
Competition No.132

Starts:December 2nd, 2012 22:00
Ends:January 4th, 2013 22:00 (ended)
Variant:NPPAngband 0.6.0 *
Save file:Download starting save file
The latest release of NPPAngband, with completely reworked quests.

Carabowie is a Dunadan Ranger, with an interesting history...

The competition winner is the character with highest player fame.

Some useful info from Jeff:
In NPP, rangers uses the druid spellbooks, NOT the mage spellbooks. Their spellcasting stat is the average of thier intelligence and wisdom.

Three ways to increase player fame:

1) Kill a unique (5 points)
2) Kill a player ghost (12 points) - player ghosts are mini quests in themselves. Each ghost only appears once per game, and once they appear on a level they won't appear again, regardless of if they were killed or not.
3) Kill Sauron (150 points)
4) Kill Morgoth (500 points)
5) Complete guild quests:

Monster quest: 10 points
Guardian quest: 15 points
Pit/Nest quest: 10 + 10d2 points
Themed level quest: 15 + 10d2 points
Wilderness quest: 20 + 10d2 points
Vault/Artifact quest: 50 points
Arena level quest: 40 + 10d2 points
Labryinth quest: 25 + 10d2 points
Greater vault quest: 10 points (the quest is the reward, you get to go into a greater vault forewarned and armed like Rambo).

There are more details on all these quests in the help file "quests". When in the adventurer's guild, examining a quest will bring up the help file entry for that quest.

Powerdivers beware: Each quest level is 2-3 levels below the player's max depth. So diving without taking quests will greatly limit the player's possible max score.

* There is a special version of NPP060 for this competition. It is available for Windows (savefile included), as source, or for Mac (savefile not included).

Current standings (all entries) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountfame updated
1Carabowooranger jeffDunadan Ranger5042,865,7151,717,8683,01494 comments3.1.2013 04:23
2CarabowienppangbandDunadan Ranger5037,066,5821,887,6962,84827 comments24.12.2012 18:24
3CarbonizermurphyDunadan Ranger5032,899,243814,1262,32914 comments15.12.2012 22:46
4CarabowieFendell OrcbaneDunadan Ranger5035,478,3191,302,3851,66722 comments4.1.2013 08:31
5CaribowRochDunadan Ranger5014,901,7181,454,0981,4719 comments4.1.2013 08:49
6Carabowie IIIDarinDunadan Ranger35739,158706,7447305 comments28.12.2012 07:48
7BowieRochDunadan Ranger35789,001997,5965934 comments25.12.2012 11:39
8CarabowiemtaddDunadan Ranger32327,839403,4785813 comments13.12.2012 21:49
9Carabowieranger jeffDunadan Ranger34598,616779,99051420 comments12.12.2012 21:14
10CarabinermurphyDunadan Ranger30161,812329,3154882 comments6.12.2012 16:35
11Carabowie2ShadowTechnologyDunadan Ranger30191,528439,5714629 comments11.12.2012 02:07
12CarabowieRochDunadan Ranger31267,470911,0703917 comments7.12.2012 08:32
13CarabowieGorbadDunadan Ranger31303,217615,9333848 comments12.12.2012 10:22
14Carabowie IIDarinDunadan Ranger35903,272613,7383499 comments24.12.2012 20:47
15Caraway SeedShinedogDunadan Ranger31239,932517,5983355 comments13.12.2012 20:08
16CarabowieShinedogDunadan Ranger32379,595616,2512367 comments6.12.2012 20:32
17CarboFreeShadowTechnologyDunadan Ranger2216,298274,6101443 comments16.12.2012 04:40
18Carabowie IIcarusoDunadan Ranger2010,362514,257854 comments27.12.2012 15:15
19CarabowieDarinDunadan Ranger187,559175,778642 comments8.12.2012 01:07
20CarabowieebizzellDunadan Ranger153,704251,06247 17.12.2012 07:43

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