The Angband Ladder: Lorin, Druadan Sniper by <>

  [Theme 1.2.0 Character Sheet]

 Name  : Lorin                  Age                 18       STR:     27       
 Sex   : Neuter                 Height              33       INT:     16       
 Race  : Druadan Barbarian      Weight             144       WIS:     27       
 Class : Sniper                 Social Class        16       DEX:     40       
 Body  : Player                                              CON:     35       
 God   : Aule the Smith                                      CHR:     21       
 + To Melee Hit          88 Level             29    Hit Points      532/   532 
 + To Melee Damage       55 Experience    117135    Spell Points     31/    31 
 + To Ranged Hit         55 Max Exp       200241    Sanity          280/   280 
 + To Ranged Damage      15 Exp to Adv.   127500    Piety                 1565 
   AC                -17+79 Gold         1609526    Speed            Fast (+3) 
                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)                             
 Fighting    : Legendary[17]Perception  : Good         Blows/Round:  8         
 Bows/Throw  : Legendary[17]Searching   : Good         Shots/Round:  1         
 Saving Throw: Bad          Disarming   : Bad          Mel.dmg/Rnd:  16d5+440  
 Stealth     : Legendary[15]Magic Device: Bad          Infra-Vision: 0 feet    
                                                       Tactic:       normal    
                                                       Explor:       fast      
                         (Character Background)                                
          You are one of several children of a Druadan Shaman.  You            
          have black eyes, straight black hair and a very dark                 

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Joke monsters:        OFF
 Maximize mode:        ON
 Preserve Mode:        ON
 Autoscum:             ON
 Small Levels:         ALWAYS
 Arena Levels:         ON
 Always unusual rooms: OFF
 Persistent Dungeons:  OFF

 Recall Depth:
        Mirkwood: Level 33 (1650')
        Barrow-Downs: Level 10 (500')
        Heart of the Earth: Level 25 (1250')
        Orc Cave: Level 22 (1100')
        The Old Forest: Level 25 (1250')
        a Lost Temple: Level 20 (1000')
        Thorin's trail: Level 33 (1650')

 Your body is a Player.
 You are currently in the town of Bree.
 You have defeated 2799 enemies.
 You saved 33 princesses.
 You found 3 of the relic pieces.

 You started your adventure the 43rd Yavie of the 2890th year of the third age.
 It is currently the 13th Quelle of the 2890th year of the third age.
 You have been adventuring for 27 days.

        Add Int   : .4..............            
        Add Wis   : .........3......            
        Add Dex   : 24.3............            
        Add Con   : .4..............            
        Add Chr   : .4.......3......            
        Add Stea. : ....5..3........            
        Add Sear. : .....4.3........            
        Add Tun.. : ..............1.            
        Add Speed : ...........2....            
        Add Blows : 2.1.....1.......            
        Chaotic   : +...............            
        Vampiric  : +...............            
        Slay Orc  : +...............            
        Elec Brand: +...............            
        Sust Str  : ......+.........            
        Sust Int  : ......+.........            
        Sust Wis  : ......+.........            
        Sust Dex  : ...++.+.........            
        Sust Con  : ......+.........            
        Sust Chr  : ......+.........            
        Invisible : ................            
        Mul life  : ................            
        Sens Fire : ................            
        Reflect   : ................            
        Free Act  : ...+......+.....            
        Hold Life : ......+.........            
        Res Acid  : ...+..+.........            
        Res Elec  : ......+.........            
        Res Fire  : ......+.+.......            
        Res Cold  : ......+.........            
        Res Pois  : ...............+            
        Res Fear  : ...............+            
        Res Light : ................            
        Res Dark  : ................            
        Res Blind : ................            
        Res Conf  : ....+....+......            
        Res Sound : ................            
        Res Shard : ................            
        Res Neth  : ................            
        Res Nexus : ......+.........            
        Res Chaos : ................            
        Res Disen : ................            
        Levitate  : ...+............            
        Lite      : .+..............            
        Regen     : ...+............            
        Activate  : ..+..+..........            
        Blessed   : +...............            

