The Angband Ladder: Ruthlad, Half-Ogre Chaos-Warrior by Roch

  [Z+Angband 0.3.2 Character Dump]

Name     : Ruthlad              Age            120     STR:   36.0
Sex      : Male                 Height          93     INT:   24.7
Race     : Half-Ogre            Weight         170     WIS:   28.8
Class    : Chaos-Warrior        Social Class    60     DEX:   25.9
Magic    : Chaos                                       CON:   34.0
Patron   : Arioch                                      CHR:   22.8

+ Skill         12     Level                31     Max Hit Points     447
% Deadliness   310     Experience       235835     Cur Hit Points     447
+ To AC        111     Max Exp          235835     Max SP (Mana)       75
  Base AC       57     Exp to Adv.       11665     Cur SP (Mana)       74
                       Gold             136007

                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)
Fighting    : Superb         Perception  : Excellent      Blows/Round : 4
Bows/Throw  : Fair           Sensing     : Very Good      Shots/Round : 1.0
Saving Throw: Superb         Disarming   : Very Good      Avg.Dam./Rnd: 117
Stealth     : Superb         Magic Device: Superb         Infra-Vision: 30'

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Maximum Level Reached:    64 (3200')

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Mod Actual Currnt  abcdefghijkl@
Str:   28.0   3   2   3   36.0         2....1......s
Int:   21.7  -1   1   3   24.7         .....1...2...
Wis:   26.8  -1   0   3   28.8         .....1...2...
Dex:   21.9  -1   1   4   25.9         21...1.......
Con:   28.0   3   2   1   34.0         2.........s..
Chr:   27.8  -3  -2   0   22.8         .............

Skill     abcdefghijkl@ 
BonusSP:  ............. 
Stealth:  .....1.4...41 
Search :  .....1.4..... 
Infra  :  ............. 
Tunnel :  ............. 
Speed  :  ............. 
Blows  :  ............. 

Acid  : .....+.......
Elec  : .....+.......
Fire  : .....+..+....
Cold  : .....+.......
Poison: ..+..........
Fear  : .....+.......
Light : ..........+..
Dark  : ............+
Shard : .............
Blind : .........+...
Conf  : ......+......
Sound : .........+...
Nether: .............
Nexus : .....+.......
Chaos : ............+
Disnch: ..+..........

Reflect  : ........+....
Aura Acid: .............
Aura Fire: .............
Aura Elec: .............
Aura Cold: .............
No Magic : .............
Free Actn: +.+.......+.+
SeeInvis.: +....+.......
Hold Life: ..+..........
Telepathy: .........+...
SlwDigstn: .............
Regen.   : .............
Levitate : .............
PermLite : .....+....+..
Mutate   : .............
Patron   : ............+
Good Luck: .............
WeirdLuck: .............
Pass Wall: .............
GhulTouch: .............

Pr Animal: ....+........
Pr Evil  : .............
Pr Undead: ....+........
Pr Demon : ....+........
Pr Orc   : +...+........
Pr Troll : +...+........
Pr Giant : +...+........
Pr Dragon: ....+........
Cursed   : ...........*.
AutoCurse: .............
Teleport : .............
NoTeleprt: .............
Aggravate: .............
DrainStat: .............
Drain Exp: .............
Slow Heal: .............
Can't Eat: .............
EvilCurse: .............

 You have defeated 3839 enemies.

  [Top 10 deepest kills]

 1 Nadzar, the Acolyte                  Level 63 (3150')
 1 Gilris, the Emperor Wight            Level 62 (3100')
 1 Himkek, the Emperor Wight            Level 61 (3050')
 1 War troll                            Level 61 (3050')
 1 Master lich                          Level 60 (3000')
 1 Emperor wight                        Level 60 (3000')
 2 Black wraith                         Level 59 (2950')
 6 Nether wraith                        Level 58 (2900')
 2 Death knight                         Level 57 (2850')
 4 Magma elemental                      Level 57 (2850')


You are telekinetic (-1 CON).
You can smell nearby monsters.
Your body produces alcohol.
You are producing magical energy uncontrollably.
Your movements are precise and forceful (+1 stealth).

