The Angband Ladder: Blob, DeathMold Sorceror by <>

  [ToME 2.3.4 Character Sheet]

 Name  : Blob                   Age                 19       STR!     35       
 Sex   : Male                   Height              11       INT!     40       
 Race  : DeathMold Hermit       Weight              50       WIS!     40       
 Class : Sorceror               Social Class        48       DEX!     40       
 Body  : Player                                              CON!     40       
 God   : Eru Iluvatar                                        CHR!     30       
 + To Melee Hit         -24 Level             50    Hit Points      862/   862 
 + To Melee Damage      -90 Experience  50440871    Spell Points   5153/  5153 
 + To Ranged Hit         19 Max Exp     50440871    Sanity          930/   930 
 + To Ranged Damage      14 Exp to Adv.    *****    Piety                60108 
   AC                42+138 Gold        17666656    Speed           Fast (+89) 
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Very Bad     Perception  : Bad          Blows/Round:  4         
 Bows/Throw  : Good         Searching   : Bad          Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Superb       Disarming   : Very Good    Mel.dmg/Rnd:  4d4-360   
 Stealth     : Legendary[7] Magic Device: Fair         Infra-Vision: 230 feet  
                                                       Tactic:       coward    
                                                       Explor:       normal    
                         (Character Background)                                
          You were born in a pile of bones, called to life by the              
          Witch-King of Angmar.  Since then you have given life to             
          hundreds of foul offspring.                                          

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Joke monsters:        OFF
 Maximize mode:        ON
 Preserve Mode:        ON
 Autoscum:             ON
 Small Levels:         ON
 Arena Levels:         OFF
 Always unusual rooms: OFF
 Persistent Dungeons:  OFF

 Recall Depth:
        Mirkwood: Level 12 (600')
        Mordor: Level 65 (3250')
        Angband: Level 127 (6350')
        Barrow-Downs: Level 10 (500')
        Mount Doom: Level 99 (4950')
        Nether Realm: Level 696 (34800')
        Cirith Ungol: Level 50 (2500')
        The Void: Level 150 (7500')
        Illusory Castle: Level 49 (2450')
        Maze: Level 25 (1250')
        Orc Cave: Level 14 (700')
        Erebor: Level 72 (3600')
        The Old Forest: Level 25 (1250')
        Moria: Level 40 (2000')
        Dol Guldur: Level 70 (3500')
        The Small Water Cave: Level 34 (1700')
        The Sacred Land Of Mountains: Level 68 (3400')
        The Land Of Rhun: Level 38 (1900')
        Death fate: Level 1 (50')
        A lost temple: Level 29 (1450')

 You have done something experimental.
 Your body was a Player.
 You were disguised as a Spider.
 You have defeated 13495 enemies.
 You destroyed Melkor forever and have been elevated to the status of Vala by
Eru Iluvatar.
 Arda will forever be free.
 You destroyed the One Ring, thus weakening Sauron.
 You established a permanent void jumpgates liaison between Minas Anor and
  thus allowing the last alliance to exist.
 You saved Gondolin from destruction.
 The sword that was broken is now reforged.
 You saved the beautiful Mallorns of Lothlorien.
 You saved 98 princesses.
 You saved Arda and became a famed King.
 You found 2 of the relic pieces.

 You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You ended your adventure the 8th Hrive of the 2890th year of the third age.
 Your adventure lasted 76 days.

