[Announce] Poschengband 2.0.0 Released
Can I give a suggestion? I know you want to make people switch bodies more often, but I don't think booting them out of one at low health is the way to go. Its a Ragequit inducing mechanic.
Maybe instead if your character reaches low health, you decrease life rating by 1%. Simulate body decay and force people to burn !New life (Which matches theme!) or trade bodies. Early game people will switch bodies too often for this to matter, but midgame this will be a interesting mechanic!Comment
Odd thing happened just now. My death sword (2nd stage, just a long sword) recalled to dungeon level 12 of the orc caves. I was in the middle of a herd of Phantom Warriors and I swear that I killed the two standing next to me with one key press. Hit and dead, then another messaging saying I hit, it was a superb hit, and another foe is dead.
I'm trying to duplicate this without getting killed, myself. Do death swords get a cleave-like power?Comment
Sounds like Chris made a change with death swords. Looks like you finish your blows left on other monsters.
You could try to fight with 2 (weak) monsters next to you and check if you kill them both. You have weaponmasters who have this of special power.
Just checked for myself, but I didn't attack a 2nd monster after killing the first with my first blow. No idea what happened to you.Last edited by Arjen; September 15, 2013, 11:25.Comment
@chris: It's been a while since I last tried PosChengband, but have you seen the Hengband FAQ? Perhaps you can ask the Hengband devteam whether you can use it for your own manual or FAQ.Comment
My best try at PosChengband 7.0.0's nightmare-mode on Angband.live:
If I'm offline I'm probably in the middle of maintaining Gentoo or something-Linux or other.
As of February 18th, 2022, my YouTube username is MidgardVirtuosoComment
Just an update for anybody grabbing and compiling source code:
* The 2.0 release is winding down. Any subsequent changes/releases will no longer be on the master branch, but will be on this branch instead.
* It is probably not good practice, but the 3.0 release is being committed to master even though it is not ready to go. I've broken savefile compatibility, and will continue to do so for a bit. I'll make an announcement when 3.0 is playable, but of course, if you want to try out some of the new stuff early (and give feedback), feel free
EDIT: My target for having a new release ready is the Christmas/New Year holiday. Changes are going to be very extensive!Comment
A suggested change!:
Magic Eaters are a fun class. There's always the next rod/staff/wand to absorb so the quest to grab stuff off the floor is never ending. What they lack is what makes the Mauler and similar classes even more fun: class powers!
I'm not asking for anything that would upset their balance, at least I don't think so. I'd like to see powers that let you do more damage at the cost of (many) charges or a LOT more damage at the cost of all of a spell's charges. It'd be interesting if you could force a bolt spell to become a beam or cone, maybe at the cost of 5 or 10 charges instead of the usual 1. Or force a bolt to become a ball for 10 charges or a larger ball for 20. Utility staves could have their area of affect increased or used even when your character is scared. Heh, I'd be happy to have a staff of starlight actually aim at nearby creatures for extra cost.
You could drain the ALL of the charges for ALL wand powers if you really want a good level 50 "nova" ability. Or you could permanently drain charges (99 out of 99? Nah, more like 74 out of 74 now!) for the most powerful abilities.
My thought was that you would activate a power, "Wand Beam" for example, and you would be given your offensive wand powers. Choose Frost Bolt and you would automatically get a beam effect while 5 charges get drained.
Powers that don't drain charges would cost hit points. Rapid Rod Recharge could cost you 5 HP and cut the recharge time for any rod power by half. Instant Rod Recharge could cost 10 or 15 HP and not drain a charge from the rod power that you select.
Cool powers, the ability to feel strong for a turn or two, but at a cost that just might get you killed on turn threeComment