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Two-Handed Sword of Westernesse (3d6) (+8,+35%) (+2)
   This item may have hidden powers.  It increases your strength, dexterity
   and constitution by +2.  It is especially deadly against orcs, trolls and
   giants.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It allows you to see
   invisible monsters.  It provides protection from orcs, trolls and giants. 
   It was dropped by a Cherub in a quest (level 53).  
b) a Heavy Crossbow of Buckland (x6) (+10,+45%) (+1)
   It increases your dexterity by +1.  It provides 1 extra shots per turn. 
   It fires missiles with extra might.  It cannot be harmed by acid or fire. 
   It was given to you as a reward for killing a local enemy in Altath.  
c) a Jasper Ring of Lordly Protection [+19]
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It provides immunity to paralysis. 
   It provides resistance to poison, disenchantment and life draining.  You
   found it in a vault on dungeon level 59.  
d) a Bloodstone Ring of Damage (+75%)
e) a Twisted Amulet of Greater Warding [+8]
   It provides protection from natural creatures, the undead, demons, orcs,
   trolls, giants and dragons.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  You
   bought it in a High Temple in Altath.  
f) The Star 'Skull of Vecna' [+3] (+1)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It provides light (radius 3).  It
   increases your strength, intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, stealth and
   perception by +1.  It sustains your wisdom.  It provides resistance to
   acid, electricity, fire, cold, fear and nexus.  It provides permanent
   light and allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  You found it in a vault on dungeon level 40.  
g) a Bronze Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+10]
   It can be activated for breathe confusion (400) every 50-100 turns if it
   is being worn.  It provides resistance to confusion.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  You bought it in a Expert Armoury in Rushzhak Town.  
h) an Elven Cloak [4,+7] (+4)
   It increases your stealth and perception by +4.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  You bought it in a Deep Armoury in Thoras.  
i) a Shield of Deflection of Reflection [14,+31]
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It provides resistance to fire.  It
   reflects bolts and arrows.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  You
   bought it in a Obscure Shieldsman in Camcor.  
j) The Hard Leather Cap of Thranduil [2,+10] (+2)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It increases your intelligence and
   wisdom by +2.  It provides resistance to blindness and sound.  It gives
   telepathic powers.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  You found it in
   a vault on dungeon level 38.  
k) The Set of Leather Gloves 'Cammithrim' [1,+10]
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It can be activated for magic
   missile (3d6) every 2 turns if it is being worn.  It sustains your
   constitution.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance
   to bright light.  It provides permanent light.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  You found it on the floor in a quest (level 30).  
l) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Stealth [6,+10] (+4) {cursed}
   It increases your stealth by +4.  It is heavily cursed.  It cannot be
   harmed by acid.  You found it on the floor on dungeon level 38.  

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Chaos Spellbook [Sign of Chaos]
b) a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Mastery]
c) a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Channels]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  You found it in a vault on dungeon
   level 38.  
d) 11 Green Spotted Mushrooms of Cure Critical Wounds {5% off}
e) a Thick Blue Potion of *Speed*
f) 10 Scrolls titled "ha sosun crea" of Teleportation {5% off}
g) 4 Scrolls titled "murbin yerg" of Identify {25% off}
h) 4 Scrolls titled "barbot umcomp" of Satisfy Hunger {25% off}
i) 2 Rusty Rods of Recall {50% off}
j) a Steel Rod of Detection
k) 2 Steel-Plated Rods of Teleport Other
l) 4 Magnesium-Plated Rods of Light
m) 7 Zirconium Rods of Fire Bolts
n) 3 Crystal Rods of Lightning Balls (1 charging)
o) a Silver-Plated Rod of Fire Balls
p) 2 Adamantite Wands of Teleport Other (12 charges)
q) 2 Lead Wands of Lightning Balls (12 charges)
r) 4 Tungsten Wands of Fire Balls (15 charges)
s) a Wire Wand of Prismatic Blasts (11 charges)
t) a Flameproof quiver
   It cannot be harmed by fire.  You bought it in a Large Black Market in
   Hedzum Watch.  
     1) 6 Steel Bolts of Slaying (1d27) (+13,+30%) (286/286)