     Your Attributes:
You are dead, killed by Ripe Old Age in the town of Minas Anor.
You can teleport at will.
You are able throw a thick and very resistant spider web.
Your eyes are sensitive to infrared light.
You can see invisible creatures.
You can breathe without air.
You levitate just over the ground.
You can climb high mountains.
You have free action.
You regenerate quickly.
Your appetite is small.
You have ESP.
You are incredibly lucky.
You have a firm hold on your life force.
You reflect arrows and bolts.
You are incorporeal.
You are carrying a permanent light.
You are completely immune to acid.
You are completely immune to lightning.
You are completely immune to fire.
You are completely immune to cold.
You are resistant to poison.
You are resistant to bright light.
You are resistant to darkness.
You are resistant to confusion.
You are resistant to sonic attacks.
You are resistant to disenchantment.
You are resistant to chaos.
You are resistant to blasts of shards.
You are resistant to nexus attacks.
You are immune to nether forces.
You are completely fearless.
Your eyes are resistant to blindness.
Your strength is sustained.
Your intelligence is sustained.
Your wisdom is sustained.
Your constitution is sustained.
Your dexterity is sustained.
Your charisma is sustained.
Your strength is affected by your equipment.
Your intelligence is affected by your equipment.
Your wisdom is affected by your equipment.
Your dexterity is affected by your equipment.
Your constitution is affected by your equipment.
Your charisma is affected by your equipment.
Your stealth is affected by your equipment.
Your infravision is affected by your equipment.
Your digging ability is affected by your equipment.
Your speed is affected by your equipment.

        Add Str   : ....2.3...4.......          
        Add Int   : *...2.3.....3...4.          
        Add Wis   : *...2.3.........4+          
        Add Dex   : ....2.3.........4.          
        Add Con   : ....2.3...4....44.          
        Add Chr   : *...2.3........44.          
        Mul Mana  : ++..........+....+          
        Mul SPower: ++................          
        Add Stea. : ....2.............          
        Add Infra : *.................          
        Add Tun.. : ................4.          
        Add Speed : ..**2*33.......4..          
        Chaotic   : ...............+..          
        Slay Evil : ...............+..          
        Sust Str  : ......+....+......          
        Sust Int  : ....++............          
        Sust Wis  : ....++..++...+....          
        Sust Dex  : ......+...........          
        Sust Con  : .....++..+........          
        Sust Chr  : ....++..+.........          
        Invisible : ..............+...          
        Mul life  : ........+........+          
        Sens Fire : ..................          
        Reflect   : ...........+......          
        Free Act  : .+..+.+...+.++....          
        Hold Life : ...++.++.....+....          
        Imm Acid  : +.......+**+......          
        Imm Elec  : +....+*..*.++.....          
        Imm Fire  : *.+.....*..+......          
        Imm Cold  : +...*...*.........          
        Res Pois  : .....++....++.....          
        Res Fear  : ...........+.+....          
        Res Light : .......+...+.+....          
        Res Dark  : .......+.+.++.....          
        Res Blind : .+..++....+.......          
        Res Conf  : .......+..++......          
        Res Sound : .........++.......          
        Res Shard : .....+.......+....          
        Imm Neth  : ...*....+..+......          
        Res Nexus : .........+...+....          
        Res Chaos : .......+..++......          
        Res Disen : ......+.++.+......          
        WraithForm: ...+..............          
        Levitate  : ......+.....+.....          
        Lite      : .+..............+.          
        See Invis : +..++.++..........          
        Digestion : ......+...........          
        Regen     : ..++..+...........          
        Activate  : +.+.+.++....+.....          
        Drain Exp : ...+..............          
        Blessed   : ...............+..          
        Cursed    : ...+..............          
        Hvy Curse : ...+..............          
        No blows  : +.................          
        Precogn.  : +.................          
        Fly       : .+................          
        Orc.ESP   : .......+..+.......          
        Demon.ESP : +.................          
        Evil.ESP  : +.................          
        Full ESP  : ....+.............          

Skills (points left: 9)
 - Combat                                        01.000 [0.300]
          . Archery                              02.000 [0.000]
 - Sneakiness                                    04.100 [0.900]
          . Stealth                              28.000 [0.400]
          . Disarming                            02.000 [0.000]
 - Magic                                         50.000 [1.000]
          . Magic-Device                         05.500 [1.000]
          . Spell-power                          50.000 [0.600]
          . Sorcery                              50.000 [0.700]
          . Mana                                 00.000 [0.900]
                   . Fire                        00.000 [1.000]
                   . Water                       00.000 [1.000]
                   . Air                         00.000 [1.000]
                   . Earth                       00.000 [1.000]
          . Meta                                 00.000 [1.000]
          . Conveyance                           00.000 [1.000]
          . Divination                           00.000 [1.000]
          . Temporal                             00.000 [1.000]
          . Mind                                 00.000 [1.000]
          . Nature                               00.000 [1.000]
          . Udun                                 01.200 [0.400]
          . Necromancy                           00.000 [1.100]
          . Runecraft                            00.000 [0.900]
          . Thaumaturgy                          13.500 [0.900]
 - Spirituality                                  12.300 [0.550]
          . Prayer                               05.000 [0.500]
 - Monster-lore                                  06.050 [0.500]
          . Summoning                            03.200 [0.500]
          . Symbiosis                            26.700 [0.500]
          . Mimicry                              40.700 [0.500]

