The Angband Ladder: Klassik, Automaton Engineer by klassik

  [Steamband 0.4.1 Character Dump]

 Name   Klassik                                  Self  abcdefghijkl@   Best
 Sex    Male           Age           117  MUS:    423  ......*....*.   663
 Race   Automaton      Height         90  AGI:    273  ..........9*.   483
 Class  Engineer       Weight        224  VIG:    549  ......*......   669
 Title  Warrant Off.   Status         36  SCH:    354  .........9...   444
 WP     70/70          MaxDepth  Lev  40  EGO:    123  .........8...   203
 SP     126/126        Preserve        Y  CHR:    159  .........8...   239

 Level           24       Armor     [94,+41]     Saving Throw           Fair
 Cur Exp      29898       Blows       2/turn     Stealth           Tolerable
 Max Exp      29898       Shots       4/turn     Fighting             Superb
 Adv Exp      33750       Infra        20 ft     Shooting         First-rate
                                                 Disarming         Favorable
          Stat     Skill     Equip.    Total     Magic Device     First-rate
 Melee (+13,+13)   (+7,+3)  (+8,+27) (+28,+43)   Perception             Good
 Shoot  (+13,+0)  (+7,+18)  (+13,+6) (+33,+24)   Searching         Excellent

     You are a robot. You are made from silver. You became
     intelligent gradually. You have diamonds for eyes, a blocky
     torso, and a square head.

  [Resists & Abilities]

   Critical:.............   Fthr Fall:.............   Hvy Curse:.............
   Vampiric:.............   Telepathy:.............    Mutation:.............
      Throw:.............   See Invis:.........+...    No Magic:.............
     Vorpal:.............    Free Act:..+..........   No Teleprt.............
     Return:.............   Wraithfrm:.............    Drain SP:.............
  Frce Brnd:.............   Hold Life:............+    Drain HP:.............
  Fire Brnd:.............     Reflect:.............     Disrupt:.............
  Elec Brnd:.............   Invisible:.............   Drn Items:.............
  Ice Brand:.............   Res Confu:.............   Drn   Exp:.............
  Acid Brnd:.............   Res Blind:............+    Teleport:.............
  Psn. Brnd:.............    Res Fear:.............   Aggravate:.............
  Fire :110%...+..+..+++..  Acid :8%  ......+...+...  Mind :120%......+.......
  Erth :28% ......+..+++..  Poisn:120%......+.......  Force:5%  ......+.......
  Air  :23% ......+..+++..  Time :18% ......+..++...  Sprt :120%......+.......
  Water:21% ......+..+++..  Sound:5%  ......+.......
  Elec :76% ......+..+++..  Light:21% ......+..+++..
  Ice  :-32%......-..++-..  Dark :15% ......+..+....
            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*            abcdefghijkl@*
            \}=="~[()]]]              \}=="~[()]]]              \}=="~[()]]]


   Disarming Traps  6
           Stealth  6
         Searching  6
         Keen Eyes  6
    Systems Cypher  5
    Utility Cypher 10
   Neophyte Combat  7
   Standard Combat  8
   Accurate Strike  7
    Vicious Strike  3
      Martial Arts  6
 Neophyte Firearms  8
     Accurate Shot  7
          Throwing  7
        Acrobatics  7
         Latin {*}  8
   Occult Lore {O}  1
  Ritual Magic {O}  1
  Spirituality {S}  1
 Tempered Will {*}  1
         Gadgeteer  8
 Utility Bandolier  7
 Clockwork Chassis  7
 Clockwork Carbine  7
        Velocipede  5
   Analytic Engine  6
      Pyrokinetics  6
     Using Devices 10
  Advanced Devices  6
  Device Power Amp  8
    Device Bio Amp  5

  [Steamware & Mutations]

 You can evade monsters more effectively for a time. 

