Running thread warrior run little questions

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  • Petoften
    • Jun 2018
    • 566

    Found a ring of open wounds. Seems bad for a troll especially, but the activation cures confusion. Seems worth having for a battle. Ring of lightning, didn't keep it.


    • Petoften
      • Jun 2018
      • 566

      I can pick a bow (15,4) or a bow (5, 8). I'm thinking 5,8, that damage is more important.


      • Petoften
        • Jun 2018
        • 566

        Does a warrior get new skills with levels? Where can I see them?


        • Petoften
          • Jun 2018
          • 566

          Hm, how am I going to identify wands that don't identify when case on monsters... some are for doors or traps, but... I guess there's the expensive 'give to store and buy back'?


          • Sky
            • Oct 2016
            • 2309

            Originally posted by moosferatu
            Out of curiosity, what are you spending all that gold on? I'm still inexperienced, but past DL 50, it seems largely worthless.
            i spend *most* of my 160k turns around DL40/50, then read a bunch of DD scrolls and go down to 98, where i scum for greater vaults.
            Meanwhile, whatever the BM has to offer. Potion of Exprience is 75k gold, Augmentation is 150k, but the ones im really looking out for are the individual stat potions.

            (to expand, things which are good to buy from BM are: early wand of TO, rods of TO, rings of STR / INT, arrows, !Spd, Banish / MBan, Life, Heal, *Heal, scrolls of TS .. i think the most OP and expensive thing i have ever bough was a PDSM)

            I used to enter DL1, rest, and see what BM has in stock, i don't really do that anymore, but if you are paranoid about losing a character, you can totally do that. I guess i've made it an art out of playing badly... right now i'm revisiting an old flame: Lose Artifacts birth option; this is how i used to play back years ago, and to me it will always be the only way to play.

            i remember Derakon telling me once, "you start a new character, dive, and if it dies right away, you've invested very little time in it, so who cares" and i was absolutely horrified.
            "i can take this dracolich"


            • licker
              • Nov 2007
              • 19

              Originally posted by Petoften
              Hm, how am I going to identify wands that don't identify when case on monsters... some are for doors or traps, but... I guess there's the expensive 'give to store and buy back'?

              Give to store and wait until you find another one. Most of those wands you don't really care about using and probably wind up in your squelch list.

              At least that's my MO. Though which wands are useful depend on what class you are playing anyway and which rods you have/plan on carrying. Angband has always been a game with a ton of items, but most of them are completely useless for certain classes (or just useless for any class...). If you treat it like Diablo or something it will probably drive you nuts at some point.

              Just put all the useless things on ignore and focus on the small number of items which you actually need for survival (and hoarding for late game).


              • Sky
                • Oct 2016
                • 2309

                same. if a wand doesnt damage a monster (or poke a hole in the dungeon, both of which are obvious when used) then you don't need it.

                test wands only on live monsters, not on golems, demons, or vortices.

                i really only ever use stone 2 mud, TO and annihilation unless a very early OOD wand shows up. it's just better to sell the wand otherwise.
                "i can take this dracolich"


                • mrfy
                  • Jul 2015
                  • 326

                  Originally posted by Sky
                  1. if you feel like that
                  2. no
                  3. maybe
                  4. lol, no

                  i'll be happy to ignore the fact that players will, at some point, want to set money drops to (ignore), which means a OFF player will only pick up that which they walk on, but the idea that a a OFF player makes as much as a ON player is ridiculous. OFF players do not have the option to pop down to the dungeon and come back with 30k gold in 50 turns, ON players do.
                  Also, if you don't kill, you don't earn.
                  It's nice that you believe this, but it doesn't make it true. $$ drops from monsters and treasure found in walls is more $$ with selling off than with selling on. @ can certainly earn $$ by not killing, both from $$ found in rooms and veins of treasure in the walls.

                  On the downside, carrying items has both a weight and encumbrance problem, which is the offset to earning more.
                  And I find that with selling off, I earn more than enough to buy what I want, and @ doesn't have the weight and encumbrance problem.


                  • Sky
                    • Oct 2016
                    • 2309

                    Originally posted by mrfy
                    It's nice that you believe this, but it doesn't make it true.
                    It's nice that you believe this, but it doesn't make it true.
                    "i can take this dracolich"


                    • Petoften
                      • Jun 2018
                      • 566

                      How should the two numbers for shields be weighed?

                      Killed a couple uniques, but the ogre one is too hard, even slowed.


                      • Petoften
                        • Jun 2018
                        • 566

                        Slowed, killing the unique took 5 of my 8 emergency mushrooms, and boy it looks like it wasn't worth it.

                        All he really had was a ball and chain (10,8) and unidentified rune. Probably better to save the emergency mushrooms for later?


                        • Sky
                          • Oct 2016
                          • 2309

                          dude you need to just play a lot. Angband has sooooooooooo much stuff you need to know to get to any decent dungeon level.
                          "i can take this dracolich"


                          • Petoften
                            • Jun 2018
                            • 566

                            Are the effects of a potion of berserk strength not shown in weapon damage? It only increase it by something like 2.


                            • Petoften
                              • Jun 2018
                              • 566

                              Originally posted by Sky
                              dude you need to just play a lot. Angband has sooooooooooo much stuff you need to know to get to any decent dungeon level.
                              I am playing? And have some questions as I do.


                              • spara
                                • Nov 2014
                                • 235

                                Originally posted by Petoften
                                Does a warrior get new skills with levels? Where can I see them?
                                Enter -> Information -> View abilities or just press S.

