[FA] Tales of the impossible...?

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  • Psi
    • Apr 2007
    • 848

    So Psironic entered level 100, the very lair of Morgoth. She lit the level with the Necklace of the Dwarves and sure enough, there was the Lord of Darkness on his way to pay his regards. He was far enough away for Psironic to make preparations so she dropped Totila, her randart gloves and as many copies of her books that it took to remove her encumbrance and take her to +17 speed (note that Morgoth is +20 speed since FAA 034, but beefed up in other ways). She then read a ?RuneofProtection as an extra safety net, equipped the Torque of Boromir for the extra deadliness and buffed up.

    It wasn't long before Morgoth burst in! Psironic let loose with her bow. Morgoth replied by summoning guardians. Of course having never even visited any of the other dungeons, the full complement duly arrived, so she banished Mim, Glaurung, Ungoliant, Sauron and of course the big M. It wasn't long before both Morgoth and Sauron reappeared. Sauron was TAd and Morgoth received another volley of arrows before he tried to summon guardians again. This time this brought a host of Winged Dragons! Psironic panicked a little, but was relieved when a banish evil charge removed them all - evidently the new winged dragons are all evil, unlike their wyrm counterparts! Then followed a session of rinse and repeat. Every time Morgoth came into LoS, he summoned guardians and brought another following of Winged Dragons which were then banished. However the signs were not good - too many of the arrows were missing and Morgoth was barely scratched by those that did find a mark. I checked her monster memory... rather that just being immune to poison, Morgoth was now immune to her acidic arrows. She switched to cold and then flame which confirmed her worst fears - since FAA 033, Morgoth has become immune to the elements! I thought back to my last ranger win at 034 which had been the easiest of wins against Morgoth. There I had 5 shots from a x5 bow per turn at +35 speed. Here I had 2.9 shots from a x4 bow at +27 speed...

    ...until on trying to recharge her _Speed it was consumed by wild magic leaving her at +17 speed and no means of hasting! She now had half the bow power at half the speed of my previous winner. As Morgoth continued to summon Winged Dragons (almost as soon as he entered LoS each time - it was *awful*) and Psironic kept banishing them, he was gradually eating away all the surrounding walls leaving LoS open in many directions and more and more of his summons started finding their way back. Life was getting more and more tricky. The most comical moment was when Morgoth summoned special opponents and Boldor and a load of yeeks appeared surrounding her. She killed Boldor instantly (not like she could shoot through him) and then Morgy mana stormed all the other yeeks in one go next turn!

    However the funny side was soon lost on her as with her healing and recharging depleting and the surrounding area becoming more and more open, she realised she had only just knocked off Morgoth's third star - she could not continue with this form of attack. Therefore she retrieved Totila (for the slay evil despite the low skill) and planted herself on her glyph ready for melee. Morgoth was soon back and didn't take long to smash through her protection and thus started decimating the surrounding terrain - at least LoS was finally broken up! He continued his summoning frenzy, but life was tougher now, as Psironic found her _BanishEvil all drained whenever she came to use them. She had to risk a blink and then recharge her staves and hope she could banish as many of her pursuers at once as possible. This all under the pressure of each of the bad guys being faster than she was!

    At this point, I must confess, I had given up all hope of guiding Psironic to the win. Morgoth seemed unharmed by the blows that actually hit and Psironic was almost out of recharging and was down to her last few healing potions having exhausted her 3 !Lifes. The first turning point was when Morgoth suddenly relented from summoning guardians (and getting Winged Dragons) and summoned Greater Undead instead. Rather than banish them, Psironic left them there to block available summoning squares and hacked away at Morgoth. Finally some stars were starting to fall!

    Of course, that couldn't last and soon enough Psironic found herself surrounded by special opponents and most pressingly, Krotus the Dark Lord. Yet again, she found herself without charges to her _BanishEvil and down to few HP, so had to risk a blink, heal and recharge again. Still she fought on, banishing, TAing and plugging away at Morgoth.

    Eventually Psironic found herself pinned against the bottom edge of the level, her last recharging used and no charges on any of her staves or wands. Death would be soon. Morgoth still had three stars and was looking far the more likely to prevail. Once more he summoned Winged Dragons and this time a Winged Dragon of Power also answered the call. Help! Psironic did the only thing she could and blinked. The WDoP tunneled towards her, so Psironic cast Teleport Monster taking her down to 6SP - the last time that spell could be used. Morgoth and his motley crew of Winged Dragons approached. This was it - the final stand.

    This was the moment of the second turning point. A Winged Dragon of Chaos breathed at Psironic. Morgoth screamed as the breath took him down to two stars! A glimmer of hope! Psironic hacked away and Morgoth hacked back. He was down to one star! Despite her HP being down to just a couple of hundred, she could not risk wasting a turn quaffing a !Healing as Morgoth and friends could just as easily kill her before she got another move, so she tried to finish him off... disaster - too many missed blows and he was still alive... but somehow (don't ask me how!) so was Psironic. She took full advantage of this second opportunity and dealt the fatal blow to the Lord of Darkness. Her ultimate victory was also her ultimate sacrifice, as in that very same turn, a Sky Dragon obliterated her with a huge lightning breath (final screenshot).

