Not that I particularly like the "element" time in its current form, but unresistable damage types add to the game. Just because some elements follow a certain pattern doesnt mean all have to. Some things can be resisted partly; others have to be avoided, totally. Both aspects exist and removing one of them would make the game poorer.
[3.3.0] opinions and comments
That's just matter conversion. Easy to do. There is certain level of suspension of belief that you shouldn't pass. Even in fantasy game like this.Comment
I fight gravity, inertia, and time hounds all the time. Not when they first start showing up, but once I can kill one before the next comes around (and ideally, kill one before it gets a turn on me), fighting them is not a huge risk -- if they're between me and where I want to go, then it's worth taking them on.
I think clear hounds do not respect pack AI, I think time hounds should not do that either. They are a lot more dangerous if you can't control their movements so easily.Comment