What is your favorite class and why?

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  • Shin Majin
    • May 2009
    • 4

    In Vanilla, I typically use Warriors. In Roguelikes, I'm pretty dependant on my melee attack, so the more mage-like I try to be, the quicker I die. They level fast, too.

    In Furyband, I like to go with Berserkers for all the reasons I like Warriors. The recall and remove curse abilities are nice too.

    In Zangband variants, I go with Chaos Warrior. Not just does it melee well, but I'm a real sucker for the patron effects...


    • Whelk
      • Jun 2007
      • 192

      If you had waited ten more days to post, it would have been a year exactly since the last post in this thread.


      • Dark
        • Apr 2009
        • 70

        Well, speaking as someone who's only been playing Angband about 3 weeks, I'm getting to be a big paladin fan. I started with warrior for ease, but I found myself having to carry big stacks of items around with me. I briefly tried mage, ---- but sinse I'm mostly a close range meelee person, that didn't work too well.

        so, I'm on Paladin, ---- which is generally my favourite class in any rpg game, for basically the same reasons as in Angband, ---- ie, able to hold their own in a fight, but have other stuff to rely on.

        Currently (admittedly in Daaj), my paladin is at 600 ft and lvl 14, ---- though I'm not sure how much of this is due to the light club of extra attacks I ran into at 150 ft, and how much is due to my habbit of running like the clappers whenever i get into a vaguely sticky situation (particularly those with fast breeding monsters).

        I've considdered giving rangers a go, ---- But after some very happy times involving a corridor, a load of goblins in a nice neet line and the spear of light spell, I don't think I'll be switching classes too soon.


        • Pete Mack
          • Apr 2007
          • 6697

          @Dark-- Running is how you win the game. You might like Rogue or Ranger instead of Paladin. With high stealth, you can evade dangerous monsters by letting them sleep, which is much better than having to run away.

          Rogue can detect and evade the best. (The so-called survival skils.)
          Ranger can kill the occasional really tough monster instead of running.


          • Shin Majin
            • May 2009
            • 4

            Originally posted by Whelk
            If you had waited ten more days to post, it would have been a year exactly since the last post in this thread.
            Ah...mea culpa. I saw this under "Active Threads" on the home page, so I assumed it was active.


            • Dark
              • Apr 2009
              • 70

              Well, sadly my paladin got confused, blinded and munched to death at 750 ft by a bunch of darkhounds ands and umbahulks, ---- after being robbed by wormtongue.

              I'm happy with where I got to though, much further than any of my characters have been before, and I got to see (and mostly destroy), quite a few interesting creatures.

              I just wish I'd run into something which could let me resist confusion and blindness the way my equipment was already resisting fire, lightning and poison, ---- but so it goes.

              I might try a ranger next.4


              • Whelk
                • Jun 2007
                • 192

                Originally posted by Shin Majin
                Ah...mea culpa. I saw this under "Active Threads" on the home page, so I assumed it was active.
                No worries, I was meaning to point out a fun fact, not criticize or tattle. This is a good thread to resuscitate.

                Recently I've been into rogues. They're great fighters, have good ranged skills (in my experience, anyway) and have all the handy utility spells I enjoy (takes a while for the ID spell to have an efficient failure rate, but rogue pseudo-ID is a beautiful thing).

                Also, my new favorite race is kobold. Not having to worry about poison makes me smile whenever I run into that pack of air hounds, a green dragon, etc.


                • Magnate
                  Angband Devteam member
                  • May 2007
                  • 4916

                  Originally posted by Whelk
                  No worries, I was meaning to point out a fun fact, not criticize or tattle. This is a good thread to resuscitate.

                  Recently I've been into rogues. They're great fighters, have good ranged skills (in my experience, anyway) and have all the handy utility spells I enjoy (takes a while for the ID spell to have an efficient failure rate, but rogue pseudo-ID is a beautiful thing).

                  Also, my new favorite race is kobold. Not having to worry about poison makes me smile whenever I run into that pack of air hounds, a green dragon, etc.
                  Interesting - I was just going to say how odd I found it that nobody had picked rogue as their favourite V class - and here it is in the very last post. I love rogues. I started off with paladins, found warriors too hard and mages & priests too weak, so it's been rangers and rogues ever since for me. Rangers are just irritating - for some reason I just don't like missile combat (I lack the patience for phasing, running out of arrows etc. etc.), and of course there's the terrible ID issue. As I've got faster and faster at diving, I've come to depend more and more on stealth. I usually play HE rogues for the SI, but I've recently been experimenting with kobolds and hobbits - both have one more stealth; the hobbit has much better stats and abilities but the kobold has a hugely useful resist ...
                  "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


                  • Zikke
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 1028

                    I have been using a kobold ranger and I really love not worrying about itemizing for rPoison. It's a huge load off my brain.
                    A(3.1.0b) CWS "Fyren_V" NEW L:50 DL:127 A++ R+++ Sp+ w:The Great Axe of Eonwe
                    A/FA W H- D c-- !f PV+++ s? d P++ M+
                    C- S+ I- !So B ac++ GHB? SQ? !RQ V F:


                    • bobthegreat
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 12

                      Rogue. By far. The combination of acceptable detection, great stealth, great pseudo, and decent fighting produces the most fun class for diving by far.


                      • Whelk
                        • Jun 2007
                        • 192

                        Rogue lovers unite!


                        • PaulBlay
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 607

                          Rouge velors untie!
                          Currently turning (Angband) Japanese.


                          • Arphod
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 48

                            (V 3.0.9b)

                            Favorite: mages. I've won once, and it was a mage. Great character. I have to say, Mordenkainen's Escapes just rules.

                            Second: paladins. I know, I know. Tired. But what can i say? There's almost nothing I don't like about them. Three blows at clvl1 and detect prayers? Count me in! Orb of D: can I get a witness? Killing an orc pit in one round with Dispel Evil? That's what Daddy likes. Tons of hit points and healing spells? Rock the Casbah! My last one almost won; got to clvl50 and got smoked by Morgy due to impatience and general sloppy preparation.

                            I love the idea of priests, but that whole no-pointy-weapon thing: Gets. On. My. Damn. Nerves.

                            Warriors are fun in Mangband, but not in V, IMO. Good lord, they have to carry a bunch of crap!

                            Don't play rangers or rogues, so I will defer to my betters on what's up with them.
                            Little Willie was a chemist
                            Willie is no more.
                            What he thought was H2O
                            was H2SO4.


                            • Marble Dice
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 412

                              I want to say mage is my favorite but I think ranger is the best. For the life of me I can't get a mage past stat gain. I'd like to try a high level priest out too (Healing, Clairvoyance, Detection) but in my opinion they're even harder than mages in the beginning, and I still have trouble getting past stat gain with them. I don't like warriors or paladins, and I've never spent much time with rogues, but I probably should.


                              • Whelk
                                • Jun 2007
                                • 192

                                Originally posted by Arphod
                                I love the idea of priests, but that whole no-pointy-weapon thing: Gets. On. My. Damn. Nerves.
                                Speaking of - what's the point of that, anyway? Would priests in Angband be too powerful if they could use bladed weapons? Is it more pious and holy to messily bash someone's skull in with a flanged mace than it is to cleanly slice the head off with an axe?

                                The whole concept has always struck me as a pointless and illogical limitation rather than a feature or adding any 'depth' to a class.