  [Home Inventory - Curuar Town]

a) a Scroll titled "nepcos niskli" of *Identify*
b) The Incandescent Globe of Sawall (+3)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It provides light (radius 3).  It
   increases your infravision by 30 feet.  It provides permanent light.  It
   produces a fiery sheath and an electric sheath.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  You found it in a vault on dungeon level 45.  
c) a Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Free Action [6,+9]
   It provides immunity to paralysis.  It was given to you as a reward for
   killing a local enemy in Curuar Town.  
d) a Quiver
e) a Small quiver

  [Home Inventory - Dushnala Keep]

a) 4 Orange Mushrooms of Healing
b) a Withered Mushroom of Chaos
c) an Umber Potion of Cure Critical Wounds
d) 3 Yellow Speckled Potions of Healing
e) a Clear Red Potion of Life
f) 8 Scrolls titled "nepcos niskli" of *Identify* {25% off}
g) a Scroll titled "glen hydri blu" of Weapon Branding
h) an Adamantite Wand of Teleport Other (9 charges)
i) a White Gold Wand of Stone to Mud
j) 2 Locust Staffs of Speed (2x 7 charges)
k) a Locust Staff of Speed (5 charges)
l) a Walnut Staff of Dispel Evil (5 charges)
m) a Green Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+10]
   It can be activated for breathe poison gas (500) every 50-100 turns if it
   is being worn.  It provides resistance to poison.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  You found it in a vault on dungeon level 38.  
n) The Leather Scale Mail 'Thalkettoth' (-1) [11,+25] (+3)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It increases your dexterity by +3. 
   It provides resistance to acid, fear and shards.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  You found it in a vault on dungeon level 32.  
o) a Shield of Resistance [6,+4]
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It provides resistance to acid,
   electricity, fire and cold.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  You
   bought it in a Expert Shieldsman in Kirdune City.  
p) a Jingasa of Seeing [4,+5] (+5)
   This item may have hidden powers.  It increases your perception by +5.  It
   increases your infravision by 50 feet.  It provides resistance to
   blindness.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be harmed
   by acid.  You found it on the floor on dungeon level 33.  
q) 22 Bolts of Hurt Evil (1d10) (+12,+80%) (123/123)
   It is especially deadly against evil monsters.  They were given to you as
   a reward for killing a local enemy in Altath.  
r) 27 Steel Bolts (1d15) (+0,+0%) (147/147)

  [Home Inventory - Duingal]

a) a Yellow Speckled Potion of Healing

  [Home Inventory - Zumbahz]

a) 12 Bolts of Hurt Dragon (1d10) (+5,+45%) (112/112)
   It is especially deadly against dragons.  You bought them in a Advanced
   Ammo Supplies in Altath.  
b) 15 Steel Bolts of Hurt Evil (1d15) (+9,+5%) (149/149)
   It is especially deadly against evil monsters.  You bought them in a
   Advanced Ammo Supplies in Altath.  
c) 16 Seeker Bolts (1d20) (+0,+0%) (195/195)

  [Home Inventory - Altath]

