That's a good point about potion of curing. Actually, I think I may just remove it. Right now the only difference is that !curing removes hallucination but !cure crit doesn't. So maybe I'll just add that ability to !cure crit.
High priest class: Nah. Truth is, priests already get a better spell progression than Mages in Life magic. If you hate having two schools, then
don't use your second school
Or just play a paladin - they only get one school, life/death, but they can cast all the spells in their school.
As for advanced brands: there are already Trump Weapons (which activate for teleportation and give nexus resistance), Vampiric Weapons (like a nether brand but better), and weapons of Chaos. I'm a bit reluctant to go to more advanced brands; I think the difficulty in obtaining rare type attacks is an important element of game balance.
High priest class: Nah. Truth is, priests already get a better spell progression than Mages in Life magic. If you hate having two schools, then
don't use your second school

As for advanced brands: there are already Trump Weapons (which activate for teleportation and give nexus resistance), Vampiric Weapons (like a nether brand but better), and weapons of Chaos. I'm a bit reluctant to go to more advanced brands; I think the difficulty in obtaining rare type attacks is an important element of game balance.