That may have been true fifteen years ago, but "lives" are such an outmoded concept these days that they're practically never used any more. Instead the game kicks you back to the last checkpoint (whether manually or automatically created) and you try again. I think the Mario and Sonic games are the only modern games I've seen that still use lives -- and there, running out of lives simply kicks you back to a slightly more distant checkpoint (in Mario, back to your last savepoint, losing completion of any levels finished since then; in Sonic you go to the beginning of the level instead of the last in-level checkpoint).
There's plenty of people out there who want to play games as an "experience", not as a "challenge". They want to see what kinds of items and monsters show up in the late game, without having to master the early game to get there. Hence, savescumming. Angband won't have the same replayability for them, but that doesn't mean that their approach to it is somehow flawed.
Certainly you should make it clear that you savescummed, if you did. That's only politeness. But again, that doesn't mean that winning with a savescummed game is meaningless.
There's plenty of people out there who want to play games as an "experience", not as a "challenge". They want to see what kinds of items and monsters show up in the late game, without having to master the early game to get there. Hence, savescumming. Angband won't have the same replayability for them, but that doesn't mean that their approach to it is somehow flawed.
Certainly you should make it clear that you savescummed, if you did. That's only politeness. But again, that doesn't mean that winning with a savescummed game is meaningless.