Alas, the RNG isn't liking me in my current game, at least to some extent. CL26 at DL26, after 767k game turns, and not a single artifact to be seen yet. (Randarts game.) Ah well, maybe it's just saving the good ones for me...
Has the RNG lost its mind?
PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!Comment
Yes, I do tend to play a little on the slow side, most of the time.
It doesn't completely hate me though - I found a robe of permanence with rPoison, and a pair of boots of speed +2, so it's not all bad.Comment
New item contribution to this thread.
A cutpurse dropped this at dlvl 15:
the Sling of Ambar (x2) (+9,+19) <+5>
+5 stealth.
+5 infravision.
Provides immunity to lightning.
Provides resistance to acid, fire, shards.
Cannot be harmed by acid, fire.
Sustains constitution.
Speeds regeneration.
Min Level 36, Max Level 127, Generation chance 20, Power 199, 0.5 lbs
Based on Hithlomir.
Thanks bub! Now I have a stealthy priest who won't lose rings and rods.Comment
...Roughly what would you say were the odds of getting both Kelek's and Wrath of God as drops from perfectly ordinary monsters (a mature MHD and a stone giant respectively) at dungeon level 40/2000'?
(The correct answer, of course, being "actually pretty high, because you're playing a warrior".)
Oh, and this is also the same game where I got a pair of randart boots with +11 speed from Lagduf on dungeon level 5.Comment
...Roughly what would you say were the odds of getting both Kelek's and Wrath of God as drops from perfectly ordinary monsters (a mature MHD and a stone giant respectively) at dungeon level 40/2000'?
(The correct answer, of course, being "actually pretty high, because you're playing a warrior".)Comment
At least a million-to-one... which of course happens all the time. #pratchett #twoflower #rincewind.Comment
Found in Black Market:
a Sling of Buckland (x4) (+10,+12) <+4, +1, +2>
+4 Dexterity.
+1 Shooting speed.
+2 Shooting power.
Tempted to buy just because, but I'm currently a level 35 Ranger with a pretty good artifact bow. Seems a waste to just let it go though.Comment