 Corruption list:
Smaug's Breath:
  Fires a fire ball.
  Damage=2*level Radius 1+(level/20)
  Level=20, Cost=10, Stat=CON, Difficulty=18

Saruman's Power:
  Move an object in line of sight to you.
  Max weight equal to (level) pounds
  Level=9, Cost=9, Stat=WIS, Difficulty=14

  Teleports the player at will.
  Distance 10+4*level squares
  Level=7, Cost=7, Stat=WIS, Difficulty=15

Huan's Nose:
  You can detect nearby monsters.
  Radius 25
  Level=5, Cost=4, Stat=INT, Difficulty=15

Midas touch:
  You can turn ordinary items to gold.
  Turns a non-artifact object into 1/3 its value in gold
  Level=10, Cost=5, Stat=INT, Difficulty=12

Resist Elements:
  You can harden yourself to the ravages of the elements.
  Level-dependent chance of gaining resistances to the four 
  elements and poison. Duration=20 + d20
  Level=10, Cost=12, Stat=CON, Difficulty=12

Skills (points left: 69)
 - Combat                                        11.250 [0.500]
          . Weaponmastery                        03.200 [0.500]
          - Archery                              33.050 [0.750]
                   . Sling-mastery               00.000 [0.300]
                   . Bow-mastery                 00.000 [0.300]
                   . Crossbow-mastery            00.000 [0.300]
                   . Boomerang-mastery           00.000 [0.550]
          . Boulder-throwing                     01.000 [0.300]
 - Sneakiness                                    07.050 [1.000]
          . Stealth                              36.300 [1.100]
          . Disarming                            00.600 [1.000]
          . Backstab                             01.000 [0.700]
 - Magic                                         03.220 [0.600]
          . Magic-Device                        -00.300 [1.100]
          . Conveyance                           01.000 [0.500]
          . Runecraft                            01.000 [0.300]
          . Thaumaturgy                          01.300 [0.400]
 - Spirituality                                  01.680 [0.400]
          . Prayer                               22.500 [0.500]
          . Mindcraft                            05.200 [0.500]
 - Monster-lore                                  00.500 [0.500]
          . Corpse-preservation                  00.800 [0.800]
          . Symbiosis                            01.000 [0.300]

 * Ammo creation

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Scimitar 'Amant' (2d5) (+50,+48) (+2 attacks)
        It increases your dexterity and attack speed by 2.  It does extra
    damage from electricity.  It produces chaotic effects.  It drains life
    from your foes.  It is very sharp and can make your foes bleed.  It is
    especially deadly against orcs.  It is a great bane of undead.  It has
    been blessed by the gods.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
d) The Long Bow of Revor (x3) (+17,+15) (+4)
    It provides light (radius 1)
    forever.  It increases your intelligence, dexterity, constitution and 
    charisma by 4.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Weaponsmith.
e) a Ring of Extra Attacks (+1 attack)
    It can be activated for spinning
    around every 50+d25 turns if it is being worn. It increases your 
    attack speed by 1.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
f) The Ring 'Sheleri' (+3% of critical hits)
    It increases your dexterity and 
    ability to score critical hits by 3.  It sustains your dexterity.  It
    provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to acid.  It
    allows you to levitate.  It speeds your regenerative powers.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
k) The Amulet of Faramir (+18,+0) [+8] (+5)
    It increases your stealth by 5.  
    It sustains your dexterity.  It provides resistance to confusion.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
m) The Phial of Galadriel (+4)
    It can be activated for light area
    (dam 2d15) every 10+d10 turns if it is being worn. It provides light
    (radius 3) forever.  It increases your searching and luck by 4.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
n) a Robe of Permanence [2,+9]
    It sustains your strength, 
    intelligence, wisdom, dexterity, constitution and charisma.  It
    provides resistance to life draining, acid, electricity, fire, cold
     and nexus.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
o) an Elven Cloak [4,+11] (+3 to stealth) {!k!k!k}
p) a Buckler of Resist Fire [-30,+9] (+1 attack)
s) The Metal Cap of Thengel [3,+12] (+3)
    It increases your wisdom, charisma and 
    luck by 3.  It provides resistance to confusion.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
u) a Set of Leather Gloves of Free Action [1,+8]
    It provides immunity to paralysis.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
x) a Pair of Hard Leather Boots of Rohan [3,+6] (+2)
    It increases your speed by 2.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 10 of Orc Cave.
z) a Red jelly (110 hp)
{) 19 Arrows (1d4) (+4,+4)
|) a Shovel (+1)

