
Competition No.157

Starts:May 21st, 2014 11:00
Ends:June 11th, 2014 11:00 (ended)
Variant:ToME 2.3.4
Save file:Download starting save file
Let's try something completely different.

Estie created this character: It's a female woodelf spectre alchemist, 20 extra quests, worshipping Eru.

Comp winner is whoever beats the game (however that happens), or failing that the character with the most XP.

Binaries for ToME 2.3.4 can be found here.

If you have questions (such as "what do I do" and "what is this I don't even"), post on the Comp 157 thread!

We'll plan to run this for 3 weeks, and if it's looking people are still engaged but tight for time once 2 weeks elapses, we might bump it up to a month.


Current standings (personal best) [toggle]

 namebyrace classlevelexperienceturncountmax depth updated
1StoopidPowerWyrmWood-Elf Alchemist5021,052,7360041 comments10.6.2014 11:54
2IstarEstieWood-Elf Alchemist5013,116,892008 comments24.5.2014 23:48
3Istaracockbur@gmail.comWood-Elf Alchemist5011,112,863001 comment3.6.2014 16:24 updated
4IstarThraalbeastWood-Elf Alchemist187,598004 comments26.5.2014 16:52
5IstarHugoTheGreat2011Wood-Elf Alchemist10003 comments2.6.2014 03:51 updated

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