a) 6 Sweet Potions of Speed
b) 3 Yellow Speckled Potions of Healing
c) 3 Gloopy Green Potions of Restore Mana
d) a Scroll titled "nepcos niskli" of *Identify* {25% off}
e) an Obsidian Ring of Accuracy (+14)
f) a Bloodstone Ring of Damage (+65%)
g) a Small Shield of Force [5,+15] (+1) {cursed}
   It can be activated for stone skin (dur 30-50) every 100-200 turns if it
   is being worn.  It increases your strength by +1.  It is cursed.  It
   cannot be harmed by the elements.  You found it on the floor on dungeon
   level 47.  
h) The Dagger 'Nimthanc' (1d6) (+4,+30%)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It can be activated for frost bolt
   (8d8) every 7-14 turns if it is being worn.  It increases your
   constitution by +3.  It does extra damage from frost.  It returns when
   thrown.  It provides resistance to cold and bright light.  It is perfectly
   balanced for throwing.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It was in a
   chest (level 47).  
i) a Long Sword (Defender) (2d5) (+5,+55%) [+2] (+2)
   This item may have hidden powers.  It increases your stealth by +2.  It
   provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to acid,
   electricity, fire and cold.  It allows you to levitate, allows you to see
   invisible monsters and speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be
   harmed by the elements.  It was in a chest (level 29).  
j) a Scythe of Slicing (8d4) (+0,+0%)
k) 17 Seeker Bolts of Hurt Dragon (1d20) (+6,+35%) (216/216)
   It is especially deadly against dragons.  You bought them in a Advanced
   Ammo Supplies in Altath.  
l) 15 Diamond Shots of Slaying (8d3) (+16,+75%)
m) 30 Diamond Shots of Hurt Evil (8d2) (+17,+85%)
   It is especially deadly against evil monsters.  You found them in a vault
   on dungeon level 49.  

  [Home Inventory - Draughith]

a) a Silver Potion of Curing
b) a Mithril-Plated Rod of Curing
c) an Adamantite Wand of Teleport Other (8 charges)
d) a Hematite Ring of Free Action
   It provides immunity to paralysis.  You bought it in a Copper Jeweler in
e) 3 Iron Shots of Hurt Animal (4d2) (+1,+5%)
   It is especially deadly against natural creatures.  You bought them in a
   Fletcher in Kirdune City.  

  [Home Inventory - Rushzhak Town]

a) a Yellow Speckled Potion of Healing
b) an Orange Speckled Potion of Resistance

  [Home Inventory - Thoras]

a) a Yellow Speckled Potion of Healing
b) 2 Clear Green Potions of Restore Life Levels
c) a Scroll titled "rorog blugop" of Genocide

  [Home Inventory - Kirdune City]

a) an Orange Speckled Potion of Resistance
b) a Scroll titled "nepcos niskli" of *Identify*
c) a Double Ring of Toughness [+13] (+5)
   It can be activated for restore constitution every 100-200 turns if it is
   being worn.  It increases your constitution by +5.  It sustains your
   constitution.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by
   the elements.  You bought it in a High Temple in Altath.  

  [Home Inventory - Hedzum Watch]

a) a Withered Mushroom of Chaos
b) a Scroll titled "glen hydri blu" of Weapon Branding
c) a Flameproof quiver
   It cannot be harmed by fire.  You bought it in a Large Black Market in
   Hedzum Watch.  

  [Home Inventory - Doliant]

a) 2 Yellow Speckled Potions of Healing
b) an Orange Speckled Potion of Resistance
c) a Scroll titled "trolshu sna" of *Destruction*
d) a Scroll titled "rorog blugop" of Genocide
e) an Obsidian Ring of Accuracy (+17)
f) a Whip of Entanglement (Chaotic) (1d6) (+10,+50%) (+1)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It increases your maximum sp by 1
   per level.  It produces chaotic effects.  It is especially deadly against
   natural creatures.  It provides resistance to electricity and chaos.  It
   attracts the attention of chaos gods.  It provides protection from natural
   creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, electricity or fire.  You found
   it in a vault on dungeon level 32.  


You have learned 10 spells and/or improvements.

You have 3 tier-1 slots (levels 2-11) remaining.
You have 2 tier-2 slots (levels 2-21) remaining.
You have 4 tier-3 slots (levels 2-31) remaining.
You have 6 tier-4 slots (levels 2-41) remaining.
You have 5 tier-5 slots (levels 2-50) remaining.

Chaos Magic:

Book 1:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Magic Missile                     1       5%       0%  
Flash of Light                    3       5%       0%  
Blink                             2       5%       0%  
Mana Burst                        6       5%       0%  
Fire Bolt                         8       5%       0%  

Book 2:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Fist of Force                     9       5%       0%  
Teleport Self                     9       5%       0%  
Sonic Boom                       15      23%       0%  

Book 3:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Disintegrate                     15       5%       0%  
Finger of Chaos                  17      23%       0%  


====Active quests==== 

From a Castle in Kirdune City (Danger level 4):
   Kill 5 Large yellow snakes.  You have killed 1.

