Perception (-1) {cursed}
d) a Malachite Ring of Feather Falling
e) (nothing)
f) The Phial of Galadriel
   It was dropped by Brodda, the Easterling on dungeon level 11
g) Leather Scale Mail [6,+3]
h) (nothing)
i) a Large Leather Shield of Resist Cold [4,+1]
   It was dropped by Wormtongue, agent of Saruman on dungeon level 19
j) (nothing)
k) (nothing)
l) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots [2,+2]

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Holy Book of Prayers [Beginner's Handbook] {10% off}
b) a Holy Book of Prayers [Words of Wisdom]
c) 8 Verdant Mushrooms of Paranoia
d) 7 Rough Grey Mushrooms of Confusion {squelch}
e) 3 Pink Mushrooms of Hallucination
f) 2 Blue Spotted Mushrooms of Madness
g) 2 Yellow Mushrooms of Disease
h) 13 Orange Spotted Mushrooms of Cure Disease
i) 5 Rations of Food
j) 8 Green Powder vials of Confusing
k) a Grey Potion of Speed
l) 5 Dark Blue Potions of Cure Critical Wounds {25% off}
m) 6 Scrolls titled "solyp solpo" of Phase Door {10% off}
n) 9 Scrolls titled "it for tuefa" of Object Detection
o) a Scroll titled "cos triner" of Summon Undead
p) 2 Wolf Talismans of Light
q) a Magnesium Wand of Magic Missile (11 charges)
r) an Elm Staff of Treasure Location (19 charges)
s) a Dagger (Defender) (+4, 1d4) [+2]
   It increases resistances: +25% poison.  
   It was lying on the floor on dungeon level 9
t) an Iron Beaked Axe (+1, 5d6)
u) 47 Arrows (+0, 1d4, +0)
v) 17 Iron-Tipped Arrows (+1, 1d4, +0)
w) 5 Iron-Tipped Arrows (+0, 1d4, +0)

  [Home Inventory]

a) a Red Spotted Mushroom of Cure Light Wounds
b) 10 Slime Molds
c) 10 Green Spotted Mushrooms of Cure Poison
d) 3 Red Mushrooms of Cure Confusion
e) a Blue Powder vial of Darkness
f) 2 Yellow Potions of Boldness
g) 5 Grey Speckled Potions of Cure Light Wounds
h) a Silver-Plated Wand of Slow Monster (1 charge)
i) a Steel Wand of Wonder (19 charges)
j) a Dogwood Staff of Slow Monsters (5 charges)
k) a Bronze Ring of Perception (-1)
l) an Ursan Mace (+0, 5d2)
m) a Flail of Shocking (-1, 2d7)
n) a Lead-Filled Mace (+0, 2d14)

  [Discarded/Sold Artifacts]

No artifacts have been discarded or sold


Farmer Maggot                        has been killed in the town
Squish                               has been killed on level 1 
Fang, Farmer Maggot's dog            has been killed on level 6 
Grip, Farmer Maggot's dog            has been killed on level 6 
Brodda, the Easterling               has been killed on level 11 
Wormtongue, agent of Saruman         has been killed on level 19 
Aello                                has been killed on level 19 
Total: 7 uniques killed


Birth options:
Allow purchase of stats using points         : yes (birth_point_based)
Allow specification of minimal stats         : no  (birth_auto_roller)
Preserve artifacts when leaving level        : yes (birth_preserve)
Restrict the use of stairs/recall            : no  (birth_ironman)
Restrict the use of stores/home              : no  (birth_no_stores)
Restrict creation of artifacts               : no  (birth_no_artifacts)
Generate better (harder) levels              : no  (birth_autoscum)
No level feelings                            : no  (birth_no_feelings)
Pre-shop for some basic items                : yes (birth_start_kit)
Monsters act smarter in groups               : no  (birth_smart_packs)
Monsters exploit players weaknesses          : no  (birth_smart_cheat)
Monsters chase current location              : yes (birth_flow_by_sound)
Monsters chase recent locations              : yes (birth_flow_by_smell)
Generate hitpoints randomly                  : yes (birth_random_hp)
All levels will be generated as small        : no  (birth_force_small_lev)
Easy mode                                    : no  (birth_easy_mode)
Nightmare mode                               : no  (birth_nightmare_mode)
Retain squelch settings                      : no  (birth_retain_squelch)
Allow specification of stat weighings        : no  (birth_weighted_roller)
Cheat options:
Peek into object creation                    : no  (cheat_peek)
Peek into monster creation                   : no  (cheat_hear)
Peek into dungeon creation                   : no  (cheat_room)
Know complete monster info                   : no  (cheat_know)
Allow player to avoid death                  : no  (cheat_live)
No automatic saves upon death                : no  (cheat_no_save)
Allow access to debug mode                   : no  (cheat_debug)
Activate wizard mode                         : no  (cheat_wizard)
No respawning monsters                       : no  (cheat_no_respawn)

Posted on 5.6.2011 20:49
Last updated on 9.6.2011 02:56

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10. on the Competition No.104 Ladder (of 26)


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On 5.6.2011 21:03 buzzkill wrote:
CL13. DL10.

Playing very carefully this time, lots of level clearing and despite plentiful up staircases, still finding myself in a jam every once in a while. I'm fairly comfortable in depth, and am inclined to dive, but I'm scared of the unimaginable death that awaits if I lower my defenses for even a moment.

This incarnation of Star found both the Flail of Shocking and an enchanted Short Bow on DL1 or DL2, both in the same room. That all but ensured my survival for a period of time which is now about to expire. I've since lost a lot of good equipment to "Curse Equipment".

I've been killing every unique I can find, but I don't find many. GP is hard to come by. I'm seriously considering mining.

The 'ID of detected items from across the dungeon' needs to be addressed. Normally I'd risk my life to reach that room full of items over there, but not if I can see that they are all junk from the other side of the dungeon.

I've recently found a nifty "Defender" Dagger, though it produced virtually no damage, it a nice swap and could be seriously handy if a get a damaging spell, or wicked bow.

On 5.6.2011 22:13 Hudstone wrote:
I don't write 'em down, but after that first CurseEq, I couldn't help but recognize Vivejo.... I didn't get my 3rd unique till level 10, then 6 in the next 3 levels, it'll pick up.

As far as the ID of far away items, well, consider that you can recognize the difference between a bloodstone ring and a ruby ring and a garnet ring Or heck, the difference between an Oak shaft and an Elm shaft? Or a steel wand and a silver-plated wand and a titanium wand. Just scoff it up to magic.

On 6.6.2011 02:05 Matthias wrote:
Yes digging is very profitable

On 6.6.2011 14:32 buzzkill wrote:
No sooner than I began to consider digging, the pace of GP collection picked up. Brought up 700 on my last (shortish) trip. I don't really have room for a digger anyhow.

Killer Brodda, no problem, and discovered-by-use the (blank) of summoning while standing in the center of a large room. I wasn't really expecting that.

On 9.6.2011 03:00 buzzkill wrote:
Just when things were starting to look up. New weapon. New shield. Unfortunately portal landed me adjacent to 2 driders and a phase spider. By the time I got to move again I had only 2 HP left. I opted for the 23% fail portal as an escape and failed.

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