[Announce] FrogComposband 7.1.salmiak released

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  • Sideways
    • Nov 2008
    • 886

    Originally posted by Thraalbee
    when possessing Grand Inquisitor it has no SP. Heal Self costs 55 but heals 250 so effectively you get unlimited 250 hp healing as long has he is above 54 hp when casting. Nice! Intented?
    (Edit: net 195 hp);
    I doubt it's intentional, seems like an oddity I'll blame on Chris; though it's not that different from sorcery blood-mages recharging staves of healing from HP.
    The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


    • Thraalbee
      • Sep 2010
      • 692

      Possessing a Munchkin!

      I don't usually play Munchkin but possessing one is fair play. No?
      Feels a bit like cheating, *everything* is boosted except maybe hp, even device usage: all my wands and staves are 1% fail. And invisible + passwall on top of that of course.

      ================================ Current Form =================================
      Name    : Dionysus, the Munchkin of Chaos (G)
      Level   : 55        Speed: +44 Extremely Erratic
      AC      : 162       Type : Evil, Undead, Male
      HP      : 1000      
      Resist  : Acid, Electricity, Fire, Cold, Poison, Light, Nexus, Sound, Shards, 
                  Chaos, Disenchantment
      Immune  : Nether, Confusion
      Offense : Shoot (56)
      Defense : Haste Self, Heal Self (275), Teleport, Teleport Away, Blink
      Attacks : Type    Effects
                Slash   Vampiric (6d8)
                Slash   Vampiric (6d8)
                Touch   Steal Item
      Info    : Passes through Walls, Invisible, Regeneration
      He is one of the greatest trickster. Even greatest warrior cannot defeat him, 
      and his storm of holy might arrows from the dark have defeated numerous 
      ================================ Recent Forms =================================
      Most Recent Forms                 CL Day  Time  DL Location                    
      Dionysus, the Munchkin of Chaos   41  28 23:08  50 The Underground City (Mor
      Elder fire giant                  35  23  3:45     Morivant


      • Thraalbee
        • Sep 2010
        • 692

        I used Dionysos to raid Angband 98 until I found Combat-Echizen which I killed quite easily (!!!) with devices and disappearing in the rock when he was invulnerable. Then quickly I unpossessed the Munchkin to take over Echizen and ... I'm too pathetic (level) to do it! So I'm stuck with a storm troll or maybe the Hru until I level up a bit. But after that, there will be rockets... [BTW - it was NOT a guaranteed drop so you can imagine my excitement and then disappointment]
        Last edited by Thraalbee; September 28, 2020, 19:35.


        • Thraalbee
          • Sep 2010
          • 692

          Mount Meru surprise #1

          On top of all the new enemies, I've now discovered the horror of asphyxiation. Never saw that attack before! I really like the new mechanic - not insta-kill but potentially a huge problem. Also, cure and healing won't make it go away since it is not yourself (unless being a skeleton ...I guess) that has a problem but ...


          • Thraalbee
            • Sep 2010
            • 692

            Lol! I finally beat they guy and now has his space suit which eliminates the problem if worn, should it happen again! Love it!


            • GrimaTheBold
              • Jan 2020
              • 77

              Another quick question - is the power level of a spell on a staff comparable to the power level of a spell from a spellbook? For example, can I compare power level of a Staff of Slowness to the power level of the Entanglement Nature spell to see which will be more effective? Or a staff of Sleep compared to the Sorceror spell Mass Sleep? Many more examples come to mind.

              Or on they on different scales from each other?


              • Sideways
                • Nov 2008
                • 886

                Originally posted by GrimaTheBold
                Another quick question - is the power level of a spell on a staff comparable to the power level of a spell from a spellbook? For example, can I compare power level of a Staff of Slowness to the power level of the Entanglement Nature spell to see which will be more effective? Or a staff of Sleep compared to the Sorceror spell Mass Sleep? Many more examples come to mind.
                Usually you can compare them, but watch out for things like two effects that look similar without actually being identical (and remember that most spells get more powerful with CL, while most devices do not).
                The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                • budswell
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 156

                  Rings are fun, but a little challenging in coffee break as you cannot "hover" at certain dungeon levels waiting for drops (that said CL-28 is almost average for me).

                  One question: is "Reforge Artifact" disabled for rings? Or had I just not done enough quests?


                  • Sideways
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 886

                    Reforging is disabled for rings (and death-swords and filthy rags).
                    The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                    • budswell
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 156

                      Fairy nuff

                      Next character. Am I right in assuming while pets can evolve, possessed corpses cannot?


                      • TheQuest
                        • Aug 2013
                        • 74

                        EXP freeze

                        It seems that my EXP have been frozen, probably a bug.

                        I am playing as Mimic with Phantom warrior body. On the gif below you can see that I have 659 EXP before I kill skeleton, and after I kill him I have the same amount of EXP, but it should became 94 less.

                        Interesting enough is that if I stop mimicking phantom warrior and kill some monsters my exp changes as expected. But if I then start mimicking another body I have in my list EXP gets frozen again.
                        As kt making http://angband.live better in time to time


                        • Sideways
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 886

                          Not a bug, just a poorly documented feature; Possessors actively occupying low-level bodies, and Mimics actively mimicking low-level creatures, cannot level up beyond a point determined by the native depth of the body. (The exact formula for calculating the highest level a body allows is a bit involved, it's here for anybody curious.)

                          And no, you cannot evolve a mimic or possessor body.
                          The Complainer worries about the lack of activity here these days.


                          • Fizanko
                            • Aug 2017
                            • 15

                            Hello, i have a question.

                            I had been recently replayed with OmnibandTK and it reminded me of how angband had multiple windows out of the main one, so you could see without having to press the corresponding key at any time what you were wearing, what you had in your inventory, etc...

                            Going back to Frogcomposband (i'm on a Window OS) i see that Frogcomposband has those windows (that can be enabled by Windows -> Visibility -> term0 ... to term7 ) but all of them display nothing, they're completely empty, only the main game window has actual content.

                            Is the functionality disabled in Frogcomposband or is it required to edit some file to have those additional windows having a purpose ?


                            • budswell
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 156

                              Press = for options and then choose "Window Options".
                              You can then assign what you want to which window.
                              I typically have 4:
                              - Inventory
                              - Recall
                              - Monster list (which I need to look at more - so many stupid deaths)
                              - Messages


                              • Fizanko
                                • Aug 2017
                                • 15

                                Thank you, can't believe i missed that Window Flags option.

