Angband 3.3.2 - anything else to fix?
ISPEL_EVIL60"). Maybe that has different definition in code-level based on what item is doing the spell.
Other minor things about artifacts:
- Himring: should be P:20:1d2:0:0:15 (soft armour)
- Gil-galad: should be P:20:1d4:0:0:20 (mithril shield)
- Thorin: should be W:40:6:60:60000 (small metal shield)
- Celegorm: should be P:8:1d3:0:0:20 (leather shield)
- Anarion: should be P:12:1d5:0:0:20 (large metal shield)
- Celebrimbor: missing HIDE_TYPE (SEARCH + stats)
- Gorlim: should be W:20:5:50:1 (iron helm); missing SHOW_MODS?
- Tuor: should be P:0:0d0:0:0:12 (ethereal cloak)
Some artifacts have both IM_XXX and RES_XXX. The res flag is redundant.
Some armor parts didn't have their weight updated after the base item got its weight changed some time ago. For example, Metal Caps had their weight changed from 20 to 25, but Thengel is still showing a weight of 20. In these cases, it's not important, as it could be seen as an improvement (a "lighter" version) compared to the base item.PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!Comment
Depth is no longer used (the A: line is used instead). Weights and base ACs are deliberately different for some artifacts (just as weapon weights and dice vary from the base items). But please by all means submit a pull request with proposed corrections. (I am not sure how to_ac can be "wrong"?)"Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The BeatlesComment
Depth is no longer used (the A: line is used instead). Weights and base ACs are deliberately different for some artifacts (just as weapon weights and dice vary from the base items). But please by all means submit a pull request with proposed corrections. (I am not sure how to_ac can be "wrong"?)PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!Comment
I updated issue #1548 with a file fixing errors in flags and changing weight/ac/depth to base values, except in some cases (for example when the description mentioned a particularly "heavy" or "light" item). Feel free to apply all changes, or only some (hard to tell if a difference was deliberate, or if it was an error).PWMAngband variant maintainer - check (or to learn more about this new variant!Comment
I updated issue #1548 with a file fixing errors in flags and changing weight/ac/depth to base values, except in some cases (for example when the description mentioned a particularly "heavy" or "light" item). Feel free to apply all changes, or only some (hard to tell if a difference was deliberate, or if it was an error).Comment
So here are two very (very) minor things I've noticed while playing 3.3.1 in the current competition:
1) I'm in the corridor outside a Green Dragon pit, and 3 Great Swamp Wyrms are all coming at me. I decide to cast "Meteor Swarm", and I get the message:
-- 5 Great Swamp Wyrms shrug off the attack.
Since there were only 3 Wyrms, this must be a bug of some sort. I've only ever seen this with Meteor Swarm, so I'm guessing it has something to do with the fact that Meteor Swarm hits multiple times in a single attack.
2) Also with Meteor Swarm, I occasionally get a series of messages like:
-- The Ancient multi-hued dragon screams in agony.
-- The Ancient multi-hued dragon dies.
-- The Ancient multi-hued dragon flees in terror!
Fleeing in terror *after* death is a little odd.Comment
~when making char on windows pressing * on keypad goes twice
~i swear i saw a metalic bla bla centipede change color
~display whole scene on stair, not save msg or bla bla then clear then see~!
~i sold one ring of the mouse 4 alot of gold
~why cant i identify wat im standing on with a scroll? i think i can with a staff!~eek
Reality hits you -more-
Ok, thanks for all the reports folks.
PowerWyrm - thanks for your work on the help files - those will be updated for 3.4's RST files. If I use them in 3.3.2 they'll be inconsistent with the PDF manual, so I'll take advice on that.
bron: the first of those is new to me, and I suspect is a result of the new monster message code. It's almost certainly related to the way meteor swarm is coded. Not sure I can fix it for 3.3.2 but I've opened #1554 to track it. The second is known - #726 and #1502 refer.
Saplaran: I think yours is known too, but I can't see a ticket for it. I'll check with d_m.
~known, and fixed in RC2 according to other reports
~perhaps it was a very powerful centipede with ATTR_FLICKER
~known, #1315
~you can
3.3.2 should be released pretty soon."Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it's good to be back home" - The BeatlesComment