 * Perfect casting


You are fated to find something special on level 1.
You may meet an Agent of the black market on level 8.
You are fated to find a Short Sword on level 17.
You may find a Staff of Disarm on level 1.
You may meet a Giant white mouse on level 6.
You are fated to find a Potion of Slowness on level 1.
You may meet a Newt on level 1.
You may find an Essence of Life on level 1.
You may find an Essence of Explosion on level 7.

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Mage Staff of Eternity (1d4) (-19,-19)(240%) (+12 to infravision)
    It is part of the trinity of the ultimate weapons.  It can be wielded
    two-handed.  It can be activated for restore mana every 666 turns if
    it is being worn. It can be used to store a spell.  It increases your 
    intelligence, wisdom, charisma, infravision, luck and spell power by 
    12.  It increases your mana capacity by 240%.  It provides immunity to 
    fire.  It provides resistance to acid, electricity and cold.  It
    allows you to see invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the
    presence of demons and evil beings.  It can't attack.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You made it yourself.
b) The Mage Staff 'Corim' (1d4) (+10,+9) [+7](100%) (+5)
    It can be wielded two-handed.  It provides light (radius 1) forever.  
    It can be used to store a spell.  It increases your spell power by 5.  
    It increases your mana capacity by 100%.  It provides immunity to
    paralysis.  It provides resistance to blindness.  It allows you to
    fly.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Tik'srvzllat on level 696 of Nether Realm.
d) The Light Crossbow 'Cubragol' (x3) (+10,+14) (+10)
    It can be activated for fire branding of bolts every 999 turns if it
    is being worn. It increases your speed by 10.  It provides resistance 
    to fire.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient bronze dragon on level 72 of
e) The Ring of Phasing (+15 to speed)
    It grants you the power of teleport if it is being worn.  It increases 
    your speed and luck by 15.  It provides immunity to nether.  It
    provides resistance to life draining.  It renders you incorporeal.  It
    allows you to breathe without air.  It allows you to see invisible
    monsters.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It drains experience.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Tik'srvzllat on level 696 of Nether Realm.
f) The Ring of Power 'Nenya' (+9,+9) (+2)
    It can be activated for healing (800) every 100+d200 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your strength, intelligence, wisdom, 
    dexterity, constitution, charisma, stealth, speed and luck by 2.  It
    sustains your intelligence, wisdom and charisma.  It provides immunity 
    to cold.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance 
    to life draining and blindness.  It allows you to see invisible
    monsters.  It gives telepathic powers.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Maulotaur on level 124 of Angband.
g) The Ring called 'Noggle' (+13)
    It increases your speed by 13.  It sustains your intelligence, wisdom, 
    constitution and charisma.  It provides resistance to electricity, 
    poison, blindness and shards.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You made it yourself.
h) The Ring of Power 'Vilya' (+12,+12) (+3)
    It can be activated for greater healing (900) every 200+d200 turns if
    it is being worn. It increases your strength, intelligence, wisdom, 
    dexterity, constitution, charisma, speed and luck by 3.  It sustains 