  [Character Equipment]

a) The Mallet of the Queen of Hearts (6d3|3) (+2,+5)
b) a .45 Martini-Henry Rifle (x3) (+7,+6)
c) a Moonstone Ring of Freedom of Mobility
d) a Tiger Eye Ring of Resist Fire
e) a Copper Amulet of Good Fortune <+1>
f) a Brass Lantern [3] <Fuel: 9771>
g) a Rubber Torso (Hydraulic) [35,+0] <+12>
h) a Cloak [1,+4]
i) a Pair of Breeches [3,+2]
j) a Rubber Head of Supreme Computation (+6) [10,+5] <+2, +8, +9>
k) a Pair of Ceramic Arms (Bladed) (+22) [20,+8] <+9>
l) a Pair of Iron Legs (Hydraulic) [25,+10] <+5, +12>
n) 4 Rifle bullets (4d11|0) (+0,+0) (+90/360)

  [Character Inventory]

a) 2 Enigmatic Devices [Utility Bandolier]
b) 2 Enigmatic Devices [Detective's Kit]
c) 3 Enigmatic Devices [Clockwork Chassis]
d) 2 Enigmatic Devices [Clockwork Carbine]
e) 7 Flasks of oil
f) 10 Aluminum-Plated Telenet Mechanisms of Phase Door
g) 10 Bronze Microdyne Mechanisms of Etheric Travel
h) 5 Copper-Plated Aetherton Mechanisms of Returning
i) 11 Tin-Plated Phototon Mechanisms of Repair Kit
j) a Gold Ray Gun of Phasic Shift (16 charges)
k) a Thick Tool of Etheric Travel (17 charges)
l) a Pneumatic Shovel (1d2|0) (+0,+0) <+10>
m) 49 Rifle bullets (4d11|0) (+0,+0) (+90/360)

  [Home Inventory]

The Book [The Return of Sherlock Holmes]
The Book [Frankenstein]
The Book [Jane Eyre]
The Book [A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court]
30 Aluminum-Plated Telenet Mechanisms of Phase Door
10 Bronze Microdyne Mechanisms of Etheric Travel
16 Mithril-Plated Telescope Mechanisms of Teleport Level
a Clockwork Anemoscope Mechanism of Remove Curse
3 Electric Microcom Mechanisms of Power Cell
2 Titanium Stereocom Mechanisms of *Repair* Kit
11 Gold-Plated Hydroscope Mechanisms of *Energy* Kit
a Silver Tool of Object Analysis (13 charges)
a Slim Tool of Remove Curse (4 charges)
a Copper Ring of Resist Earth
an Emerald Ring of Resist Air
a Turquoise Ring of Resist Water
a Tortoise Shell Ring of Resist Lightning
a Corundum Ring of Resist Poison
an Onyx Ring of See Invisible
an Aquamarine Ring of Resist Bewilderment
a Harpoon (2d4|0) (+0,+0)
72 Rifle bullets (4d11|0) (+0,+0) (+90/360)


Adult: Preserve artifacts when leaving level : yes (adult_preserve)
Adult: Restrict the use of stairs/recall     : no  (adult_ironman)
Adult: Restrict the use of stores/home       : no  (adult_no_stores)
Adult: Restrict creation of artifacts        : no  (adult_no_artifacts)
Adult: Randomize some of the artifacts (beta): no  (adult_rand_artifacts)
Score: Peek into object creation             : no  (score_peek)
Score: Peek into monster creation            : no  (score_hear)
Score: Peek into dungeon creation            : no  (score_room)
Score: Peek into something else              : no  (score_xtra)
Score: Know complete monster info            : no  (score_know)
Score: Allow player to avoid death           : no  (score_live)

Posted on 16.8.2014 22:53
Last updated on 26.8.2014 19:52

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15002. on the Ladder (of 18953)
203. on the Steamband Ladder (of 319)
6. for this player (


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On 16.8.2014 22:53 klassik wrote:
looking for a way to make my melee weapon better. my inexperience with steampunk terminology is becoming an out of game obsticle.

On 16.8.2014 23:03 Angrist wrote:
In this variant there is a powerful combination ( such as Half-Troll Warrior in Vanilla) to understand how to play?

On 17.8.2014 05:30 mewmew wrote:
Powerful combinations in this variant have different playstyle from ordinary combinations, generally steam mecha or (less broken but without aggravation) automaton of non magic classes (adventurer, dashing hussar, martial arts rogue for automaton etc) are kind of broken.

On 21.8.2014 23:33 klassik wrote:
quest is done gonna try another.

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