Once you are down under 100 HP, you are on borrowed time. Any number of creatures can one shot you with cause wounds or nether bolt, never mind the breaths from any ancient dragon or higher demon. Later in the game, the minimum HP in a big fight goes up, eventually reaching 600 vs Morgoth.
The moment you realize you dont have enough healing to finish a fight it is time to abandon it. Against a vault, this means teleport self, or teleport level, or *destruction*.
It really is time to make that save file at dl ~40 and use it as a starting save file. Repeated save scumming won't help.
The moment you realize you dont have enough healing to finish a fight it is time to abandon it. Against a vault, this means teleport self, or teleport level, or *destruction*.
It really is time to make that save file at dl ~40 and use it as a starting save file. Repeated save scumming won't help.