Class/magic feature branch

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  • wobbly
    • May 2012
    • 2577

    Well I don't know about the 50% business but for the rest you're obviously not looking far. Crawl has sword n board vs 2-handers, sil has it, PCB has 2-hander, sword n board & 2-weapon. PCB has the opposite problem for most classes(the damage sucks due to accuracy). Saying it can't be done 'cause too much damage when there's a clear case of the opposite... (after all that, I actually don't like 2-weapons either).


    • wobbly
      • May 2012
      • 2577

      Regarding the blows, seems odd to redo them and not fix the dagger issue. I mean if you aren't doing a major change and rebalance it doesn't matter but once you are you may as well fix some problems rather then just changing it to change it. Over the years I've got the impression people think this means O-combat which they don't like. PCB is however vanilla combat. Chris simply fixed the problematic part of the range.


      • Derakon
        • Dec 2009
        • 8820

        Originally posted by wobbly
        Well I don't know about the 50% business but for the rest you're obviously not looking far. Crawl has sword n board vs 2-handers, sil has it, PCB has 2-hander, sword n board & 2-weapon. PCB has the opposite problem for most classes(the damage sucks due to accuracy). Saying it can't be done 'cause too much damage when there's a clear case of the opposite... (after all that, I actually don't like 2-weapons either).
        Heh, well, fair enough. I'll freely admit to not having done a broad survey on this topic.

        The dagger issue can be fixed separately, assuming it needs to be fixed. It's a little weird, sure, but I actually kind of like the progression it creates where gradually bigger and bigger weapons become viable to wield.

        That said, the fact that large weapons are de facto junk in the early game, and especially the fact that weak melee characters want big weapons while strong characters want small ones, are both suboptimal.


        • wobbly
          • May 2012
          • 2577

          It would certainly be more convenient for some stuff if every class is using the same blows calculation. If I want to re-calibrate to use weapon weights closer to something like Sil this is easy for a single class. The minimum weight for the mage calculation is 4lbs (I'm looking at 4.1.2) or 1 rapier weight. The weight is a straight divisor (of adj_str_blow[]). So perhaps if you hold the ratio of weight to the rapier the same, then you can hold the balance. Then the other classes have different minimum weights and it complicates matters. Maybe a bit, maybe a lot, I haven't done the maths.

          Edit: So currently nothing in the 3-9 or 10-17 range of dex matters? or the 7-15 str range? Not sure I like how it is currently at all. hmm...
          Edit 2: Was looking at the wrong numbers for str. It changes all along the range
          Edit 3: Str is linear up to 17. Then increases 10/weight per /10 increase after 18 str?
          Edit zillion: dex (starting at 3) is 7 zeros,7 1s, then 3,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,2,3 (the last is 3 11s)
          Last edited by wobbly; July 20, 2018, 13:34.


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2577

            Ok so currently it's kinda adjusted str * class / weight across 12 bands of dex with moving a dex band shifting you up 1 str category. the numbers hold along a diagonal in the table. Close to anyway

            Edit: Ok I get what that is trying to do now. I'll shuffle it off to it's own thread once I've looked at it a bit more.

            Edit: Wow. That table is starting to make a huge amount of sense for a game with high str to dex variance (like say dice rolled stats) & an integer no. of blows.
            Last edited by wobbly; July 20, 2018, 14:45.


            • luneya
              • Aug 2015
              • 279

              Originally posted by Derakon
              Heh, well, fair enough. I'll freely admit to not having done a broad survey on this topic.

              The dagger issue can be fixed separately, assuming it needs to be fixed. It's a little weird, sure, but I actually kind of like the progression it creates where gradually bigger and bigger weapons become viable to wield.

              That said, the fact that large weapons are de facto junk in the early game, and especially the fact that weak melee characters want big weapons while strong characters want small ones, are both suboptimal.
              Yes, exactly. I agree that it's good having a progression from light weapons to heavy ones as your character gets stronger, but the situation of characters that don't get a second blow even with a dagger or whip breaks the model. Perhaps the best solution is to shift the formula so that every character--even a mage with minimum str--gets two blows with a minimum-weight weapon, and then blows increase as the player gets stronger (possibly increasing more for melee classes), and decrease with weapon weight. Or we could increase the penalty for having a weapon that's too heavy to be wielded effectively with a given strength, but tweaking the blows formula will probably work better, and we can always strengthen other damage sources and monster hps to compensate if the adjusted formulae make melee stronger across the board.


