The Angband Ladder: Nizdum, Half-Elf Chaos-Warrior by Roch

  [Z+Angband 0.3.2 Character Dump]

Name     : Nizdum               Age            149     STR:   31.0
Sex      : Male                 Height          72     INT:   32.7
Race     : Half-Elf             Weight         131     WIS:   31.6
Class    : Chaos-Warrior        Social Class    32     DEX:   24.1
Magic    : Chaos                                       CON:   21.4
Patron   : Chardros                                    CHR:   25.0

+ Skill         18     Level                30     Max Hit Points     331
% Deadliness   330     Experience       128593     Cur Hit Points    -107
+ To AC         86     Max Exp          134246     Max SP (Mana)       95
  Base AC       48     Exp to Adv.       16407     Cur SP (Mana)       93
                       Gold             215543

                         (Miscellaneous Abilities)
Fighting    : Superb         Perception  : Excellent      Blows/Round : 3+1
Bows/Throw  : Fair           Sensing     : Excellent      Shots/Round : 1.0
Saving Throw: Chaos Rank     Disarming   : Excellent      Avg.Dam./Rnd: 170
Stealth     : Very Good      Magic Device: Superb         Infra-Vision: 30'

  [Miscellaneous information]

 Preserve Mode:      ON
 Small Levels:       ON
 Maximum Level Reached:    53 (2650')

Stat Intrnl Rce Cls Mod Actual Currnt  abcdefghijkl@
Str:   27.0  -1   2   3   31.0         ..........3..
Int:   27.7   1   1   3   32.7         ....3........
Wis:   27.6   1   0   3   31.6         ....3........
Dex:   26.1   1   1  -4   24.1         ............2
Con:   18.4  -1   2   2   21.4         ..........3..
Chr:   26.0   1  -2   0   25.0         .............

Skill     abcdefghijkl@ 
BonusSP:  ............. 
Stealth:  .......3...33 
Search :  .....1.3.1... 
Infra  :  .........1... 
Tunnel :  ............. 
Speed  :  ...2........3 
Blows  :  ............. 

Acid  : +.......+....
Elec  : ........+....
Fire  : ........+....
Cold  : ........+....
Poison: .............
Fear  : .............
Light : .............
Dark  : .............
Shard : .............
Blind : .........+...
Conf  : ......+......
Sound : .............
Nether: .............
Nexus : .............
Chaos : ............+
Disnch: .............

Reflect  : .............
Aura Acid: .............
Aura Fire: .............
Aura Elec: ............+
Aura Cold: .............
No Magic : .............
Free Actn: ............+
SeeInvis.: .........+...
Hold Life: .............
Telepathy: .............
SlwDigstn: .............
Regen.   : .............
Levitate : ...+.........
PermLite : .....+.......
Mutate   : ............+
Patron   : ............+
Good Luck: .............
WeirdLuck: .............
Pass Wall: .............
GhulTouch: .............

Pr Animal: .............
Pr Evil  : .............
Pr Undead: .............
Pr Demon : .............
Pr Orc   : .............
Pr Troll : .............
Pr Giant : .............
Pr Dragon: .............
Cursed   : .............
AutoCurse: .............
Teleport : .............
NoTeleprt: .............
Aggravate: .............
DrainStat: .............
Drain Exp: .............
Slow Heal: .............
Can't Eat: ............+
EvilCurse: .............

 You have defeated 3336 enemies.

  [Top 10 deepest kills]

 1 Ancient red dragon                   Level 59 (2950')
 1 Scylla                               Level 58 (2900')
 1 Vampire lord                         Level 58 (2900')
 1 The Queen Ant                        Level 57 (2850')
 2 Xaren                                Level 56 (2800')
 1 Ancient blue dragon                  Level 55 (2750')
 1 Warp drake                           Level 55 (2750')
 1 Chaos butterfly                      Level 55 (2750')
 1 Vrock                                Level 55 (2750')
 1 Flying polyp                         Level 55 (2750')


You can smell nearby monsters.
You can teleport yourself short distances.
You can polymorph yourself at will.
You can emit confusing, blinding radiation (-1 stealth).
You have a beak (dam. 2d4).
You may be mutated, but you're recovering.
Your blood sometimes rushes to your muscles.
You make a lot of strange noise (-3 stealth).
You have an extra pair of legs (+3 speed, -1 DEX).
Electricity is running through your veins (-1 CON).
Your skin is made of steel (-3 DEX, +25 AC).
Your movements are precise and forceful (+1 stealth).

