3.4.0 Release Candidate is available

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  • Derakon
    • Dec 2009
    • 8820

    Amusing. Recharge time and lantern fuel turns use the same attribute to track turns left. I note that -TreasureLocation has sval of 1, same as the Lantern; perhaps when the code checks for eligible refuelling targets, it's not checking the tval?

    EDIT: whups, myshkin beat me to it.


    • PowerWyrm
      • Apr 2008
      • 2941

      Two problems I've found on the RC1 (Win32 client):
      - trying to use the borg crashes with an assertion failure (it should probably just say that it's impossible without a proper borg file and do nothing)
      - fonts are not released when closing the client (I thought that was fixed ages ago)
      PWMAngband variant maintainer - check https://github.com/draconisPW/PWMAngband (or http://www.mangband.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=9) to learn more about this new variant!


      • wobbly
        • May 2012
        • 2577

        Just a small one, not even sure it's a bug. "The aimless looking merchant misses you". Are they actually meant to attack you?

        & a larger one, the program crashed (on Windows 7) after: you hit the purple mushroom patch. the purple mushroom patch dies. You feel less sickly.
        Last edited by wobbly; June 21, 2012, 14:08.


        • Magnate
          Angband Devteam member
          • May 2007
          • 4916

          Originally posted by wobbly
          & a larger one, the program crashed (on Windows 7) after: you hit the purple mushroom patch. the purple mushroom patch dies. You feel less sickly.
          Do you have a savefile where we can reproduce this?
          "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


          • wobbly
            • May 2012
            • 2577

            Originally posted by Magnate
            Do you have a savefile where we can reproduce this?
            Sorry no. Am unsure how I'd save it if the game crashes anyway. The only think I can think of is it drained me 1 turn before I leveled up & un-drained.


            • debo
              • Oct 2011
              • 2320

              After long months of playing only Sil, I finally cracked tonight and gave 3.4 a try. I'm on the Cocoa port, which is dead sexy. Great work here!!! Running a Kobold Ranger atm.

              Something that is befuddling me -- I could have sworn that in 3.3.x on the standard controls (i.e. non-roguelike), I was able to hit shift+arrow key to run. I can't seem to do that anymore -- I have to use '.' instead.

              Am I just remembering this wrong? And, sorry for the newb question, but is there a way to alter just this one keymapping so that I can hold shift+hit dir instead of typing '.' and then dir?
              Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


              • myshkin
                Angband Devteam member
                • Apr 2007
                • 327

                Originally posted by debo
                Something that is befuddling me -- I could have sworn that in 3.3.x on the standard controls (i.e. non-roguelike), I was able to hit shift+arrow key to run. I can't seem to do that anymore -- I have to use '.' instead.

                Am I just remembering this wrong? And, sorry for the newb question, but is there a way to alter just this one keymapping so that I can hold shift+hit dir instead of typing '.' and then dir?
                Shift+arrow key *should* let you run. I have done very little testing in the standard keyset, though. Thanks for the report.

                For the time being, you can create the keymappings for yourself manually by pressing = and then m to enter the keymap editor. For each direction, press d to create a new keymap; press shift-arrow for the key; and then type in ".N$", where N is 2, 4, 6, or 8 depending on the direction. (Compare with the keypad arrows to figure out which number.) You can also edit the preferences file .../Angband.app/Contents/Resources/lib/pref/pref.prf if you choose.


                • Lantar
                  • Jun 2012
                  • 2

                  Sorry for my noobish question, but will there be a way to continue playing in ASCII mode on V3.4.?
                  I have became quite accustomed to this set of "graphics" which lets my imagination do the visual job, + an ugly window in my computer edge with ugly ASCII weirds things attracts MUUCCH less attention at my work place.


                  • myshkin
                    Angband Devteam member
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 327

                    Originally posted by debo
                    Something that is befuddling me -- I could have sworn that in 3.3.x on the standard controls (i.e. non-roguelike), I was able to hit shift+arrow key to run. I can't seem to do that anymore -- I have to use '.' instead.

                    Am I just remembering this wrong? And, sorry for the newb question, but is there a way to alter just this one keymapping so that I can hold shift+hit dir instead of typing '.' and then dir?
                    debo, how are you running diagonally? Also, are these the arrows on the numeric keypad or the arrows near the main part of the keyboard?


                    • Magnate
                      Angband Devteam member
                      • May 2007
                      • 4916

                      Originally posted by Lantar
                      Sorry for my noobish question, but will there be a way to continue playing in ASCII mode on V3.4.?
                      I have became quite accustomed to this set of "graphics" which lets my imagination do the visual job, + an ugly window in my computer edge with ugly ASCII weirds things attracts MUUCCH less attention at my work place.
                      Isn't ASCII mode still the default? You just select the "none" option in the graphics menu, and it should default to ASCII.
                      "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


                      • debo
                        • Oct 2011
                        • 2320

                        Originally posted by myshkin
                        Shift+arrow key *should* let you run. I have done very little testing in the standard keyset, though. Thanks for the report.

                        For the time being, you can create the keymappings for yourself manually by pressing = and then m to enter the keymap editor. For each direction, press d to create a new keymap; press shift-arrow for the key; and then type in ".N$", where N is 2, 4, 6, or 8 depending on the direction. (Compare with the keypad arrows to figure out which number.) You can also edit the preferences file .../Angband.app/Contents/Resources/lib/pref/pref.prf if you choose.
                        Cool thanks, I'll try that!
                        Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


                        • debo
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 2320

                          Originally posted by myshkin
                          debo, how are you running diagonally? Also, are these the arrows on the numeric keypad or the arrows near the main part of the keyboard?
                          I'm on a laptop... the way I play is pretty hacky. I use standard arrow keys to move up/down/left/right, and I use the standard number keys 2 4 6 8 to move diagonally. Which means I just never run diagonally lol

                          It's suboptimal, but it's how I played nethack for like 3 years and so I've never really broken the habit...
                          Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


                          • PowerWyrm
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 2941

                            Originally posted by Magnate
                            Isn't ASCII mode still the default? You just select the "none" option in the graphics menu, and it should default to ASCII.
                            No, the default is now Shockbolt tiles, at least with the Win32 client. To play ASCII, you need to start a character and then change the option to "none".
                            PWMAngband variant maintainer - check https://github.com/draconisPW/PWMAngband (or http://www.mangband.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=9) to learn more about this new variant!


                            • ekolis
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 825

                              Originally posted by debo
                              I'm on a laptop... the way I play is pretty hacky. I use standard arrow keys to move up/down/left/right, and I use the standard number keys 2 4 6 8 to move diagonally. Which means I just never run diagonally lol

                              It's suboptimal, but it's how I played nethack for like 3 years and so I've never really broken the habit...
                              Haha, I remember playing ADOM like that back in the day... or maybe it was ToME2?
                              You read the scroll labeled NOBIMUS UPSCOTI...
                              You are surrounded by a stasis field!
                              The tengu tries to teleport, but fails!


                              • fizzix
                                • Aug 2009
                                • 2969

                                Originally posted by debo
                                I'm on a laptop... the way I play is pretty hacky. I use standard arrow keys to move up/down/left/right, and I use the standard number keys 2 4 6 8 to move diagonally. Which means I just never run diagonally lol

                                It's suboptimal, but it's how I played nethack for like 3 years and so I've never really broken the habit...
                                If you need to you can simulate the numpad with the function key on most laptops. You can use this to run or swing diagonally.