From a Castle in Khuzdkek Town (Danger level 6):
   Kill Wolf, Farmer Maggot's dog.  

From a Castle in Altal Town (Danger level 8):
   Kill 5 Black harpies.  You have killed 4.

From a Rangers' Guild in Kirdune City (Danger level 19):
   Kill 2 Moaning spirits.  You have killed 1.

From a Castle in Curuar Town (Danger level 51):
   Kill 1 Pattern ghost.  

From a Keep in Hedzum Watch (Danger level 55):
   A Seraph and its followers have been seen in the area north-west of Hedzum
Watch.  Find their stronghold and destroy them.  

From a Warriors' Guild in Hedzum Watch (Danger level 56):
   Kill 5 Mummified trolls.  You have killed 1.

From a Keep in Lokril (Danger level 67):
   Kill Akhorahil the Blind, who is guarding dungeon level 67. 

Kill Oberon, King of Amber, who is guarding dungeon level 99. 

Kill The Serpent of Chaos, who is guarding dungeon level 100. 

====Completed/failed quests==== 

Kill 5 Rattlesnakes by Day 2, 7:46 AM.  (Failed)

Kill Bloodfang the Wolf by Day 3, 10:59 AM.  (Failed)

From a Courier in Khuzdkek Town (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Vuirak the Noble in The Golden Scroll.  (Delivered)

From a Courier in Duingal (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Aaognwth Balrog-Slayer in Thoras.  (Delivered)

From a Courier in Camcor (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Haneka the Bloated in Lukaz City.  (Delivered)

From a Courier in Doliant (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Tuethic the Aged in Hedzum Watch.  (Delivered)

From a Keep in Doliant (Danger level 40):
   A Spirit naga and her gang have been killing people in the area near Doliant.
 Find their hideout and slay them.  (Defeated)

====Finished quests==== 

Defeat the giant camp south-west of Hedzum Watch.  (Finished)

Defeat the troll camp west of Zumbahz.  (Finished)

Defeat the orc camp south of Lukaz City.  (Finished)

Defeat the troll camp south-east of Zumbahz.  (Finished)

Defeat the troll camp east of Camcor.  (Finished)

Defeat the giant camp north of Urann.  (Finished)

Defeat the troll camp south-west of Curuar Town.  (Finished)

Defeat the orc camp south-west of Duingal.  (Finished)

Defeat the troll camp south-west of Hedzum Watch.  (Finished)

Defeat the undead camp north-west of Kirdune City.  (Finished)

Defeat the giant camp north of Urann.  (Finished)

Defeat the undead camp south-west of Duingal.  (Finished)

Defeat the giant camp north-west of Urann.  (Finished)

Defeat the undead camp south-west of Rushzhak Town.  (Finished)

Defeat the troll camp north-east of Urann.  (Finished)

Carry a message to Mauser Dragon-Slayer in Dushnala Keep.  (Finished)

Carry a message to Lo Pan the Pure in Anatar.  (Finished)

Carry a message to Asenath the Chaotic in Anatar.  (Finished)

Carry a message to Athoang the Mighty in The Red Home.  (Finished)

Carry a message to Skidney Poisonbreath in Curuar Town.  (Finished)

Carry a message to Athoang the Mighty in The Red Home.  (Finished)

Carry a message to Domli the Lucky in Lukaz City.  (Finished)

(Danger level 1):  Freesia has been running amok in the area near Altal Town. 
Track it to its hole and terminate it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 5):  The wounded bear has been troubling the area north of Kirdune
City.  Track it to its lair and kill it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 7):  We have heard that a group of biting insects have been
discovered in the area north-west of Altal Town.  Discover their abode
and destroy them all.  (Finished)

(Danger level 11):  Lagduf, the Snaga and his minions have been terrorizing the
area north of Curuar Town.  Find his den and destroy him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 12):  Robin Hood, the Outlaw and his followers have been
discovered in the area east of Zumbahz.  Find his den and kill him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 14):  A Lemure and its followers have been hiding in the area
south-east of Kirdune City.  Find their home and kill them. 

