Looking for a clarification on how randarts generation works, and the effect of the "use same set of randarts" option...
My understanding is that randarts are generated based on the standard artifact set---as variations on them, broadly speaking, right? I read something elsewhere that implied, perhaps wrongly, that subsequent randarts sets were generated from the previous randart set, rather than always from the standard set. Wondering if that's true? If it is, it seems like there might be a potential feedback loop there when run over a bunch of passes, depending on just how much is inherited from the parent set.
On the "use same set of randarts" option, I assume that means don't generate a new set at all, and use the previously generated set; if you found the Helm of Loki with +2 stabbing and immunity to fashion in the last game, it exists to be found again this game too. Correct?
Looking for a clarification on how randarts generation works, and the effect of the "use same set of randarts" option...
My understanding is that randarts are generated based on the standard artifact set---as variations on them, broadly speaking, right? I read something elsewhere that implied, perhaps wrongly, that subsequent randarts sets were generated from the previous randart set, rather than always from the standard set. Wondering if that's true? If it is, it seems like there might be a potential feedback loop there when run over a bunch of passes, depending on just how much is inherited from the parent set.
On the "use same set of randarts" option, I assume that means don't generate a new set at all, and use the previously generated set; if you found the Helm of Loki with +2 stabbing and immunity to fashion in the last game, it exists to be found again this game too. Correct?