    your strength, dexterity and constitution.  It provides immunity to 
    electricity.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides
    resistance to life draining, poison and disenchantment.  It allows you
    to levitate.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It slows your
    metabolism.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Wyrm of Power on level 126 of
m) The Arkenstone of Thrain (+3) {Li/Dk/Ca Hl}
    It can be activated for detection every 30+d30 turns if it is being
    worn. It provides light (radius 3) forever.  It increases your speed
     and luck by 3.  It provides resistance to life draining, light, dark
     and chaos.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It allows you
    to sense the presence of orcs.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Swamp Wyrm on level 72 of Erebor.
n) The Partial Plate Armour 'Hiren' (-10,-58) [22,+12](40%) {!k}
    It increases your hit points by 40%.  It sustains your wisdom and 
    charisma.  It provides immunity to fire and cold.  It provides
    resistance to acid, nether and disenchantment.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Bile Wyrm on level 66 of Mordor.
o) The Spider Web 'Ivria' [1,+11] {IMM Ac/El Dk/So/Nx/Di}
    It sustains your wisdom and constitution.  It provides immunity to 
    acid and electricity.  It provides resistance to dark, sound, nexus
     and disenchantment.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    It was given to you as a reward.
p) The Small Metal Shield of Thorin [3,+25] (+4)
    It increases your strength and constitution by 4.  It provides
    immunity to acid.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides
    resistance to blindness, sound and chaos.  It allows you to sense the
    presence of orcs.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient multi-hued dragon on level 71 of
q) The Dragon Shield 'Gatar' [8,+25]
    It sustains your strength.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to acid, electricity, fire, poison, light, dark, 
    nether, chaos and disenchantment.  It reflects bolts and arrows.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Vecna, the Emperor Lich on level 107 of
u) The Set of Gauntlets of Eol [Ent's Potion] [3,+15](60%) (+3)
    It can be activated for mana bolt (9d8) 7+d7 turns if it is being
    worn. It has a spell stored inside.  It increases your intelligence
     and luck by 3.  It increases your mana capacity by 60%.  It provides
    immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to electricity, poison
     and dark.  It allows you to levitate.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Horned Reaper on level 126 of Angband.
v) The Set of Cesti of Lothithor [5,+12]
    It sustains your wisdom.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes
    you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to life draining, 
    light, shards and nexus.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Storm Wyrm on level 72 of Erebor.
z) a Master quylthulg (6000 hp)
{) The Bolt of Aewen (1d5) (+8,+4) (+4 to speed)
    It increases your constitution, charisma and speed by 4.  It produces
    chaotic effects.  It is a great bane of demons.  It fights against
    evil with holy fury.  It has been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient gold dragon on level 72 of
|) The Mattock called 'Not Bad' (+4)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your intelligence, 
    wisdom, dexterity, constitution, charisma and ability to tunnel by 4.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You made it yourself.