              • Carnivean
                • Sep 2013
                • 522

                Originally posted by luneya
                Or we could increase the penalty for having a weapon that's too heavy to be wielded effectively with a given strength
                This makes the most intuitive sense to me. Heavy weapons are going to be less effective for weak characters because they are too hard to wield properly.

                Perhaps the answer lies with accuracy based damage? We already have critical hits that do more damage. Why not have shitty hits do less damage? A character that spends their time training with a weapon (or weapons in general) is going to do a better quality of strike with a given weapon, and the difference between a glancing blow or a low momentum blow and a high quality blow is going to be big in real life.


                • Voovus
                  • Feb 2018
                  • 158

                  Originally posted by wobbly
                  Regarding the blows, seems odd to redo them and not fix the dagger issue. I mean if you aren't doing a major change and rebalance it doesn't matter but once you are you may as well fix some problems rather then just changing it to change it.
                  While on the subject, would it be worth rethinking the enchantment bonuses on weapons? At present, +10ish damage starts appearing very early in the dungeon, especially on artifacts. The base weapon damage almost gets lost in the calculation (except with brands), because the extra bonus from the enchantment and the melee bonus from high Str tend to be far greater.


                  • Derakon
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 8820

                    Originally posted by Voovus
                    While on the subject, would it be worth rethinking the enchantment bonuses on weapons? At present, +10ish damage starts appearing very early in the dungeon, especially on artifacts. The base weapon damage almost gets lost in the calculation (except with brands), because the extra bonus from the enchantment and the melee bonus from high Str tend to be far greater.
                    The old "v4" variant was very revealing on this front. It separated +hit, +dam, and +AC from ego attributes, so you could find e.g. a (+0,+0) Flaming weapon. This made it blatantly obvious that the most valuable property of an early weapon is its +dam.

                    I would not at all be opposed to making it so that "ego" does not necessarily imply "good" in the early game. A flaming dagger (+0,+0) is still a decent weapon since it does 3*1d4 damage per blow against most enemies, but it's strictly worse than a dagger (+0,+8) and often worse than a dagger (+0,+4).

                    (While we're at it, let's nuke the *thancs back to 1d4 (+4,+6); currently they are ridiculously way too good)


                    • Pete Mack
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 6697

                      Minor note: thancs had been 2d4 (+4,+6) for as long as i can remember, until the bonuses were doubled, but enchantment scrolls were removed from the stores. (+6,+8) or so would be about the right compromise to make up for eliminating easy enchantment.


                      • Nick
                        Vanilla maintainer
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 9353

                        Originally posted by Pete Mack
                        Minor note: thancs had been 2d4 (+4,+6) for as long as i can remember, until the bonuses were doubled, but enchantment scrolls were removed from the stores. (+6,+8) or so would be about the right compromise to make up for eliminating easy enchantment.
                        Version 3.0.4 improved them from 1d4 (+4,+6) to 2d4 (+4,+6).
                        One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                        In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                        • Derakon
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 8820

                          Well, my memory is superior in one respect, then. Or maybe I've just been around longer.

                          But seriously, an artifact you can semi-reliably find very early on that does 3d4+6 damage per blow against most targets, and has an activation for a reasonably powerful ranged attack, is bonkers good for the first 20 levels. Doubling its damage (3d4+6 -> 6d4+12) makes it viable through level 40 and strips out pretty much any opportunity for the player to find intermediary upgrades that aren't artifacts.

                          I assume the upgrades happened because people kept complaining about finding *thancs and feeling like they weren't special enough (since they're basically just branded daggers with an activation). Of course they aren't special, they're level-1 artifacts!


                          • Philip
                            • Jul 2009
                            • 881

                            Oangband actually had a very simple and elegant fix for *thancs not seeming special enough. In O they are dice-boosted to 1d5. Not really a game-changer, even with the way damage works in O, but it does make them stand out a bit, at least to newer players (more experienced players know that an activation for 6-8d8 damage or so, which you can use at least once per fight, is impressive enough).


                            • Derakon
                              • Dec 2009
                              • 8820

                              As I recall, Oangband also uses the dice as the basis for all damage, so going to 1d5 is about a 20% damage boost compared to 1d4 assuming enchantment level is held constant. But yeah, making their dice slightly better would help them stand out more.


                              • kaypy
                                • May 2009
                                • 292

                                The druid lightning strike spell has a weird effect where if the initial strike kills the target, then the sound burst lands at the player instead.

                                On the necromancer side of things, it seems odd that Morgoth has no spirit.