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Fireproof Book of Beginner Cantrips {!k!v!d}
    It cannot be
    harmed by fire.  
    You bought it from the Book Store.
b) The Tome of Lorin {!k!v!d}
c) 27 Potions of Cure Critical Wounds
d) 4 Scrolls of Teleportation
e) 43 Scrolls of Identify
f) 3 Scrolls of *Identify*
g) 24 Scrolls of Satisfy Hunger
h) The Set of Gauntlets of Lorien [2,+15] (+4)
    It can be activated for lightning
    bolt (4d8) every 6+d6 turns if it is being worn. It can be used to
    store a spell.  It increases your dexterity by 4.  It sustains your 
    dexterity.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance 
    to electricity.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.
    You found it lying on the ground on level 16 of Orc Cave.
i) a Venomous Double Axe of Slay Orc (3d6) (+14,+6)
    It must be
    wielded two-handed.  It poisons your foes.  It is especially deadly
    against orcs.  It provides resistance to poison.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
j) a Crusader Axe (Holy Avenger) (2d5) (+11,+7) (+2)
k) a Crusader Axe of Slay Troll (2d5) (+3,+11)
l) a Crusader Axe of Slay Demon (2d5) (+6,+5)
m) a Fiery Reaper Axe of Slay Dragon (3d4) (+3,+9)
n) a Chaotic Broad Axe of Slay Giant (2d6) (+8,+6)
o) The Short Sword 'Sianna' (1d7) (+5,+9)
    It does extra damage from frost.  
    It is a great bane of dragons.  It is especially deadly against orcs.  
    It is especially deadly against trolls.  It is especially deadly
    against natural creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 18 of Orc Cave.
p) (nothing)
q) (nothing)
r) (nothing)
s) (nothing)
t) (nothing)
u) (nothing)
v) (nothing)
w) (nothing)

  [Home Inventory - Bree ]

a) The Demonblade of Gothmog (7d6) (+13,+13) (-20)
    It provides
    light (radius 1) forever.  It decreases your luck by 20.  It does
    extra damage from fire.  It poisons your foes.  It produces chaotic
    effects.  It is very sharp and can make your foes bleed.  It strikes
    at demons with holy wrath.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It
    can re-curse itself.  It can resist being shattered by morgul beings.  
    It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it lying on the ground on level 25 of Mirkwood.
b) 3 Fireproof Books of Beginner Cantrips {!k!v!d}
    It cannot be
    harmed by fire.  
    You bought it from the Book Store.
c) 3 Spellbooks of Enchant Weapon
d) The Hat of Radagast
    It can be activated for heal 700 hit
    points every 100 turns.  
    You bought it from the Magic shop.
e) The Blood of Death
    It can be activated for summon pet
    every 101 turns.  
    You bought it from the Magic shop.
f) a Parchment titled ``Secrets of the Gnomish Wizards''
    It can be activated for genocide
    every 500 turns.  
    You bought it from the Magic shop.
g) 2 Rod Tips of Recall (80 Mana to cast)
h) a Rod Tip of Detection (80 Mana to cast)
i) The Ring of Niend [+12] (+6 to searching) {100% off}
    It increases your searching by 6.  
    It sustains your intelligence.  It provides resistance to cold, dark
     and chaos.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You stole it from the Black Market.
j) a Draconic Ring of Constitution (+5,+1) [+4] (+5) {100% off}
    It increases your constitution by 5
    .  It sustains your constitution.  It allows you to sense the presence 
    of dragons.  
    You stole it from the Black Market.
k) The Necklace of Girion [+10] (+5)
l) The Star of Elendil (+1)
m) The Anchor of Space-Time
n) The Pearl 'Nimphelos' (+1)
o) The Double Ring Mail 'Cilmalion' (-2 to accuracy) [15,+7]
    It can be used to store a spell.  
    It provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes you completely fearless.  
    It provides resistance to life draining and light.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
p) The Splint Mail 'Rantalia' (-2 to accuracy) [19,+5]
    It sustains your strength, 
    intelligence and wisdom.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It makes
    you completely fearless.  It provides resistance to life draining and 
    confusion.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Green Thunderlord on level 33 of Mirkwood.
q) The Full Plate Armour of Annard (-3 to accuracy) [25,+13]
    It sustains your strength and dexterity.  It provides immunity to cold
    .  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It provides resistance to 
    electricity.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
r) The Set of Gauntlets 'Mindion' [2,+4]
    It sustains your strength and 
    constitution.  It provides resistance to light.  It cannot be harmed
    by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of The Squint-eyed Southerner on level 12 of a
    Lost Temple.
s) The Cleaver 'Feinwena' (2d4) (+13,+10) (+3)
    It increases your charisma by 3.  It poisons your foes.  
    It drains life from your foes.  It is especially deadly against
    dragons.  It is especially deadly against trolls.  It fights against
    evil with holy fury.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    It was given to you as a reward.
t) The Dagger of Manwendo (1d4) (+66,+65) (+2)
    It increases your strength, 
    intelligence and wisdom by 2.  It does extra damage from frost.  It
    produces chaotic effects.  It drains life from your foes.  It is
    especially deadly against orcs.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold,
    lightning or fire.  
    You bought it from the Black Market.
u) The Dagger of Rinaldil (1d4) (+6,+8) (+1)
    It provides light (radius 1)
    forever.  It increases your wisdom by 1.  It does extra damage from 
    fire.  It produces chaotic effects.  It drains life from your foes.  
    It is especially deadly against dragons.  It strikes at undead with
    holy wrath.  It is especially deadly against natural creatures.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
v) The Dagger of Meriadoc (E:10, L:1) (1d4) (+8,+10)
w) The Sling of Farmer Maggot (x2) (+20,+0) (+2) {100% off}
    It can be activated for terrify every
    10+d50 turns if it is being worn. It increases your searching and 
    infravision by 2.  It fires missiles excessively fast.  It cannot be
    harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    It was given to you as a reward.
x) The Key of Thorin