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Tomes of Magical Energy {!k}
b) 2 Tomes of the Eternal Flame {!k}
    It cannot be harmed by fire.  
c) 2 Tomes of the Impenetrable Earth {!k}
    It cannot be harmed by acid.  
d) 2 Tomes of Translocation {!k}
e) 2 Tomes of the Tree {!k}
f) 2 Tomes of Knowledge {!}
g) 2 Tomes of the Time {!k}
h) 2 Unholy Tomes of the Hellflame {!k}
i) 10 Potions of Cure Insanity
j) 30 Potions of *Healing*
k) 45 Potions of Restore Mana
l) 37 Scrolls of Teleportation {100% off}
m) a Mithril Rod of Simplicity of Home Summoning (160/160)
    You found it in the remains of an Archlich on level 126 of Angband.
n) a Staff of Wish[1|1] (2 charges) {Got in Nether Realm dungeon town}
o) (nothing)
p) (nothing)
q) (nothing)
r) (nothing)
s) (nothing)
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Home Inventory - Bree ]

a) a Spellbook of Essence of Speed
b) a Spellbook of Remove Curses
c) 3 Morphic Oils of Mouse
d) 76 Potions of Augmentation
e) 4 Scrolls of Identify {@r3}
f) a Scroll of *Destruction*
g) The Ring 'Nollethon' {Po/Li/Bl/Ca}
    It sustains your strength and dexterity.  It provides resistance to 
    poison, light, blindness and chaos.  It cannot be harmed by acid,
    cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient multi-hued dragon on level 41 of
h) The Ring of Dorist (+4)
    It increases your constitution, charisma, stealth and speed by 4.  It
    sustains your dexterity and constitution.  It provides resistance to 
    fire, confusion and sound.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Mature red dragon on level 71 of Erebor.
i) a Ring of Speed (+10)
    It increases your speed by 10.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Storm Wyrm on level 72 of Erebor.
j) The Ring of Flare (+3) {IMM Fi Fly SeeInv +3Con}
    It can be activated for dimension door every 100 turns if it is being
    worn. It grants you the power of swap position if it is being worn.  
    It increases your strength, constitution, charisma and searching by 3.
    It provides immunity to fire.  It allows you to fly.  It allows you to
    see invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the presence of 
    thunderlords.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dracolich on level 62 of Erebor.
k) a Dwarven Lantern of the Magi [Manathrust] (+3)
    It grants you the power of magic map if it is being worn.  It provides
    light (radius 2) forever.  It has a spell stored inside.  It increases 
    your intelligence, wisdom and charisma by 3.  It makes you invisible.  
    It provides resistance to blindness.  It cannot be harmed by fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
l) The Phial of Galadriel (+4)
    It can be activated for light area (dam 2d15) every 10+d10 turns if it
    is being worn. It provides light (radius 3) forever.  It increases 
    your searching and luck by 4.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Mature multi-hued dragon on level 36 of
m) The Metal Lamellar Armour 'Tirinth' (-52,-55) [23,+7](40%)
    It increases your hit points by 40%.  It sustains your strength and 
    wisdom.  It provides immunity to electricity and fire.  It provides
    immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to life draining, sound
     and nether.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Storm Wyrm on level 77 of Angband.
n) The Full Plate Armour of Varuingwe (-7,-10) [25,+10](40%)
    It increases your hit points by 40%.  It provides immunity to cold.  
    It provides resistance to poison, dark and sound.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Swamp Wyrm on level 72 of Erebor.
o) The Shield of Deflection of Gil-galad [10,+20] (+5)
    It can be activated for starlight (75) every 75+d75 turns if it is
    being worn. It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your 
    wisdom, charisma, searching and luck by 5.  It sustains your wisdom, 
    dexterity and charisma.  It provides resistance to acid, electricity, 
    dark and disenchantment.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning
    or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Greater Balrog on level 65 of Mordor.
p) The Pair of Metal Shod Boots of Gimli (+5,+5) [4,+10] (+4)
    It grants you the power of magic map if it is being worn.  It 
    increases your searching, infravision and ability to tunnel by 4.  It
    allows you to climb mountains.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
q) The Dagger 'Nimthanc' (E:15, L:1) (1d4) (+4,+6)
r) a Khopesh of Gondolin (2d4) (+6,+12) (+3)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It increases your strength, 
    dexterity and constitution by 3.  It is especially deadly against
    dragons.  It is especially deadly against trolls.  It strikes at
    demons with holy wrath.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to dark and shards.  It allows you to see
    invisible monsters.  It allows you to sense the presence of evil beings
    .  It slows your metabolism.  It cannot be harmed by acid.  It cannot
    be harmed by fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 10 of Orc Cave.
s) The Metal Boomerang of Beor (4d5) (+8,+12) (+4 to speed)
    It increases your dexterity and speed by 4.  It provides resistance to 
    acid, electricity, fire and cold.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient multi-hued dragon on level 41 of

  [Home Inventory - Minas Anor ]

