[Z+] next version available soon

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  • Mangojuice
    Z+Angband Maintainer
    • Jun 2008
    • 318

    [Z+] next version available soon

    I'm preparing for the release of Z+Angband 0.2.2, which should be in about a week or so. If there's anyone out there who's been playing this variant and has comments or bugs to report but hasn't send them to me yet or posted them, I'd love to get them soon so that I can try to get them addressed in this version as opposed to later.

    A few changes to expect:
    * Rebalancing of quest rewards
    * Automatic recording of the source of items (where you found them)
    * Fix of crash-causing bugs.
    * Tweak of Conjuration magic; gets Teleport early now, as it should.
    * Fix running code to explore corners with radius 1 light.
    * Rudimentary "quality squelch" system.
    * Many minor bug fixes and minor tweaks.
    Z+Angband: A Zangband evolution
  • Seany C
    • Apr 2007
    • 261

    Good work, MJ - having been a devotee of Z2.2.8 through to 2.4.0, I'm looking forward to trying this.
    One small bugbear from the "big wilderness" setting - is there an FAA-style world map, or any plans to bring one in, even for areas you've already visited?


    • ekolis
      • Apr 2007
      • 825

      Yay for running code fix!
      You read the scroll labeled NOBIMUS UPSCOTI...
      You are surrounded by a stasis field!
      The tengu tries to teleport, but fails!


      • Mangojuice
        Z+Angband Maintainer
        • Jun 2008
        • 318

        Originally posted by Seany C
        Good work, MJ - having been a devotee of Z2.2.8 through to 2.4.0, I'm looking forward to trying this.
        One small bugbear from the "big wilderness" setting - is there an FAA-style world map, or any plans to bring one in, even for areas you've already visited?
        If you do 'M' you should get a wilderness map, when you're in the wilderness. From that map you can check the various towns you've seen, and list the quests in them, the buildings in the town, and your home inventory. This map is also available in a window.

        That's the only wilderness map.
        Z+Angband: A Zangband evolution


        • perost
          • Aug 2008
          • 33

          A feature I miss from vanilla is the option to automatically pickup things matching the inventory, like arrows and such. I don't think that option is available in Z+, right? I don't know how much work is needed to port it to Z+, but if it's not a big deal it would be nice to have.

          But great work so far! I'm looking forward to the next release.


          • Mangojuice
            Z+Angband Maintainer
            • Jun 2008
            • 318

            Originally posted by perost
            A feature I miss from vanilla is the option to automatically pickup things matching the inventory, like arrows and such. I don't think that option is available in Z+, right? I don't know how much work is needed to port it to Z+, but if it's not a big deal it would be nice to have.

            But great work so far! I'm looking forward to the next release.
            There's a way to do this when you want to: inscribe your stack of arrows with "=g" and then you'll always automatically pick up ones you drop. There's a limitation, though: new objects you encounter that don't have the "=g" inscription won't be picked up... so it can kind of work for arrows, but not for food.

            I don't want to make this always automatic; if you're paranoid about picking objects up, that would include (say) picking up too many rods or spellbooks, because it might slow you down.

            The next version will include a more sophisticated version of the "=g" inscription that will force auto-pickup, but also allow you to set limits, so that you don't (for instance) go beyond 10 copies of your spellbooks.
            Z+Angband: A Zangband evolution


            • perost
              • Aug 2008
              • 33

              Originally posted by Mangojuice
              There's a way to do this when you want to: inscribe your stack of arrows with "=g" and then you'll always automatically pick up ones you drop. There's a limitation, though: new objects you encounter that don't have the "=g" inscription won't be picked up... so it can kind of work for arrows, but not for food.
              Ok, I actually knew that already, but since I've played vanilla where it's not necessary for a while now I had forgotten about it :P Thanks for reminding me.

              Originally posted by Mangojuice
              I don't want to make this always automatic; if you're paranoid about picking objects up, that would include (say) picking up too many rods or spellbooks, because it might slow you down.

              The next version will include a more sophisticated version of the "=g" inscription that will force auto-pickup, but also allow you to set limits, so that you don't (for instance) go beyond 10 copies of your spellbooks.
              In vanilla it's an option, so if you don't want it you can just turn it off (which I think is the default). But the new version of "=g" sound interesting, so perhaps that's a better solution. It's mostly just arrows that you want to pick up automatically anyway.


              • Nick
                Vanilla maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 9353

                There's been some discussion on rgra about having Z+ for the next competition:

                If you want to send me a savefile for Z+ to the email address on the
                web-site, then I'll be happy to run it.


                I think someone who knows what they're doing with class/race etc for Z+ might be better to do this than, say, me - the website is here.

                I'll have more to say about the competition at some point, but will do it in a separate thread.
                One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                • Mangojuice
                  Z+Angband Maintainer
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 318

                  Originally posted by Nick
                  There's been some discussion on rgra about having Z+ for the next competition:

                  I think someone who knows what they're doing with class/race etc for Z+ might be better to do this than, say, me - the website is here.

                  I'll have more to say about the competition at some point, but will do it in a separate thread.
                  Yes, I was quite pleased to notice that. It's been making me motivated to hurry up and release the next version sooner rather than later.

                  If I may humbly suggest, I'd like to see a character with Conjuration magic, as I haven't gotten much in the way of feedback there yet. Perhaps a Nibelung Death/Conjuration Priest?
                  Z+Angband: A Zangband evolution


                  • Nick
                    Vanilla maintainer
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 9353

                    Originally posted by Mangojuice
                    If I may humbly suggest, I'd like to see a character with Conjuration magic, as I haven't gotten much in the way of feedback there yet. Perhaps a Nibelung Death/Conjuration Priest?
                    No need to be humble - just start up a character and email the savefile to Tony. If you're planning to have a new version out soon, people can have the option of upgrading when it comes out.
                    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                    • Seany C
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 261

                      Originally posted by Mangojuice
                      If you do 'M' you should get a wilderness map, when you're in the wilderness. From that map you can check the various towns you've seen, and list the quests in them, the buildings in the town, and your home inventory. This map is also available in a window.

                      That's the only wilderness map.
                      Lovely stuff - that's more than enough for me. I remember an early version of Z where either there was no wilderness map or I didn't know the control to get to it, meaning lots of aimless wandering trying to find Morivant for the Nth time...

                      I'll give that competition a try once it's up and running - I always hated Trump magic (used combos of most of the others a fair bit) so I'll be interested to see what Conjuration can do...


                      • bonzo
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 38

                        You've got me anxious to try your variant. Z was the 1st *band I ever played so I guess I'll have to fire up Z+ over this rainy weekend and get back to getting hooked all over again.
                        NPP(0.5.0-BETA6) D "Daith" KoRo L:36 DL:50 A+ R+ Sp w:The Two-Handed Sword of Cutur (3d6) (+18,+16) (+2)
                        En/NPP(Un/Cr/Do) L H- D c-- f PV+ !s d P++ M+
                        C-- S- I-- !So B-- ac GHB- SQ+ RQ V

                        The Angband Code