  [Character Equipment]

a) a Scythe of Slicing of Acid (8d4) (+9,+45%)
   It does extra damage from acid.  It provides resistance to acid.  It
   cannot be harmed by acid.  You bought it in a Deep Warrior Hall in Arcor. 
b) a Long Bow (x3) (+4,+40%)
c) a Garnet Ring of Damage (+80%)
d) a Citrine Ring of Flight (+2)
   It increases your speed by +2.  It allows you to levitate.  You bought it
   in a Copper Jeweler in Aslome Watch.  
e) a Skull Amulet of Brilliance (+3)
   It increases your intelligence and wisdom by +3.  You found it on the
   floor in a quest (level 38).  
f) The Phial of Galadriel (+1)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It can be activated for powerful
   illumination every 10-20 turns (dam 10d15) if it is being worn.  It
   provides light (radius 3).  It increases your perception by +1.  It
   provides permanent light.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It was
   dropped by Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief in a quest (level 16).  
g) a Bronze Dragon Scale Mail (-2) [30,+16]
   It can be activated for breathe confusion (400) every 50-100 turns if it
   is being worn.  It provides resistance to confusion.  It cannot be harmed
   by the elements.  You bought it in a Heavy Armoury in Grodos Keep.  
h) an Elven Cloak of Stealth [4,+8] (+3)
   It increases your stealth by +3.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It
   was dropped by a Ancient red dragon in a quest (level 53).  
i) a Shield of Resistance [6,+15]
   This item may have hidden powers.  It provides resistance to acid,
   electricity, fire and cold.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  You
   found it in a vault in a quest (level 53).  
j) an Iron Helm of Seeing [5,+2] (+1)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It increases your perception by +1. 
   It increases your infravision by 10 feet.  It provides resistance to
   blindness.  It allows you to see invisible monsters.  You bought it in a
   Milliner in Naladul.  
k) The Set of Leather Gloves of the Ogre (+6,+30%) [1,+7] (+3)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It increases your strength and
   constitution by +3.  It is easy to enchant.  It cannot be harmed by the
   elements.  It was dropped by a Dark elven priest in a quest (level 23).  
l) a Pair of Soft Leather Boots of Stealth [2,+10] (+3)
   It increases your stealth by +3.  You bought it in a Armoury in Aldahad

  [Character Inventory]

a) a Chaos Spellbook [Sign of Chaos]
b) 3 Chaos Spellbooks [Chaos Mastery]
c) a Chaos Spellbook [Chaos Channels]
   It cannot be harmed by the elements.  It was given to you as a reward for
   killing a local enemy in Echhim Town.  
d) 4 Dark Blue Mushrooms of Cure Critical Wounds {5% off}
e) 11 Purple Potions of Speed
f) 8 Scrolls titled "bar friesh" of Phase Door
g) 5 Scrolls titled "snasnik fuon" of Teleportation
h) 7 Scrolls titled "eshbot unista" of Satisfy Hunger {5% off}
i) 5 Scrolls titled "wedjo khoion" of Wizard Eye
j) a Molybdenum Rod of Recall
k) 4 Wire Rods of Light
l) 5 Gold Wands of Teleport Other (38 charges)
m) 2 Tin Wands of Acid Bolts (23 charges)
n) a Brass-Plated Wand of Wondrous Bolts (19 charges)
o) an Elm Staff of Perception (18 charges)
p) an Elm Staff of Perception (17 charges)
q) a Sycamore Staff of Enlightenment (9 charges)
r) a Copper Ring of Poison Immunity
   It provides immunity to poison.  It was dropped by a Ogre chieftain in a
   quest (level 53).  
s) 18 Arrows (1d10) (+8,+50%) (57/57)

  [Home Inventory - Wingcel]

a) 2 Crimson Potions of Healing
b) a Clear Purple Potion of Resistance
c) a Bullwhip of Westernesse (5d3) (+14,+50%) (+1)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It increases your strength,
   dexterity and constitution by +1.  It is especially deadly against orcs,
   trolls and giants.  It provides immunity to paralysis.  It allows you to
   see invisible monsters.  It provides protection from orcs, trolls and
   giants.  It was dropped by Zhakgun, the Imp in a quest (level 24).  

