My Thoughts on 4.2

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  • Pete Mack
    • Apr 2007
    • 6697

    Tibarius-- rephial is nick's site. But you can put whatever you like on github. That said, editing the config files doesn't make you a developer. And if all you do is insult nick, no one is likely to want you as maintainer anyway.


    • Tibarius
      • Jun 2011
      • 426


      Oh, a maintainer must be liked ... i thought the game versions developed are the objects a maintainer is measured by. If the game version is liked by a majority i personally do not care about how well liked the maintainer is.

      By the way, i just clearly stated that i am not apreciating what he does, at least the user visible parts. Insulting is surely something else.
      Blondes are more fun!


      • Derakon
        • Dec 2009
        • 8820

        Originally posted by Tibarius
        Great! I doubt that it works that easy, but surely we can try
        Precisely. It is not easy to be a maintainer. There is a huge amount of work that goes into making improvements to the game. I'm sure Nick would gladly hand over the reins to someone who demonstrated they were willing and able to do a better job than he could. It's much easier to be an occasional contributor than to be responsible for the entire project.

        But regardless of what you do, you need to stop saying things like this:

        Overall i believe the user visible modifications to the game while Nick's was/is maintainer has done the game no good.
        Your behavior is unbelievably rude, and nobody is going to listen to you unless you start being more polite.

        You are allowed to disagree and to hold unpopular opinions! Heaven knows there's been plenty of arguments on these forums. But if you can't be polite then you are not welcome here.

        EDIT: if you don't understand why your actions are rude, then you have some remedial social interaction studying to do. When you insult someone's works, you insult them as well. Would you walk up to a painter as they stand before their masterpiece and say "wow, what an ugly painting"?


        • Tibarius
          • Jun 2011
          • 426

          Would you walk up to a painter as they stand before their masterpiece and say "wow, what an ugly painting"?
          I see nothing wrong in doing so. If the painter is not interested in my opinion, he can just ignore me. Same goes for posting here ... you do not agree with them, you do not like them - no problem, just ignore them.
          Blondes are more fun!


          • Derakon
            • Dec 2009
            • 8820

            Originally posted by Tibarius

            I see nothing wrong in doing so. If the painter is not interested in my opinion, he can just ignore me. Same goes for posting here ... you do not agree with them, you do not like them - no problem, just ignore them.
            Sorry, no, society does not work that way. We do not wander around slinging insults at other people, secure in the knowledge that "it's OK, they can just ignore us!" Speaking as someone who was bullied throughout their childhood: words can absolutely cause harm, even if they are spoken without intent to harm. And people do not have magical "just ignore this person" powers.

            When someone tells you to just ignore someone else, what they're really saying is "This person is beneath contempt. By pretending they do not exist, hopefully we will communicate to them that their presence is not wanted, and they will go away without forcing a socially awkward confrontation."


            • Chud
              • Jun 2010
              • 304

              Originally posted by Tibarius
              + MORE than LESS books
              Fewer, not less....


              • DavidMedley
                • Oct 2019
                • 995

                Back to the part where this is a thread for my meandering musings...

                Just had a CL29 Priest get one-shot on DL36 by a L63 Werewolf of Sauron. Not sure how I feel about that. Honestly, I could have done more to avoid it. The fact that this kind of thing can happen keeps the level of suspense high.

                Makes me realize I don't know the answer to a very important question: How much does resistance to (whatever - nether, in this case) reduce the damage you take? It's a lot, right?
                Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                • DavidMedley
                  • Oct 2019
                  • 995

                  "Resistances generally chop off a significant amount of damage, ranging from 1/5 to 2/3." Is that still true?
                  Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                  • DavidMedley
                    • Oct 2019
                    • 995


                    I added a little detail about my motivation to my very first post in this thread:

                    I'm also a software and game developer. I am considering committing significant resources to developing something with Angband-like features. My only published game to date is a card game that you can learn about here:

                    Not trying to shill my game; I'm actually out of stock atm anyway. Just giving a little insight into my motivation for exploring the mechanics of Angband.
                    Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                    • Pete Mack
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 6697

                      Most high resists are not reliable: they do anywhere from 1/7 to 1/2 reduction (X=1d6; reduction = X/(6+X) ). However, light and dark are an exception, having minimum of 1/2 reduction. These are reliable.


                      • Nick
                        Vanilla maintainer
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 9351

                        Originally posted by Pete Mack
                        Most high resists are not reliable: they do anywhere from 1/7 to 1/2 reduction (X=1d6; reduction = X/(6+X) ). However, light and dark are an exception, having minimum of 1/2 reduction. These are reliable.
                        Actually this has changed as of 4.2.0 so that damage reduction is between 1/3 and 1/2 for all high resists (except poison, which is 2/3). Pre-resist breath damage (at close range) is 1/3 of HP for the basics and poison, 1/6 for others, capped at 1600 for the basics, 800 for poison, 600 for nether and chaos, 400 for nexus, and 500 for the rest.

                        These details are all from projection.txt - which could do with being documented better...
                        One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                        In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                        • Derakon
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 8820

                          Originally posted by DavidMedley
                          I added a little detail about my motivation to my very first post in this thread:

                          I'm also a software and game developer. I am considering committing significant resources to developing something with Angband-like features.
                          Cool! The world can always use more roguelikes. What do you mean by "Angband-like features" though? Because that could mean a lot of very different things...


                          • DavidMedley
                            • Oct 2019
                            • 995

                            Originally posted by Derakon
                            What do you mean by "Angband-like features" though?
                            Permanent consequences almost certainly. Probably more than in Angband, which has basically only death, slight disenchantment, and occasional theft or destruction of inventory items. (Did I miss any?)
                            Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                            • DavidMedley
                              • Oct 2019
                              • 995

                              Originally posted by Nick
                              These details are all from projection.txt - which could do with being documented better...
                              Or at all, for that matter But this one paragraph guide helps me decipher it. Thanks!
                              Last edited by DavidMedley; October 22, 2019, 02:38.
                              Please like my indie game company on Facebook!


                              • DavidMedley
                                • Oct 2019
                                • 995

                                Documentation for projection.txt

                                Here's a shot at it

                                # === Understanding projection.txt ===

                                # Format:
                                #code:computer code for this
                                #name:human readable name for this
                                #type:element|environs|monster the latter two define what this projection affects
                                #player-desc:how this is described to the player when he can see the monster using it
                                #blind-desc:how this is described to the player when he cannot see the monster using it
                                #numerator:if defender resists, multiply the damage by this amount
                                #denominator:if defender resists, divide the damage by this amount
                                #divisor:divide the attacking creature's HP by this to determine damage
                                #damage-cap:max damage regardless of mon HP, before resistance is applied
                                #msgt:computer code for this effect
                                #obvious:0|1 effects?
                                #color:displayed color
                                Please like my indie game company on Facebook!