  [Home Inventory - Minas Anor ]

a) a Spellbook of Enchant Weapon
b) 5 Morphic Oils of Spider
c) 3 Potions of Speed
d) 6 Potions of Healing
e) 3 Wands of Stone Prison[1|5] (21 charges)

  [The Museum Inventory - Bree ]

a) The Broad Sword 'Orcrist' (2d5) (+10,+15) (+3)
    It provides light (radius 1) forever.  
    It increases your searching by 3.  It does extra damage from frost.  
    It is especially deadly against dragons.  It is especially deadly
    against orcs.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It provides
    resistance to cold and dark.  It gives telepathic powers.  It slows
    your metabolism.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or
    You found it lying on the ground on level 25 of Mirkwood.
b) The Long Sword 'Anguirel' (2d5) (+8,+12) (+2)
    It increases 
    your strength, constitution and speed by 2.  It does extra damage from 
    electricity.  It is very sharp and can cut your foes.  It is very
    sharp and can make your foes bleed.  It strikes at demons with holy
    wrath.  It fights against evil with holy fury.  It provides immunity
    to paralysis.  It provides resistance to electricity, light and dark.  
    It allows you to see invisible monsters.  It aggravates nearby
    creatures.  It cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of Sangahyando of Umbar on level 25 of
c) The Long Sword 'Elvagil' (2d5) (+5,+7) (+2)
    It increases your dexterity, charisma and stealth by 2.  It
    is especially deadly against orcs.  It is especially deadly against
    trolls.  It allows you to levitate.  It allows you to see invisible
    monsters.  It allows you to sense the presence of orcs and trolls.  It
    cannot be harmed by acid, cold, lightning or fire.  
    You found it in the remains of a Dark dwarven lord on level 33 of Thorin's

Posted on 14.7.2006 20:56
Last updated on 15.7.2006 19:22

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12319. on the Ladder (of 19032)
149. on the Theme Ladder (of 186)
Second best for this player (


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On 14.7.2006 20:56 wrote:
Aule makes the boomerang sniper viable!

On 15.7.2006 19:22 wrote:
!@#%! neuter!??!!

On 16.8.2006 11:22 wrote:
Scrats! Aule's Enchant Weapon doesn't work on boomerangs :{

On 16.8.2006 11:22 wrote:
Scrats! Aule's Enchant Weapon doesn't work on boomerangs :{

On 16.8.2006 11:22 wrote:
Scrats! Aule's Enchant Weapon doesn't work on boomerangs :{

On 16.8.2006 11:22 wrote:
Scrats! Aule's Enchant Weapon doesn't work on boomerangs :{

On 16.8.2006 11:22 wrote:
Scrats! Aule's Enchant Weapon doesn't work on boomerangs :{

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