The Angband Ladder: FayAngband

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Found 8 dumps.
  namerace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depthvariant updatedby
114431Pi NaplUrsa Shaman31251,975  FayAngband 1.1.015 comments27.11.2011 04:23buzzkill
129062RamierRattikin Rogue2977,966  FayAngband 1.1.02 comments23.10.2011 12:20 updatedArjen
140613RamierRattikin Rogue2734,477  FayAngband 1.1.05 comments16.11.2011 01:19buzzkill
157694StaarghUrsa Shaman2212,582  FayAngband 1.0.0 14.6.2011 04:45 updatedsoyaki
159975Star SicksUrsa Shaman2111,490  FayAngband 1.0.01 comment19.6.2011 16:15 updatedbuzzkill
167816Up To ElvenElf Bard184,990  FayAngband 1.0.01 comment16.6.2011 10:50 updatedMatthias
174297KhillemeGrippli Mage152,123  FayAngband 1.0.03 comments20.6.2011 13:53buzzkill
181078HugoUrsa Warrior11691  FayAngband 1.1.02 comments28.3.2012 20:51 updatedHugoTheGreat2011


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