    RIP Psironic.
    Originally posted by Psi
    I don't know whether this mode of play is even close to possible.
    I guess I was wrong

    Thanks for reading!


    • pav
      • Apr 2007
      • 484

      Oh my... anyone offered to buy the movie rights yet?
      See the elves and everything! http://angband.oook.cz


      • Nick
        Vanilla maintainer
        • Apr 2007
        • 9353

        I had goose bumps reading that.

        So, it's possible. I bet it'll never be done again, though
        One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
        In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


        • Psi
          • Apr 2007
          • 848

          Originally posted by Nick
          I had goose bumps reading that.
          You had goosebumps... I nearly had a heart attack! Having battled Morgoth for my whole train journey, I was still fighting him as I was waiting to go into the hall for the conference I was attending - I must have looked in a right state to all the other delegates! How my heart was pounding as I dealt the winning blow...

          That was the toughest (and probably best) game I have ever played. I got lucky with some good finds at key moments - notably, boots of stealth from the complainer, boots of speed from Ulfast, Balli from a Spirit Naga and then my amazing randart ring from a vault. However I never found an endgame quality weapon (not that I intended meleeing anyway) and without speed, rapid fire and big dice (preferably hurt evil) arrows my archery was not strong enough to take on the big guy. With hindsight, I should probably have kept the Battle Axe of the Marches and the Eregion ring, but the biggest blow was finding that Morgoth had gained elemental immunities (I'm guessing that will be another kick in the crotch to mages too!).


          • Seany C
            • Apr 2007
            • 261

            Yep, mages had enough trouble already. It makes Morgy potentiially a bit easier for Necros and Warrior-types, unless he's got more advantages that we don't know about yet...

            Hmm, must pick up 034 and try a 'normal' game. I've only been trying (short-lived) thralls recently...


            • Psi
              • Apr 2007
              • 848

              One other thought - not sure if they have been disabled in ironman games, but everytime I took a staircase down, I was living in fear of hitting one of the special, themed levels. That could have been very nasty.


              • darkdrone
                • Apr 2007
                • 69


                I guess I was wrong

                Thanks for reading!

                That was a wonderful game!
                "When you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche.
                (does this mean the RNG learns my worst fears, mummy?)


                • Fede
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 12

                  Congratulations and thanks a lot for the tale


                  • Nick
                    Vanilla maintainer
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 9353

                    Originally posted by Psi
                    One other thought - not sure if they have been disabled in ironman games, but everytime I took a staircase down, I was living in fear of hitting one of the special, themed levels. That could have been very nasty.
                    Nope, they're still there
                    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                    • thorgot
                      • Dec 2007
                      • 62

                      This was a great read.


                      • PowerDiver
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 2782

                        Originally posted by Psi
                        Psironic hacked away and Morgoth hacked back. He was down to one star! Despite her HP being down to just a couple of hundred, she could not risk wasting a turn quaffing a !Healing as Morgoth and friends could just as easily kill her before she got another move, so she tried to finish him off... disaster - too many missed blows and he was still alive... but somehow (don't ask me how!) so was Psironic. She took full advantage of this second opportunity and dealt the fatal blow to the Lord of Darkness. Her ultimate victory was also her ultimate sacrifice, as in that very same turn, a Sky Dragon obliterated her with a huge lightning breath (final screenshot).

                        RIP Psironic.

                        I guess I was wrong

                        Thanks for reading!
                        Isn't the win ever so much sweeter when you don't expect it to happen?

                        Bonus points for dying on the final round!

                        You managed a pretty fast game. I would expect an ironman game to go slower.
                        Was that intentional, or did it just happen?


                        • Psi
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 848

                          Originally posted by PowerDiver
                          You managed a pretty fast game. I would expect an ironman game to go slower.
                          Was that intentional, or did it just happen?
                          It just happened that way. It was obviously slower than I'd usually play, as I tend to dive quickly through certain portions of the game and I couldn't afford to do that in ironman, but I was surprised by how low the turncount was. Given that I waited for night to fall for certain stretches of the wilderness and was then waiting for the necklace to recharge so I could light the last few levels, it was even more unexpected.

                          I guess one of the factors was that I only went to the final dungeon and the wilderness levels from DL20-60 increase by a depth of 2, so in effect I only did 80 levels rather than 100 (I guess 98 is actually the max in FA ironman - Wilderness 1-15 Amon Rudh 16-30 Nargothrond 31-55 Anfauglith 56&58 Angband 60-100). The other big factor was getting speed boots at DL36.


                          • Narvius
                            • Dec 2007
                            • 539

                            Wow. Gratulations.
                            If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.


                            • Voire
                              • May 2008
                              • 1

                              Fantastic read, and an excellent ending. I never really got into Angband, but you've certainly given me plenty of reason to give it another go. Congratulations!


                              • Atriel
                                • Aug 2007
                                • 74

                                Just read the entire thread and saw your character...

                                Dude, that was awesome!