(Danger level 14):  A Baby blue dragon has been terrorizing the area north-west
of Curuar Town.  Track it to its home and destroy it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 14):  Kill one Vlasta, who is guarding dungeon level 14.

(Danger level 14):  Kill 2 Baby red dragons.  (Finished)

(Danger level 15):  An Orc shaman has been lurking in the area north of
Draughith.  Track him to his stronghold and exterminate
him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 17):  A Servant of Glaaki and its minions have been killing people
in the area south-west of Lokril.  Find their lair and slay them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 17):  Kill the 5 Giant white ants that are guarding dungeon level
17. (Finished)

(Danger level 18):  Boldor, King of the Yeeks and his legion have been running
amok in the area south-east of Lukaz City.  Find his den and kill
him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 18):  A Dark elven priest and his legion have been spotted in the
area north-east of Curuar Town.  Find their home and kill them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 18):  A Shadow creature and his followers have been seen in the
area near Lokril.  Find their abode and kill them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 20):  A Hippogriff and its followers have been rampaging the area
south of Kirdune City.  Find their lair and destroy them. 

(Danger level 20):  Ufthak of Cirith Ungol and his legion have been running amok
in the area south-west of Duingal.  Find his den and destroy him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 21):  A Zombie and its gang have been killing people in the area
near Draughith.  Find their hideout and slay them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 21):  Kill 5 Snaga sappers.  (Finished)

(Danger level 22):  A Novice paladin and his followers have been discovered in
the area north-west of Draughith.  Find their abode
and slay them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 22):  Kill 1 Creeping mithril coins.  (Finished)

(Danger level 23):  An Illusionist has been terrorizing the area north-west of
Duingal.  Track him to his den and slay him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 24):  A Half-orc and his followers have been troubling the area
north-west of Curuar Town.  Find their hole and slay them. 

(Danger level 24):  A Master yeek and its followers have been running amok in
the area east of Camcor.  Find their hideout and slay them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 26):  Gorbag, the Orc Captain and his legion have been spotted in
the area east of Draughith.  Find his hideout and kill him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 26):  A Gnome mage and his followers have been killing people in
the area north-east of Lokril.  Find their abode and terminate
them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 27):  A Frost giant and his legion have been terrorizing the area
west of Lokril.  Find their hole and slay them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 28):  Kill one Homonculous, who is guarding dungeon level 28.

(Danger level 32):  A Hardened warrior and his minions have been killing people
in the area north of Altath.  Find their hideout and exterminate
them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 33):  A Mummified orc and its followers have been seen in the area
south-west of Altath.  Find their den and exterminate them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 34):  A Ranger and his followers have been discovered in the area
west of Doliant.  Find their hideout and destroy them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 35):  Hagen, son of Alberich and his followers have been killing
people in the area west of Doliant.  Find his lair and kill him. 

(Danger level 36):  A Green wraith has been lurking in the area south-west of
Altath.  Track it to its stronghold and kill it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 38):  Kill the 5 Swordsmen that are guarding dungeon level 38.

(Danger level 38):  Sangahyando of Umbar and his minions have been troubling the
area south of Zumbahz.  Find his den and terminate him. 

(Danger level 45):  Kill the 5 Young multi-hued dragons that are guarding
dungeon level 45. (Finished)

(Danger level 45):  A Cyclops has been hiding in the area south-east of Camcor. 
Track it to its lair and kill it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 46):  An Ogre shaman and its followers have been troubling the
area south of Altath.  Find their stronghold and kill them. 

(Danger level 49):  Kill the 2 Chthonians that are guarding dungeon level 49.

(Danger level 49):  A Gug and its followers have been spreading evil in the area
south of Thoras.  Find their home and kill them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 52):  A 9-headed hydra has been rampaging the area near Thoras. 
Track it to its stronghold and kill it.  (Finished, Failed)

(Danger level 58):  Kill The Borshin, who is guarding dungeon level 58.