  [Home Inventory - Thangmir Town]

a) a Scroll titled "snomik itab" of *Identify*
b) a Set of Gauntlets of Agility [2,+0] (+5)
   It increases your dexterity by +5.  You bought it in a Armoury in Aldahad

  [Home Inventory - Aslome Watch]

a) an Obsidian Ring of Free Action
   It provides immunity to paralysis.  You bought it in a Jeweler in Nadbar

  [Home Inventory - Nadbar Town]

a) 2 Clear Purple Potions of Resistance
b) a Scroll titled "sa sanerk" of Weapon Branding
c) a Set of Gauntlets of Free Action [2,+11]
   It provides immunity to paralysis.  It was in a chest (level 8).  

  [Home Inventory - Yaveiaur Watch]

a) 5 Crimson Potions of Healing
b) a Clear Purple Potion of Resistance

  [Home Inventory - Echhim Town]

a) 3 Crimson Potions of Healing
b) 2 Pungent Potions of Restore Life Levels
c) 3 Clear Purple Potions of Resistance
d) 2 Inky Black Potions of *Speed*
e) a Scroll titled "he odflit" of Genocide
f) an Aspen Staff of Speed (6 charges)

  [Home Inventory - Arcor]

a) The Mace of Ra (2d4) (+10,+75%) (+3)
   You have full knowledge of this item.  It increases your intelligence,
   wisdom, constitution and stealth by +3.  It is especially deadly against
   the undead and evil monsters.  It sustains your wisdom.  It provides
   resistance to chaos.  It allows you to see invisible monsters and attracts
   the attention of chaos gods.  It provides protection from evil monsters
   and the undead.  It cannot be harmed by the elements.  You found it in a
   vault in a quest (level 43).  


You have learned 9 spells and/or improvements.

You have 3 tier-1 slots (levels 2-11) remaining.
You have 2 tier-2 slots (levels 2-21) remaining.
You have 5 tier-3 slots (levels 2-31) remaining.
You have 6 tier-4 slots (levels 2-41) remaining.
You have 5 tier-5 slots (levels 2-50) remaining.

Chaos Magic:

Book 1:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Magic Missile                     1       5%       0%  
Flash of Light                    3       5%       0%  
Blink                             2       5%       0%  
Mana Burst                        6       5%       0%  
Fire Bolt                         8       5%       0%  

Book 2:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Fist of Force                     9       5%       0%  
Teleport Self                     9       5%       0%  

Book 3:                        Cost    Fail%   Power%
Disintegrate                     15       5%       0%  
Finger of Chaos                  17       5%       0%  


====Active quests==== 

Defeat the undead camp south of Ornel.  

Defeat the troll camp north-east of Arcor.  

From a Courier in Aldahad City (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Odnar the Wealthy in Ankek Watch.  

From a Courier in Arcor (Danger level 0):
   Carry a message to Loirin the Wealthy in The Dancing Scroll.  

From a Castle in Aldahad City (Danger level 4):
   Kill 5 Blue oozes.  You have killed 1.

From a Castle in Ornel (Danger level 6):
   Kill Freesia.  

From a Keep in Adul Watch (Danger level 11):
   Kill the 5 Rat-things that are guarding dungeon level 11. You have killed 0.

From a Rangers' Guild in Aslome Watch (Danger level 12):
   Kill 2 Lost souls.  You have killed 0.

From a Warriors' Guild in Arcor (Danger level 18):
   Kill 2 Baby multi-hued dragons.  You have killed 0.

From a Town Hall in Wingcel (Danger level 19):
   A Mi-Go has been lurking in the area south-east of Wingcel.  Track it to its
den and destroy it.  

From a Warriors' Guild in Ornel (Danger level 20):
   We have heard that a number of women have been rampaging the area east of
Ornel.  Discover their home and kill them all.  

From a Castle in Echhim Town (Danger level 23):
   Kill 1 Berserker.  

From a Warriors' Guild in Wingcel (Danger level 26):
   Clear 2 levels of a certain lair north-west of Wingcel.  

From a Castle in Tumael Town (Danger level 35):
   Several religious fanatics have been troubling the area south-east of Tumael
Town.  Discover their hideout and kill them all.  

From a Keep in Grodos Keep (Danger level 37):
   Kill the 2 Gnoph-Kehs that are guarding dungeon level 37. You have killed 0.

