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  • s-man
    • Dec 2011
    • 8

    New to the boards

    Hello! I'm new to these boards but not new to this game. I played it back in the late 80's in high school and loved it! Although back then the version I played had no town level and I couldn't save & copy the way I can today. Both things make the game somewhat easier, but it is still very thrilling and challenging to play!

    I am currently playing a 50 clvl Mage in version 3.3.2. Right now the hardest thing is finding Kelek's Grimoire of Power. I am at dlvl 87 and have been exploring and killing high level monsters and uniques in an attempt to find the book but to no avail. Should I go into dlvl 90 or more to try to find it? Will it be more easier to find then?

    I also have an amulet of Sustenance that puts an "s" to all my stats, which I thought meant they were all sustained. But when I met a pack of Time Hounds they were able to lower those stats with one breath. Is this a game bug or does the amulet not work with certain monsters?
  • Magnate
    Angband Devteam member
    • May 2007
    • 4916

    Originally posted by s-man
    Hello! I'm new to these boards but not new to this game. I played it back in the late 80's in high school and loved it! Although back then the version I played had no town level and I couldn't save & copy the way I can today. Both things make the game somewhat easier, but it is still very thrilling and challenging to play!

    I am currently playing a 50 clvl Mage in version 3.3.2. Right now the hardest thing is finding Kelek's Grimoire of Power. I am at dlvl 87 and have been exploring and killing high level monsters and uniques in an attempt to find the book but to no avail. Should I go into dlvl 90 or more to try to find it? Will it be more easier to find then?

    I also have an amulet of Sustenance that puts an "s" to all my stats, which I thought meant they were all sustained. But when I met a pack of Time Hounds they were able to lower those stats with one breath. Is this a game bug or does the amulet not work with certain monsters?
    Welcome back - glad you're enjoying it. The amulet of sustenance does sustain all your stats, against almost all attacks. Unfortunately time attacks ignore sustains.

    And yes, you'll be much more likely to find Kelek's at dl90 or deeper, when it is 'in-depth'.

    Good luck.
    "Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The Beatles


    • Timo Pietilä
      • Apr 2007
      • 3964

      Originally posted by s-man
      Hello! I'm new to these boards but not new to this game. I played it back in the late 80's in high school and loved it! Although back then the version I played had no town level and I couldn't save & copy the way I can today.
      That game you are remembering is not angband then. Angband has had town since beginning, in fact it is already in Moria which Angband is descended from.


      • s-man
        • Dec 2011
        • 8

        Thanks for the info Magnate! Looks like ill be descending 90 before too long!

        Timo - I can't remember which version it was, all I do remember is that after you make your character it starts you off at 50 ft in the dungeon. I didn't play the game with a town level until I came back to it years later.


        • Timo Pietilä
          • Apr 2007
          • 3964

          Originally posted by s-man
          Timo - I can't remember which version it was, all I do remember is that after you make your character it starts you off at 50 ft in the dungeon. I didn't play the game with a town level until I came back to it years later.
          It had to be some very early version of Moria or some completely other roguelike like Nethack. If it wasn't Moria, then this is pretty different game than you are used to, and even if it was Moria, this still isn't same game, so be prepared to meet surprise or two in your way to kill Morgoth.


          • s-man
            • Dec 2011
            • 8

            Thinking back, it may have been a version of uMoria, but I can't say for sure. And I already have met some interesting things, like pit fiends and horned demons, never heard of those before!


            • bonzo
              • Sep 2007
              • 38

              Welcome to the boards. Hope you enjoy your stay.

              *bands and roguelikes in general do have a way of pulling you back in after any time away. Have fun!
              NPP(0.5.0-BETA6) D "Daith" KoRo L:36 DL:50 A+ R+ Sp w:The Two-Handed Sword of Cutur (3d6) (+18,+16) (+2)
              En/NPP(Un/Cr/Do) L H- D c-- f PV+ !s d P++ M+
              C-- S- I-- !So B-- ac GHB- SQ+ RQ V

              The Angband Code


              • s-man
                • Dec 2011
                • 8

                Thanks for the welcome!

                Another question...what is the significance of "craftsmanship" in the dragon scale mails "of craftsmanship"?


                • debo
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 2320

                  I'm a noob too, but I think "of craftsmanship" on a piece of armor just indicates that it has a higher-than-normal bonus to AC (in the "+XX" section of the armor description.)

                  I only recall seeing that suffix on Dragon Scale Mails, as well. I'm sure the vets here know more than I do.
                  Glaurung, Father of the Dragons says, 'You cannot avoid the ballyhack.'


                  • Derakon
                    • Dec 2009
                    • 8820

                    Yeah, Craftsmanship just gives more AC. It's there to get generated more often than the other dragon scale egos so you don't get super-awesome body armor too easily.


                    • Timo Pietilä
                      • Apr 2007
                      • 3964

                      Originally posted by s-man
                      Thinking back, it may have been a version of uMoria, but I can't say for sure. And I already have met some interesting things, like pit fiends and horned demons, never heard of those before!
                      Those are pretty new for angband too, as recent as 3.0 additions.


                      • Timo Pietilä
                        • Apr 2007
                        • 3964

                        Originally posted by debo
                        I'm a noob too, but I think "of craftsmanship" on a piece of armor just indicates that it has a higher-than-normal bonus to AC (in the "+XX" section of the armor description.)

                        I only recall seeing that suffix on Dragon Scale Mails, as well. I'm sure the vets here know more than I do.
                        For many recent changes vets are just as oblivious than "noobs". This v4 version of Angband is not really an angband anymore, so I don't play it and I haven't heard comments about it from many vets, so I guess they have made same decision.


                        • Derakon
                          • Dec 2009
                          • 8820

                          He's not playing v4; he's playing 3.3.2.

                          Have you been paying any attention to my escapades in v4, Timo? I've been giving regular updates for awhile now.


                          • Starhawk
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 243

                            I thought the "of Craftsmanship" suffix removed the to-hit penalty from that set of armor?

                            I've been pretty consistently underwhelmed by the AC level of dragonscale armor (less than chainmail? really?) and generally dump it once the breath attack is no longer of use.


                            • Timo Pietilä
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 3964

                              Originally posted by Derakon
                              He's not playing v4; he's playing 3.3.2.

                              Have you been paying any attention to my escapades in v4, Timo? I've been giving regular updates for awhile now.
                              Which makes one. That's not many or even a few.

                              And no, I haven't paid much attention. I have lost hope for angband ever being the game I loved again. I guess I'll stick to old versions.