(Danger level 61):  An Emperor wight and its legion have been killing people in
the area south-west of Urann.  Find
their den and exterminate them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 62):  An Emperor wight and its legion have been seen in the area
near Anatar.  Find their hole and slay them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 63):  An Archpriest and his gang have been terrorizing the area
near Anatar.  Find their lair and terminate them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 64):  Scatha the Worm and his legion have been running amok in the
area south-west of Anatar.  Find his stronghold and kill him. 
(Finished, Failed)

  [Message Log (last 50 messages)]

Arlad, the Spirit Naga grunts with pain.
Arlad, the Spirit Naga cries out in pain. <2x>
Arlad, the Spirit Naga flees in terror!
Arlad, the Spirit Naga resists a lot. <2x>
You have 11 charges remaining.
Arlad, the Spirit Naga says: 'It's all so futile!'
Target Aborted.
Arlad, the Spirit Naga says: 'Time for lust, time for lie, time to kiss your
life goodbye.'
Arlad, the Spirit Naga dies.
You have 12 charges remaining.
You get in a shield bash!
The Spirit naga is stunned.
You hit the Spirit naga. <3x>
You miss the Spirit naga.
The Spirit naga flees in terror!
The Spirit naga is no longer stunned.
The Spirit naga concentrates on her wounds.
The Spirit naga looks completely healed!
The Spirit naga recovers her courage.
You get in a shield bash!
You hit the Spirit naga.
You strike the Spirit naga.
The Spirit naga misses you. <4x>
You miss the Spirit naga.
You hit the Spirit naga.
You strike the Spirit naga.
You miss the Spirit naga.
The Spirit naga misses you. <2x>
The Spirit naga bites you.
The Spirit naga misses you.
You miss the Spirit naga.
You hit the Spirit naga.
You have slain the Spirit naga.
The Arcane Spellbook [Manual of Mastery] disappears.
The Yellow Speckled Potion of Healing disappears.
You are surrounded by a white light.
The Serpent man stares deep into your eyes!
You are unaffected!
You have found 66 gold pieces worth of garnets.
You have found 66 gold pieces worth of silver.
The Serpent man dies.
The fumes poison you!
You have found 41 gold pieces worth of sapphires.
You find a pile of 2 items.
You find a pile of 3 items.
On the ground: a Thick Blue Potion of *Speed*.
In your pack: 4 Scrolls titled "murbin yerg" of Identify {25% off} (f).
In your pack: a Thick Blue Potion of *Speed* (e).
You can learn 9 more spells.

Posted on 3.3.2011 09:35
Last updated on 30.3.2011 08:03

Download this dump

11398. on the Ladder (of 19044)
50. on the Z+Angband Ladder (of 120)
99. for this player (


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On 3.3.2011 09:35 Roch wrote:
Arioch has deigned to allow me to smell nearby monsters. So I've got that going for me.

On 3.3.2011 09:47 Roch wrote:
I just noticed that there are no winning chaos-warriors on the ladder. Is this a premonition or a challenge?

On 4.3.2011 11:05 Yogalover wrote:
Crossbows of Buckland? Yet just one shot a round?

On 6.3.2011 12:00 Roch wrote:
That's a good question -- it would be pretty powerful with two shots but it does seem like false advertising if it's not getting two.

In other news, I got turned into a yeek. This means less strength but more intelligence. I can live with it. I also picked up telekinesis, which I haven't yet figured out how to use to good effect.

On 7.3.2011 03:39 wrote:
Yes, it certainly looks like a challenge.

On 8.3.2011 19:42 Roch wrote:
Elf > yeek > half-ogre.

On 9.3.2011 19:02 Snarka wrote:
"Elf > yeek > half-ogre. "

LOL thats a nice line : ) I'm just wondering where it leads : )

Good luck!

On 30.3.2011 08:03 Roch wrote:
Died badly on a small level 65.

On 5.4.2011 12:53 Snarka wrote:
pity... wish u better luck next time!

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