From a Castle in Thangmir Town (Danger level 38):
   Kill Sangahyando of Umbar.  

From a Mages' Guild in Arcor (Danger level 38):
   Find the relic of the Wandering Wizard, which is hidden in a cavern,
south-east of Tumael Town.  

From a Castle in Nadbar Town (Danger level 44):
   Clear 2 levels of a certain underground city near Nadbar Town.  You have
cleared 1 level.

From a Castle in Inpal Keep (Danger level 46):
   Find the relic of Caspanion, which is hidden in an underground city, east of
Nadbar Town.  

From a Keep in Yaveiaur Watch (Danger level 55):
   Clear 3 levels of a certain cavern south of Yaveiaur Watch.  

From a Keep in Zarzir (Danger level 67):
   Kill the 2 Emperor wights that are guarding dungeon level 67. You have killed

Kill Oberon, King of Amber, who is guarding dungeon level 99. 

====Finished quests==== 

Defeat the orc camp north-east of Echhim Town.  (Finished)

(Danger level 2):  Kill the 5 Floating eyes that are guarding dungeon level 2.

(Danger level 5):  The wounded bear has been running amok in the area north-east
of Inpal Keep.  Track
it to its den and kill it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 8):  Recently, raiders have been seen in the area near Aslome
Watch.  Discover their stronghold and terminate them all.  (Finished)

(Danger level 9):  Too many wolves have been spreading evil in the area
north-west of Aslome Watch.  Discover their den and terminate them all. 

(Danger level 9):  Orfax, Son of Boldor and his legion have been running amok in
the area north-east of Inpal Keep.  Find his den and kill him. 

(Danger level 11):  A Skeleton kobold has been spotted in the area north-west of
Grodos Keep.  Track it to its lair and slay it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 11):  It seems that some bats have been seen in the area
south-west of Aslome Watch.  Discover their lair and destroy them all. 

(Danger level 12):  Brodda, the Easterling and his minions have been discovered
in the area north-east of Tumael Town.  Find his lair and destroy
him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 13):  We have heard that a group of raiders have been lurking in
the area south-west of Grodos Keep.  Discover their home and destroy them all. 

(Danger level 14):  A Baby black dragon has been discovered in the area near
Inpal Keep.  Track it to its hole and destroy it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 14):  A Baby gold dragon has been hiding in the area east of
Tumael Town.  Track it to its lair and destroy it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 14):  A Brown yeek has been hiding in the area south-west of
Naladul.  Track it to its home and slay it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 16):  Grishnakh, the Hill Orc and his minions have been hiding in
the area south of Thangmir Town. 
Find his hole and kill him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 16):  Golfimbul, the Hill Orc Chief and his legion have been
discovered in the area near Aslome Watch.  Find his abode and destroy him. 

(Danger level 17):  A Swordsman has been killing people in the area north-west
of Zarzir.  Track him to his abode and slay him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 18):  Recently, raiders have been troubling the area near Grodos
Keep.  Discover their hideout and slay them all.  (Finished)

(Danger level 18):  Boldor, King of the Yeeks and his minions have been running
amok in the area north-west of Echhim Town.  Find
his hideout and destroy him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 19):  We have heard that a group of religious fanatics have been
lurking in the area south-east of Aslome Watch.  Discover their hideout and kill
them all.  (2
levels)  (Finished)

(Danger level 20):  A Baby multi-hued dragon and its followers have been hiding
in the area south-east of Aslome Watch.  Find their hole and slay them. 

(Danger level 21):  A Hippogriff and its gang have been spotted in the area near
Thangmir Town.  Find their den and destroy them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 21):  A number of wolves have been spreading evil in the area
south of Aldahad City.  Discover their den and destroy them all. 

(Danger level 21):  A Snaga sapper and his gang have been spreading evil in the
area near Echhim Town.  Find their lair and destroy them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 21):  A Zombie and its minions have been lurking in the area north
of Aslome Watch.  Find their lair and destroy them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 21):  A Zombie and its followers have been seen in the area south
of Naladul.  Find their hideout and kill them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 23):  Lots of spiders have been terrorizing the area east of
Tumael Town.  Discover their hideout and destroy them
all.  (Finished)

(Danger level 23):  Ulfast, Son of Ulfang and his followers have been lurking in
the area north of Echhim Town.  Find his den and destroy him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 23):  We have heard that a number of elves have been terrorizing
the area near Echhim Town.  Discover their den and terminate them all. 

