Running thread warrior run little questions

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  • Petoften
    • Jun 2018
    • 566

    Running thread warrior run little questions

    I know I tend to have little questions so I'll put them here I guess if they come up. I'm level 17 on dlvl 15.

    Like in every game with an inventory ever, I am out of carrying spots, and need to not take something.

    Candidates: stave of sleep monster, wand of hold monster, amulet of teleportation, which might seem useless, but?

    I'm thinking hold/sleep sound great, but don't actually work on the monsters they'd be useful?

    Keeping potions of light/serious, neutralize poison, berserk strength, true seeing, infravsion.

    Scrolls phase door, recall, treasure, hunger, light, deep descent, blessing.

    Wand of magic missiles, stave of mapping.

    Ring of digging, torch of brightness, bow (sling equipped), emergency mushrooms.

    Ya, I haven't even needed range yet, but keeping best sling, bow, and magic missiles seems prudent.
    Last edited by Petoften; June 26, 2020, 19:59.
  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    sleep monster - if your stealth is bad enough for things to be awake in the 1st place, then they're just going to wake back up again.

    hold monster - useful if you actually use it, generally people don't.

    amulet of teleportation - junk. Though I sometimes use them on weak characters.

    wand of magic missile - weaker then a shooter unless you're a race/class that just misses.


    • fizzix
      • Aug 2009
      • 2969

      The essential gear, I would say is the following:

      Healing pots, preferably CSW graduating to CCW around dlevel 25

      Phase door (always have a stack of at least 10)
      around dlevel 25 try to always have a staff of teleportation
      eventually you'll want wand/rod of teleport other

      Detect Evil staff (you'll want to know what's around you, and this is your best bet until you get a rod of detection)
      speed potions (always buy/carry these)
      wands/rods of light (super useful)
      rod of illumination
      rod of treasure location (not necessary but I always keep them)
      rod of disarming (not necessary, but again helpful)
      wand of stone to mud (ring of digging can work in a pinch, if you're one who likes to mine gold, then a digger is ok)
      If you don't have see invisible, then true seeing is useful. Infravision is rarely necessary.

      Carry only your best launcher, you can leave other launchers at home along with their ammo.
      hold monster: only useful for escaping, or for kiting
      slow monster: grab'em and use'em, same with confuse.

      highest priority right now is finding a source of free action, even if it's an amulet of inertia. Next priority is see invisible.


      • Petoften
        • Jun 2018
        • 566

        Is a ring of escaping worth anything for a warrior? Fear of melee seems like a deal breaker, but maybe it has a use?


        • Sky
          • Oct 2016
          • 2309

          is it Angband 4.2.1 ?
          In that case, Escaping has no use for a warrior. In 4.1 Escaping is a great source of money as they sell for 2900 gold each. They are also great for mages, who do not melee anyway. I guess they could also work for Rangers, as long as you carry a big stack of ammo.
          "i can take this dracolich"


          • Petoften
            • Jun 2018
            • 566

            I had meant to run 4.2.1, but accidentally ran 4.1. I can't sell it, as I think the game has selling turned off. This would just be for a warrior.


            • Petoften
              • Jun 2018
              • 566

              What is the third number on a ring of reckless attacks? (4, 3) (-17) guessing that's armor class? Is that worth using?


              • Ingwe Ingweron
                • Jan 2009
                • 2110

                Originally posted by Petoften
                What is the third number on a ring of reckless attacks? (4, 3) (-17) guessing that's armor class? Is that worth using?
                yeah, minus to AC. situationally they can sometimes be useful
                “We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see.”
                ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead


                • Sky
                  • Oct 2016
                  • 2309

                  reckless attacks are good on warriors until you find STR and damage; in Angband two stats - armor class, and to-hit bonus - are nearly irrelevant. A ring of Accuracy +15,+0 may maybe change your to-hit chance % by a couple of points. Likewise, unless you go negative in AC, there is very little difference between AC 50, AC 100, AC 150. Getting a really high AC number, say, above AC230 does have an effect, but it's mild at best - surely mobs like Gothmog are not going to be impressed by your AC, although an orc will be.

                  You need some experience with the game to be able to tell that drops are not only useful/not useful of their own merit, but also compared to what else drops at the same time.

                  For example, my esteemed colleague here feels that Ring of the Mouse is not garbage, due to the fact that a ring with say, -6 dmg and +4 DEX, if used with a heavy weapon with a big hit dice, for example a 5d8 Mace Of Disruption, would benefit from the ring, as the +4 DEX makes you attack more often and the -6 is a small penalty.

