I have not played much vanilla, but in z and s, con is a very high priority? My dwarf s char is roughly equiv to lv 37 v (at dlv65), and well - he's warrior oath but has over 800 hp. Subtract the extra "warrior" dice, still would be 700+. His con is like 18/250 lol. Overkill. But ht gets +4 con already? So 18/30 out the gate?
12 hit dice plus 6 for pally? Avg 9 per lv * 35 = 305 + con bonus - yeah guess that does make sense. My char has had 18/100 or more con since the upper 20s dlv, but I'm also not a fast diver. And s is a lot different than v.
12 hit dice plus 6 for pally? Avg 9 per lv * 35 = 305 + con bonus - yeah guess that does make sense. My char has had 18/100 or more con since the upper 20s dlv, but I'm also not a fast diver. And s is a lot different than v.