(Danger level 24):  An Imp has been spreading evil in the area east of Echhim
Town.  Track it to its lair and kill it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 26):  A Stone golem has been terrorizing the area north-east of
Zarzir.  Track it to its stronghold and slay it.  (Finished)

(Danger level 27):  Kill the 2 Plaguebearers of Nurgle that are guarding dungeon
level 27. (Finished)

(Danger level 28):  A Frost giant and his followers have been rampaging the area
east of Naladul.  Find their lair and exterminate
them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 28):  A group of outlaws have been seen in the area near Echhim
Town.  Discover their abode and kill them all.  (Finished)

(Danger level 32):  Lugdush, the Uruk and his gang have been troubling the area
north-west of Nadbar Town.  Find his hole and slay him.  (Finished)

(Danger level 32):  A Ranger and his followers have been rampaging the area
north of Arcor.  Find their lair and kill them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 38):  A group of venomous insects have been rampaging the area
north-east of Yaveiaur Watch.  Discover their hideout
and kill them all.  (Finished)

(Danger level 39):  Alberich the Nibelung King and his minions have been
discovered in the area south-west of Arcor.  Find his lair and destroy him. 

(Danger level 41):  A Ghoul and its minions have been rampaging the area east of
Echhim Town.  Find their hideout and kill them.  (Finished)

(Danger level 49):  A Ninja and his gang have been terrorizing the area south of
Yaveiaur Watch.  Find their den and exterminate them. 

(Danger level 50):  An Ivory monk and his minions have been killing people in
the area near Yaveiaur Watch.  Find their hideout and destroy them.  (Finished)

  [Message Log (last 50 messages)]

Your Wormwood Staff of Teleportation (8 charges) (o) was destroyed!
There are no more Wormwood Staffs of Teleportation (8 charges).
Target Aborted.
In your pack: 7 Scrolls titled "snasnik fuon" of Teleportation (g).
Target Aborted.
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos oozes nasty, glistening slime all over the
You feel very good.
This food is poor sustenance for you.
In your pack: 4 Dark Blue Mushrooms of Cure Critical Wounds {5% off} (d).
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos magically summons greater undead!
The Vampire misses you. <3x>
The Grey wraith misses you. <2x>
The Grey wraith touches you.
You feel your life draining away!
The Grey wraith gets zapped!
The Oriental vampire misses you.
The Oriental vampire hits you.
The Oriental vampire gets zapped!
The Oriental vampire bites you.
You feel your life draining away!
The Oriental vampire appears healthier.
The Oriental vampire gets zapped!
In your pack: 6 Scrolls titled "snasnik fuon" of Teleportation (g).
You feel bolder now.
It points at you, screaming the word DIE!
You resist the effects!
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos picks its teeth with the bones of former
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos invokes raw Logrus.
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos picks its teeth with the bones of former
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos magically summons Cyberdemons!
Target Aborted.
In your pack: 5 Scrolls titled "snasnik fuon" of Teleportation (g).
You feel yourself moving faster!
In your pack: 12 Purple Potions of Speed (e).
You feel yourself slow down.
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos gazes deep into your eyes.
Your mind is blasted by psionic energy.
Target Aborted. <2x>
You feel yourself moving faster!
In your pack: 11 Purple Potions of Speed (e).
It magically summons spiders.
The Phase spider misses you. <3x>
The Vore misses you. <2x>
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos howls, 'The OTHER GODS will feast on your
The Phase spider commands you to return.
Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos breathes nexus.
The Giant yellow scorpion dies.
The Phase spider dies.
The Giant yellow scorpion dies.
I think this guy's a little crazy.  You die.

Posted on 10.4.2011 10:23
Last updated on 12.4.2011 07:37

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12096. on the Ladder (of 19032)
58. on the Z+Angband Ladder (of 120)
107. for this player (


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On 10.4.2011 10:23 Roch wrote:
New chaos warrior attempt. This guy has a mutation that allows him to do further mutations at will. I'm not sure how far to take this, but it let me mutate through a few other races back to half-elf.

On 12.4.2011 07:37 Roch wrote:
Couldn't escape Nyarlathotep in the wilderness.

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