a) 2 Tomes of the Blowing Wind
    It cannot be harmed by electricity.  
b) 2 Tomes of Meta Spells
    It cannot be harmed by fire.  
c) 2 Books of Beginner Cantrips
d) 30 Scrolls of Reset Recall
e) The Ring of Power of Hoarmurath of Dir (+5 to speed)
    It increases your speed by 5.  It makes you invisible.  It provides
    resistance to cold, nether and disenchantment.  It allows you to
    levitate.  It drains experience.  It cannot be dropped while cursed.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Hoarmurath of Dir on level 72 of Erebor.
f) The Ring of Power of Khamul, the Black Easterling (+4)
    It increases your dexterity and constitution by 4.  It makes you
    invisible.  It sustains your strength.  It provides resistance to 
    electricity, blindness, confusion and shards.  It drains experience.  
    It cannot be dropped while cursed.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Khamul, the Black Easterling on level 127
    of Angband.
g) The Ring called 'Dogshit' (+13) {!k}
    It increases your speed by 13.  It sustains your charisma.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to acid, 
    electricity, cold and disenchantment.  It allows you to see invisible
    monsters.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You made it yourself.
h) The Ring of Brion (+2 attacks)
    It increases your dexterity and attack speed by 2.  It sustains your 
    intelligence and dexterity.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to blindness, confusion and chaos.  It allows you
    to fly.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 72 of Erebor.
i) an Indestructible Ring of Lordly Protection [+21]
    It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to life
    draining, poison, shards and disenchantment.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Rare Jewelry Shop.
j) The Metal Scale Mail of Enorgorn (-37,-21) [13,+20](40%)
    It increases your hit points by 40%.  It sustains your intelligence.  
    It provides immunity to acid and electricity.  It provides immunity to
    paralysis.  It provides resistance to poison, dark and disenchantment.
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying in a vault on level 124 of Angband.
k) The Robe of Great Luck [-30,+8] (+60)
    It increases your luck by 60.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It 
    drains mana and life.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it in the remains of an Ancient blue dragon on level 71 of
l) The Padded Armour 'Fingol' (-18,-4) [4,+8](40%)
    It increases your hit points by 40%.  It sustains your wisdom.  It
    provides immunity to fire.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to acid, poison, dark, nexus and disenchantment.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of an Osyluth on level 99 of Mount Doom.
m) The Snakeskin Cloak of Echor [1,+12] (+2 to stealth)
    It increases your stealth by 2.  It provides immunity to acid and cold
    .  It provides resistance to life draining, dark, sound and chaos.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Dwar, Dog Lord of Waw on level 127 of
n) a Cloak of Mist of Air [1,+19]
    It allows you to breathe without air.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 126 of Angband.
o) a Wolf Pelt of Air [1,+16]
    It allows you to breathe without air.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 126 of Angband.
p) The Small Metal Shield of Mirielin [3,+16]
    It sustains your intelligence and charisma.  It makes you completely
    fearless.  It provides resistance to acid, sound and nexus.  It
    reflects bolts and arrows.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying in a vault on level 124 of Angband.
q) a Vampiric Small Sword (1d6) (+9,+12)(80%) {!k}
    It increases your hit points by 80%.  It drains life from your foes.  
    It provides resistance to life draining.  
    You found it in the remains of an Ethereal dragon on level 59 of Mordor.
r) The Mattock of Nain (+12,+18) (+6 to searching)
    It can be activated for stone to mud every 5 turns if it is being
    worn. It increases your strength, searching, infravision and ability
    to tunnel by 6.  It does extra damage from acid.  It is especially
    deadly against dragons.  It is especially deadly against orcs.  It is
    especially deadly against trolls.  It is especially deadly against
    giants.  It provides resistance to acid, dark and disenchantment.  It
    allows you to climb mountains.  It allows you to sense the presence of 
    orcs.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying in a vault on level 127 of Angband.
s) The Horn of Helm (+2)
    It can be activated for sound ball (300) every 300 turns if it is
    being worn. It increases your strength and constitution by 2.  It
    provides immunity to cold.  It makes you completely fearless.  It
    provides resistance to nether.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 126 of Angband.
t) a Mage Staff of Mana (1d4) (+9,-8)(100%)
    It can be wielded two-handed.  It can be used to store a spell.  It
    increases your mana capacity by 100%.  
    You found it in the remains of a Nightwalker on level 99 of Mount Doom.
u) 57 Empty Bottles
v) 89 Empty Bottles

