[Un] Unangband 0.6.2-gold2 released
Don't worry. In fact it was only done in the development version, so gold still has rune spells, just deprecated.
Warriors win. I play warriors.
Whenever I teleport or phase door the game crashes. Sometimes when I kill monsters it crashes. If I stand or move onto an opening chain, it crashes. This with a brand new game.
edit: This doesn't happen in gold1 or gold2debug. It still happens in gold2 after a computer restart. Is there any downside to using gold2debug?
edit2: I downloaded gold2 again and new and old characters don't crash. It is probably a result of some setting. I'll change one thing at a time until it does it again.
edit3: Got it. Resizing any window below a certain number of columns causes these crashes, but only after a restart of Unangband. If NumCols for any window is 52 or lower, crazy crashes.Last edited by thorgot; July 18, 2008, 16:31.Comment
It's slightly slower and takes a bit more memory. That's it.
Thanks a lot for the investigation. I guess some of the code assumes there are at least 80 columns. If so, the game should at least warn if there are less, and preferably it should still work. I've reported it on Berlios.Comment
Isn't it on
Edit: Updated the Unangband entry in the oook Variants list with the OS/X port.Last edited by Bandobras; August 4, 2008, 15:46.Comment
Crash/spell effects?
Well I snagged 0.6.2-g2 and have been playing for the last couple days, but I seem to be getting some fairly regular crashes in what appears to be spell effect related.
In particular, I've been getting crashes when using the spell "Flamestrike", as well as being on the receiving end of fire-bolt style attacks, and some other spells.
Since thorgot had some luck with totally wiping & starting with the default config, I tried that as well...with no luck. Which is really a pity because I'm having a lot of fun, right up until I crash and realized that I didnt save in the last 2000 turns.
Anyone else getting a lot of crashes? (windows version)
Do you play with tiles, ASCII, if the latter, what font? What OS version, exactly?
Arralen on Windows 2000 or something.
Can you debug (stacktrace from the crashes)?
Thanks for the report.Comment
Aiieee, so many questions!
It doesnt crash every time, but often enough that I tried to give up the habit, even though it was my best offensive spell at the time. =/ I kept forgetting that the backup files were generated, so I'll try to go snag them and double check.
I'm partial to ASCII, using... 12x24 I think (default is 8x13?). I'll have to double check when I get home. My OS is XP Pro SP2.
And I'll take a look at the debug info next time it crashes.
More info in a little bit!
Ok, so I played a bunch more, and I've come up with a save file that crashes reliably! Woo.
I also tried changing most of the graphic settings (tiles, no tiles, different fonts, extra windows on, extra windows off, resizing the main window). As far as I can tell, it doesnt appear to be related to the visual representation errors that thorgot ran into.
So anywho, attached is my save file if you can divine anything from the crashing.
It's saved in a room with two bears. No matter what I've tried, if I cast flamestrike on one or the other, it'll kill them in one shot, and then it crashes.
Good luck!
-ThruggAttached FilesComment
It seems we'll see 0.6.2-gold3 after all... But this one and a few more bugs from Berlios need to be fixed before that.
Code:fixme:msvcrt:MSVCRT__sopen : pmode 0x01a4 ignored fixme:font:WineEngRemoveFontResourceEx :stub
Some notes on a recent game:
I was cured of magic mushrooms caused by minor ailments at town. Probably backwards.
I was restored, and was less "slugish", should be sluggish.
Mine dogs didn't explode at me. Shouldn't they?
As a stone troll, my stone skin started out as +2, but was disenchanted to +0. Seems weird to have a modifier to this.
I saw a shopkeeper selling a mushroom of disease.Last edited by baddog73; August 17, 2008, 00:46.Comment
Thanks a lot for these.
Fixed. I spelled it wrong my whole life, apparently.
They should. Thanks for confirming bug #013063.
Black Market, more or less? That's normal, because you can also sell these. Some people like really extreme food.Comment
From birth my stone skin was (50,+2). Some time later, and I can't be sure how, it was +0. It was +2 for some time, though. It never really made sense. It always starts at +2 for me. I assumed it was disenchanted, but I often miss those decreasing equipment messages.
It wasn't the black market, it was the general store. Actually I wouldn't mind if they sold harmful mushrooms. I make good use of them coating weapons early in the game. but they seem to buy and sell only a couple harmful mushrooms and I just assumed that it was a bug.
In a similar vein, it would be a lot more useful if bags of harmful mushrooms showed up at shallower depths where I seem to find most of them. I've never found one early in the game, even though bags of helpful mushrooms show up around the Barrow Downs. -- could just be chance, I suppose.Comment
One other thing I've noticed, playing as a ranger with a whole bunch of extra options in the magic shop. I went to vamperize a weapon, using the "Vampire's Kiss" service which claims "When purchased, it can enchant one weapon to become vampiric."
Sadly, it did not work as advertised and I ended up with water resistance the first time, resist disease the second time, and 8k less gold in my pocket. =(
Perhaps the key word here is "can", which would translate to "not very likely, but maybe if you're hella lucky you'll actually end up with vampiric".Comment