There's something up with alignments. My sprite yellow-mage has virtues off. Yet the alignment penalty displayed in the dump for nature magic has changed several times. Also I've been unable to summon cyberdemons, though it's early days there. Hopefully I'll manage to get that spell working.
[Announce] PosChengband 6.1.0 Released
6.10 Inventory bug?
Two different characters have encountered possibly similar issues.
1. I was unable to find a Quiver for sale, so was running with two stacks of ID'd arrows in my base Inventory. Went to 'F'ire an arrow and I was presented with a blank selection menu. I unequipped and re-equipped the bow and the ammunition reappeared, only to later vanish again. Once I had a quiver all was good.
2. I had an unknown Wand and several items pseudo-ID'd as (enchanted), 2 weapons, 4 pieces of armor. I found a stack of ID scrolls and went to read them, but ONLY the weapons showed up on the selection menu.
edit: Just happened again, went to read an ID scroll, several unID'd items in my inventory, All I get is;
Identify which item (* for all)?
EDIT2: It seems that the scroll ID selection menu cannot reliably see extended Inventory slots on the second page. (ie. V through Z)Last edited by CyclopsSlayer; June 29, 2017, 15:15.Comment
I got this weird staircase in Morivant: Screenshot
As the screenshot description says, @ was recalled to Morivant the exactly when I pressed > to go to next level.
Didn't want to risk ruining the game, so I just ignored the staircase and recalled to the dungeon in the usual fashion afterwards.
I tried to reproduce the effect in a separate copy of the game (everything including binaries in a separate folder and binaries/.INI renamed to avoid pointing at the original game folder).
It seems very hard to reproduce the result. Climbing stairs doesn't seem to cost (much?) energy/time. At least I can't reach recall by climbing up/down a single staircase 20-25 times when resting (numpad 5) results in immediate recall.
Even with a save where I know when recall kicks in, there is a lot of underlying timing that needs to work together. Resting is affected by character speed and also how much you rest each time (resting 3x10 turns does not appear to be equivalent to resting 30 turns when using 'R'). I tried various combinations of 'R', moving around as well as removing speed items to get the timing right, but without luck.
If I manage to get in a similar situation at a later point, I'll clone my save and test what happens when I climb the staircase.Last edited by Ironshod Al; June 30, 2017, 08:12.Comment
Rogue Bug/Misinfo?
Started a Burglary Rogue and right away noticed that unlike what the description said INT was the casting stat, not DEX. I had trashed my INT and was down to 7 SP and didn't learn my first spell/skill until L3. Restarted to check it out and with the same Dex, and my Int pushed to 17 I now had 13 SP.
First Rogue was immediately ganked in town by an Orc Captain Murhua(sic) and their escort of cave and hill orcs..Town is sooo not a safe place, lol.
Something you might be interested in, plus a request
So, I don't know how much use you would get out of it, but Gwarl has set up a webserver that allows people to play Angband & variants online, and to allow spectate people playing on it.
Also, something that has come to my attention: there is a distinct lack of playable orc races in PosCheng; the only one is the snotling, as far as I can recall. The description for half-ogres mentions half-orcs, but the latter isn't even in the game as a playable race anymore. Can we get an half-orc/orc race in the game again? It's weird not having one.
EDIT: Also, I forget if I've brought this up before, but rage-mages can't use their abilities with anti-magic stuff equipped; this doesn't feel quite right, considering the class' gimmick.Everything you need to know about my roguelike playstyle:
I took nearly two years to win with a single character in PosChengband.Comment
Omg, I was just thinking to get something like this online myself since living with ipad without poschengband was so boring (taking in account the stupidity of 99.9% of all ipad games).As kt making better in time to timeComment