  [Home Inventory - Lothlorien ]

a) 3 Tomes of Magical Energy {!k}
b) 4 Tomes of the Eternal Flame {!k}
    It cannot be harmed by fire.  
c) 2 Tomes of the Impenetrable Earth {!k}
    It cannot be harmed by acid.  
d) 3 Tomes of Translocation {!k}
e) 3 Tomes of the Tree {!k}
f) 4 Tomes of Knowledge {!}
g) 3 Tomes of the Time {!k}
h) 6 Unholy Tomes of the Hellflame {!k}
i) 26 Sprigs of Athelas
j) 53 Potions of Cure Insanity
k) 99 Potions of Healing
l) 53 Potions of Healing
m) 43 Potions of *Healing*
n) 14 Potions of Life
o) 30 Potions of Restore Mana
p) 99 Potions of Restore Mana
q) The Ring of Power of Ren the Unclean (+3 to speed)
    It increases your intelligence, wisdom, constitution, charisma, 
    stealth and speed by 3.  It makes you invisible.  It provides immunity
    to paralysis.  It makes you completely fearless.  It provides
    resistance to acid, fire, confusion, sound, shards, nether, nexus and 
    disenchantment.  It allows you to levitate.  It slows your metabolism.
    It drains experience.  It cannot be dropped while cursed.  It cannot
    be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Ren the Unclean on level 127 of Angband.
r) The Ring of Celdo [+15] (+1) {Only Thing Melkor dropped that didn't suck,
    It can be activated for ball of fire and resist fire every 50+d50 turns
     if it is being worn. It increases your intelligence by 1.  It
    sustains your intelligence.  It provides resistance to acid, fire and 
    shards.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It cannot be harmed by
    acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Melkor, Lord of Darkness on level 150 of
    The Void.
s) The Ring of Arninglos (+9)
    It increases your strength, wisdom and speed by 9.  It provides
    resistance to poison, light and chaos.  It slows your metabolism.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Great Storm Wyrm on level 72 of Erebor.
t) The Ring of Precognition {!k}
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 100 of Angband.
u) The Anchor of Space-Time
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  It prevents the space-time
    continuum from being disrupted.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dracolich on level 60 of Erebor.
v) a Mage Staff of Mana (1d4) (+6,-1)(100%) {!k}
    It can be wielded two-handed.  It can be used to store a spell.  It
    increases your mana capacity by 100%.  
    You found it in the remains of a Demilich on level 126 of Angband.

Posted on 21.11.2006 12:04
Last updated on 23.11.2006 07:53

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On 21.11.2006 12:04 wrote:
Where oh where did that darn ring get to? I've been fighting stuff on angband 127 for a while now. Mount Doom was ALMOST trivial. But something woke up a few greater balrogs when I was in the middle of the room and they summoned greater demons surrounding me. Was a bit hairy for a bit. But only for a bit. I cleared Mt. Doom completely, so if I can find the ring that's set. This will be my first void character.

On 22.11.2006 00:05 wrote:
Did you remember to talk to Galadriel after killing the Necromancer? Sauron (or any of the other potential Ring-droppers) won't drop the Ring until you've officially got the One Ring Quest from Galadriel.

On 22.11.2006 03:39 wrote:
Oops! So I decided to worship Eru, after I destroyed the ring. But I failed to see the negative points of using an edged weapon with him. And I don't think I can stop having him as a god now. My vampiric small sword +80% causes me to have a 25 percent failure rate in everything. Not quite what you want as a sorcerer. Sigh. Now I have to try to find a stupid hafted of life. Arg. Plus it'll only be 20 or 40 percent max to start I'm sure. Arg, this is going to delay my void diving. :(

On 22.11.2006 17:24 wrote:
God the nether realm is annoying. Took out Tik. The eternity magestaff is ridiculous, and he dropped another artifact magestaff to boot. Finding stairs back up out is taking forever, time for a break I tihnk. I also can't get to my house in the nether realm it appears. So I can't even switch out a different cloak.

On 23.11.2006 07:53 wrote:
Well Blob is an ultimate winner. Melkor is too easy when you're surrounded in every direction by 10 glyphs of warding. Though his mana storm was almost as much as my max hp. :) I actually required the blood of life once when I was careless in the nether realm and hit a chaos ball trap for 1200+ hp. After that I was a bit more cautious. I will either never again void-dive, or I will do it like once with a pure melee character. Something without genocide. I used it rather shamelessly in the void/nether realm. I wanted to beat it my first try there.

Deathmold sorcerer with mimic is fun. Hell mimic is fun period. It might be my most favorite even over mindcraft for warriors now. Not sure yet.

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