FAangband 0.3.6

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  • Nick
    Vanilla maintainer
    • Apr 2007
    • 9353

    Originally posted by Pete Mack
    iPhone doesn't have a stylus. It's fingers or nothing.
    ... and, moreover, doesn't work with a stylus, apparently. That might be a problem.
    One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
    In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


    • Nick
      Vanilla maintainer
      • Apr 2007
      • 9353

      OK, I've given this a bit more thought and discussed it with some people, and here are some more ideas.

      Originally posted by Pete Mack
      How to use gestures?
      Directional movement seems like the obvious thing. Short swipe for step in a direction, long swipe for run in that direction.

      How to use inertial sensor?
      There are multiple possibilities here. My favourites are
      • Tilt to zoom - this would require intelligent use of fonts, but a little has been done toward this on the Nintendo DS port;
      • Menus are already scrollable; you could use either a scrollbar or tilt again to scroll, and then shake to select.

      How to use screen real estate?
      A small number of onscreen buttons (like the FA winCE port) and the rest map. Shake to toggle stat display on and off.

      How to avoid making errors because there's no keyboard and the screen is small?
      Make sure you can scroll and zoom. I've stuck to tilting and shaking for extra commands, but you may be able to get more than that out of the sensor.
      One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
      In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


      • davidk64
        • Jul 2009
        • 24

        CycloDS Evolution Firmware 1.54

        I tried running FAAngband DS for the first time using CyclosDS with firmware version 1.54 I have the faangband directory in the root and the faangband.nds in the root also. I get a loading message then black screens.

        Has anybody else been able to use the current version of FAAngband with CyclosDS card and latest firmware version 1.54?




        • LostTemplar
          • Aug 2009
          • 629

          There is a bug with average weapon damage displayed by "I" command.
          Function output_dam in file info.c adds 0.0143*skill bonus damage dice in order to factor in criticals, while in attack.c file (skill/(skill+240))*2.535 average bonus dice are added (without armsman or mana burn).


          • Nick
            Vanilla maintainer
            • Apr 2007
            • 9353

            Originally posted by LostTemplar
            There is a bug with average weapon damage displayed by "I" command.
            Function output_dam in file info.c adds 0.0143*skill bonus damage dice in order to factor in criticals, while in attack.c file (skill/(skill+240))*2.535 average bonus dice are added (without armsman or mana burn).
            Yes, you're right; this gives an overestimate. I don't intend to do the exact calculation in info.c, but I think using
            5 * chance + 4 * chance * 3 + 3 * chance * 12 + 2 * chance * 28
            in place of
            5 * chance + 4 * chance * 4 + 3 * chance * 14 + 2 * chance * 40
            will give a closer estimate.
            One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
            In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


            • pampl
              RePosBand maintainer
              • Sep 2008
              • 211

              I'm having trouble compiling FA for Windows. The instructions work fine for compiling V, but FA's makefile.win just throws up this error:
              Makefile.win:5: *** missing separator. Stop.
              I guess that means there's a space where a tab ought to be, but changing the formatting doesn't change the error. I tried looking through this thread to see if other people have had this problem but I didn't see anything in the last dozen or so pages, apologies if I missed it.


              • Nick
                Vanilla maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 9353

                Originally posted by pampl
                I'm having trouble compiling FA for Windows. The instructions work fine for compiling V, but FA's makefile.win just throws up this error:
                Makefile.win:5: *** missing separator. Stop.
                I guess that means there's a space where a tab ought to be, but changing the formatting doesn't change the error. I tried looking through this thread to see if other people have had this problem but I didn't see anything in the last dozen or so pages, apologies if I missed it.
                I don't usually advise people not to even try, but here I will for two reasons:
                1. I have never used Makefile.win in 0.3.6 - I do my windows compiles in Linux using msys, mingw and Makefile.cyg; and (more importantly)
                2. Sometime soon (I hope within the next day or so) I will be releasing a new version, which has adopted the V build system and so should work just as for V.

                Because of this, I think my time is better spent getting the new version out the door (currently it's clinging to the door frame and I have my foot in its back) than trying to recall and understand the obsolete build system for the old version. I hope you agree, and that I don't sound too terse - if I do, it's the thought of an afternoon debugging pref file loading
                One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

