Everyone should be looking at Chris' newly uploaded screenshots. This is a GENIUS taken to another level.
[Announce] Poschengband 3.2.0 Released
My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:
If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.
As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuoso -
Probably yes. I think the way Hounds function in this game is working as designed.My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:
If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.
As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuosoComment
Stealth in all Angbands that aren't Sil (at least, as far as I'm aware) is simply a rough indication of how many actions you can take before monsters wake up. Once a monster is awake, it always knows where you are -- and zephyr hounds are always awake. So yeah, they're kind of a pain in the ass. Vanilla has toned them down considerably from their original state, where something like 1 in 3 monsters on many levels would be a zephyr hound. Poschengband has simply added a lot of other monster types that also aren't hounds (but may not be any better than they are!).Comment
Stealth in all Angbands that aren't Sil (at least, as far as I'm aware) is simply a rough indication of how many actions you can take before monsters wake up. Once a monster is awake, it always knows where you are -- and zephyr hounds are always awake. So yeah, they're kind of a pain in the ass. Vanilla has toned them down considerably from their original state, where something like 1 in 3 monsters on many levels would be a zephyr hound. Poschengband has simply added a lot of other monster types that also aren't hounds (but may not be any better than they are!).Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
All zephyr hounds in all variants are always awake; it's one of their defining characteristics. Vanilla toned them down by making them less common and reducing the pack size, not by letting them sleep.Comment
Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'Comment
Also, hounds are asleep at nighttime in FA wilderness - but that's a fairly technical pointOne for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.Comment
Apologies for the delayed response. Also, I'm considering some of your ideas and will comment on the others.
the original angband and other angbands have a generator that generates weight,height and background story and etc,why did you remove it(!please put it in again,it just adds so much to the game when the char has a written background story.if you do that,also please increase the space for the "background story" part.as i remember,after four lines you cannot write more in it.
why did you delete all the amulet and ring descriptions?could you please add it in again?
In the old day, you could "recall scum" for rings of speed. Since they were ordinary object flavors, they showed up as aware in your map provided you had a form of clairvoyance. Recall down. Light up the level. Check map mode. Gather rings of speed. Recall back to town. Repeat. And once you knew all the default flavors, you could scum rings of power this way too. No longer! This was my main motivation in beginning the jewelry change, but making jewelry more "interesting" was a secondary goal.
okay,youre probably gonna refuse this request straight away.can you make monster races able to choose player classes?this would be sooooo cool.
Originally when I began poscheng I wanted to add dragons just like Drangband had them. There, the player could choose a dragon race and then a class as well. But I also researched other variants to see what good ideas I could borrow. Posband was really popular, had myriad diverse starting monster races, offered evolution from one form to another, but did *not* allow choice of a starting class. So I realized I had a choice. Either allow class choices or not.
In the end, I decided not. And this is not a choice I can easily back out of since it determines how aggressively I can design the various monster races. For the normal race/class paradigm, most of the character power comes from the class choice, not the race choice. Oftentimes my end game characters forget what race they are playing as it is no longer noticeable. But they never forget what class they are playing! So if I leave in the class choice, then the new monster races need to be designed weakly. And instead of a variant with 40 to 50 easily forgettable starting races to choose from, you now have a 100 or so! Not what I wanted!
Forgoing the class choice allowed me to design the new races with all of the power of a normal player (and perhaps a bit extra, too, since I was generous while designing many of them!). As a result (I hope that) the player can feel in touch with their racial choice throughout the entire game.
I like your other ideas and will try to work them in as well as fix that horrendous moldy exploit you mentioned. I appreciate the feedback. Even if we don't agree on all points, I do enjoy hearing the thoughts of other players.Comment
Apologies for the delayed response.
* I'm using a single window to play. This means that the "more"ing really becomes annoying. I know of the auto-more option, but that means I might miss vital information. How about optional squelching? As a warrior, I don't mind standing surrounded by a ton of orcs, but clicking away 20 misses each round gets old really fast. How about allowing to compress those into "(+20 misses and spell failures") or such?[/url]
As for reworking messages, this is a difficult request. For one thing, the code (and there is a lot of it) is written in the style of barfing out messages as they occur. Take monster attacks for example. The attack code barfs out that the attack hits you. Then the effect code barfs out that you feel your life draining away. Or perhaps it is the stat drain code that barfs out that you feel weak. And this better display before the next monster attack! Or perhaps you hit the monster and the player attack code barfs this fact out, but the monster has the revenge aura, so the touch zap player code barfs out that the monster retaliates whence the monster attack code barfs out the monster hits you and then the stat drain code barfs out that you feel very stupid. And all this lay in the house that Jack built!
I don't know how to intelligently untangle this sort of mess. Personally, I play with the ironman_no_messages option enabledComment
Do you really play with ironman_no_messages? Man, and I thought debo was crazy. Though I guess you DO have dev-knowledg advantage.
I think message code clean-up is part of Nick's vision for the Vanilla code restructure, but that's neither here nor there.Comment