                  This is mathematically correct, but does not take into consideration that by the time your character can wield a heavy weapon with the effect described above, they will have access to much better rings, for example, a simple ring of DEX, or Damage, or STR.

                  for the same reason, rings of reckless attacks are good (i often use two) because they drop so soon, around DL5. A low level warrior with a dagger can easily get 2.7 attacks, which is an extra 27 damage x turn with two rings +5.

                  btw, selling off is an option that you can turn off - i personally do not use it because i like selling big expensive stuff.
                  Also, give random artifacts a try. I find that randard sets are much more fun than the default standart set.
                  "i can take this dracolich"


                  • mrfy
                    • Jul 2015
                    • 326

                    Originally posted by Sky
                    btw, selling off is an option that you can turn off - i personally do not use it because i like selling big expensive stuff.
                    Also, give random artifacts a try. I find that randard sets are much more fun than the default standart set.
                    With selling turned off (the default), you are compensated by getting more $$ from treasure you find. It's definitely worth it and saves the tediousness from having to cart stuff back to the town. Instead, keep what you need and enjoy the extra $$.

                    This is still (IMO) the best change made to the game.


                    • fph
                      • Apr 2009
                      • 956

                      Originally posted by Petoften
                      What is the third number on a ring of reckless attacks? (4, 3) (-17) guessing that's armor class? Is that worth using?
                      Tip: numbers in square brackets [-17] are always armor bonuses.
                      Dive fast, die young, leave a high-CHA corpse.


                      • Sky
                        • Oct 2016
                        • 2309

                        Originally posted by mrfy
                        With selling turned off (the default),
                        This is still (IMO) the best change made to the game.
                        you are compensated by getting more $$ from treasure you find.
                        It's definitely worth it and saves the tediousness from having to cart stuff back to the town.
                        Instead, keep what you need and enjoy the extra $$.
                        1. if you feel like that
                        2. no
                        3. maybe
                        4. lol, no

                        i'll be happy to ignore the fact that players will, at some point, want to set money drops to (ignore), which means a OFF player will only pick up that which they walk on, but the idea that a a OFF player makes as much as a ON player is ridiculous. OFF players do not have the option to pop down to the dungeon and come back with 30k gold in 50 turns, ON players do.
                        Also, if you don't kill, you don't earn.

                        On the downside, carrying items has both a weight and encumbrance problem, which is the offset to earning more.
                        "i can take this dracolich"


                        • moosferatu
                          • Feb 2020
                          • 99

                          Out of curiosity, what are you spending all that gold on? I'm still inexperienced, but past DL 50, it seems largely worthless.


                          • licker
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 19

                            It depends on how you approach the game. There is not a universal right or wrong way to approach money.

                            I find that early game not having to run back and forth selling crap is great, and the fact that you naturally get more money makes it perfect.

                            Late game you don't have tons of inventory space to pack mule expensive items anyway.

                            Mid game you might have more inventory space, but you might also have less depending on what holes you are carrying things to cover.

                            Also, once you are past caring about what's in the BM money is basically useless because you will always have so much it shouldn't ever really be an issue. But if you set a goal of having 1M gold or something then I guess you want to pack stuff and and spend 50 turns on a run for some reason.

                            I don't understand that reason, and I don't have to, if someone likes doing it, go for it. Otherwise, just turn off selling and enjoy what should be a faster pace to the game with less back and forth and worrying about what's in your inventory.

                            In the old days you would appreciate 'worthless' (for your character anyway) stackable items so that you could save on inventory space while holding a ton of value in only a couple spots. Hell you would even play weird games with enchanting ammo to get it to stack up better. Well for people who had OCD about it (which I did). Now, the option to just ignore all of that nonsense because it has zero value (again, if you choose that option) makes it just feel so much cleaner.


                            • Petoften
                              • Jun 2018
                              • 566

                              Hard level with like 4 named enemies, killed 2, one with a bad ball and chain, the other with "Paurhach" gauntlets.

                              Used all my heal potions, and man, "Angamaite of Umbar" is hard. I hit him 2 or 3 rounds and he didn't lose one star. I'm going to have to exit. I could try it using emergency mushrooms, but doesn't seem viable. Plus he confuses!
                              Last edited by Petoften; June 27, 2020, 19:59.

