What is your favorite class and why?

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  • Wraitheist
    • Mar 2008
    • 132

    What is your favorite class and why?

    Just curious

    Despite what I see as mage "shortcomings" in Angband, they are probably still my favorite class. I especially like AE spells that allow one to take out a room full of nasties in just a few turns.
  • Narvius
    • Dec 2007
    • 539

    Mages, of course!
    I don't like to depend on gear too much.
    They can detect and stuff by themselves.
    If you can convincingly pretend you're crazy, you probably are.


    • Rizwan
      • Jun 2007
      • 280

      Warriors, Paladins, Rangers cause I like to get up close and personal and get my hands dirty. I know purists will flay me for meleeing with Rangers but I cant seem to keep away


      • David Dark
        • May 2008
        • 4

        Originally posted by Rizwan
        I know purists will flay me for meleeing with Rangers but I cant seem to keep away
        When I played my ranger I was using bow as something 'extra' just to kill monsters that are running away or weaken them before I get into close combat. So he was a kinda Warrior with some extra spells

        For best proffesion: Priest ATM, but it can change, playing Angband just for few days now


        • Mondkalb
          • Apr 2007
          • 891

          Ranger and Paladin.
          The first was my favorite class for countless years of playing, with the latter I have had my only two winners.
          My Angband winners so far

          My FAangband efforts so far


          • Wraitheist
            • Mar 2008
            • 132

            What advantages do Paladins have over other classes? I know that they are the second best fighters, but do prayers make up for lousy ranged skills? At what level do they throw off their "second-rate warrior" reputation?


            • will_asher
              DaJAngband Maintainer
              • Apr 2007
              • 1063

              Originally posted by Rizwan
              Warriors, Paladins, Rangers cause I like to get up close and personal and get my hands dirty. I know purists will flay me for meleeing with Rangers but I cant seem to keep away
              If you melee with rangers much, it's the monsters that will flay you, not any of us.

              Originally posted by Wraitheist
              What advantages do Paladins have over other classes? I know that they are the second best fighters, but do prayers make up for lousy ranged skills? At what level do they throw off their "second-rate warrior" reputation?
              Paladins are great. The biggest lacks a warrior has is detection spells which the paladin gets. The bless/chant/prayer spells make the paladin just as good a fighter as the warrior, plus they also get other spells including orb of draining.
              My favorite classes are Paladin and Ranger. I like being able to cast spells but I really don't like having to rely on spells completely. Least favorite is the mage just because it's so hard to survive with their pitiful strength and hit points.
              I also really like the thief class I added in DaJAngband. They're very well rounded. They're not very good at fighting but better than priest or mage, they're not that great at spells but they do get some useful ones. Plus, they get instrinsic extra speed (+2 to +4) and high stealth.
              aka LibraryAdventurer

              My old variant DaJAngband:
              http://sites.google.com/site/dajangbandwebsite/home (defunct and so old it's forked from Angband 3.1.0 -I think- but it's probably playable...)


              • Nick
                Vanilla maintainer
                • Apr 2007
                • 9351

                O/FA: Rogue, Necromancer
                V/NPP: Mage
                Steam: Adventurer
                Pos: Spider
                One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
                In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


                • HallucinationMushroom
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 679

                  I prefer warriors mainly because there isn't much to keep up with... that way I can focus solely on all the wig that needs getting.
                  You are on something strange


                  • Djabanete
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 553

                    Originally posted by Nick
                    Pos: Spider
                    You're such a baller.


                    • Svladd Cjelik
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 22

                      Zangband is the variant I am most familiar with, and Mages and High Mages are how I roll (see what I did there?).

                      I like the variety I get when I play a Mage, ie. wand, spell, melee, bow, summon, blah. In the old days, when I first started playing Z I would only ever roll a Warrior Mage. In the end, I didn't like the arcane school of spells much at all. From there I went Dwarf Priest, and finally, switched to the pure caster.

                      I have yet to win Z, but my currant Mage, Rein II, Death/Trump is clvl 32 and questing happily albeit a little slowly around 1600 scumming for stat gain. Hopefully he will be my winner.

                      We solve the whole crime. We find the whole person.


                      • Mondkalb
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 891

                        Originally posted by Wraitheist
                        What advantages do Paladins have over other classes? I know that they are the second best fighters, but do prayers make up for lousy ranged skills? At what level do they throw off their "second-rate warrior" reputation?
                        Though I like Rangers, their lousy pseudo id sucks. Pseudo id is much better for paladins, + you can destroy cursed items with orb of draining.
                        I usually get better gear early on with paladins because it is easier to identify.
                        You can also boldly try unidentified stuff once you get the remove curse spell.

                        Healing and blessing spells are a big plus, also the detection spells.

                        Earthquake later on gives the paladin the opportunity to change environment, i. e. break line of sight or completely block the way for dangerous monsters.
                        My Angband winners so far

                        My FAangband efforts so far


                        • Psi
                          • Apr 2007
                          • 848

                          In FA, my favourite classes are assassin and necromancer. The first for the stealth, combat abilities and great specialities available and the second for the all out destructive power! In V, I typically played mages and In ToME, I went for sorcerors.


                          • bonzo
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 38

                            Traditionally, mine has been Warrior mainly because it is easier for me to keep one alive for a bit longer than some other classes. They are pretty straight forward. Easy to fall back on them when learning a new variant too.

                            But overall I'd say Ranger and, most recently, Rogue. Considering some posts here, I'll have to roll up a Paladin. Sounds fun.
                            NPP(0.5.0-BETA6) D "Daith" KoRo L:36 DL:50 A+ R+ Sp w:The Two-Handed Sword of Cutur (3d6) (+18,+16) (+2)
                            En/NPP(Un/Cr/Do) L H- D c-- f PV+ !s d P++ M+
                            C-- S- I-- !So B-- ac GHB- SQ+ RQ V

                            The Angband Code


                            • Mondkalb
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 891

                              Forgot one: A paladin may have three blows with a light weapon right from the start. This makes the beginning fairly easy. You will have few problems with fighting early monsters and by casting all new gained spells the paladin gains levels quite quickly.
                              My Angband winners so far

                              My FAangband efforts so far

